86 research outputs found

    New representation of orbital motion with arbitrary angular momenta

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    A new formulation is presented for a variational calculation of NN-body systems on a correlated Gaussian basis with arbitrary angular momenta. The rotational motion of the system is described with a single spherical harmonic of the total angular momentum LL, and thereby needs no explicit coupling of partial waves between particles. A simple generating function for the correlated Gaussian is exploited to derive the matrix elements. The formulation is applied to various Coulomb three-body systems such as e−e−e+,ttÎŒ,tdÎŒe^-e^-e^+, tt\mu, td\mu, and αe−e−\alpha e^-e^- up to L=4L=4 in order to show its usefulness and versatility. A stochastic selection of the basis functions gives good results for various angular momentum states.Comment: Revte

    Second bound state of the positronium molecule and biexcitons

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    A new, hitherto unknown bound state of the positronium molecule, with orbital angular momentum L=1 and negative parity is reported. This state is stable against autodissociation even if the masses of the positive and negative charges are not equal. The existence of a similar state in two-dimension has also been investigated. The fact that the biexcitons have a second bound state may help the better understanding of their binding mechanism.Comment: Latex, 8 pages, 2 Postscript figure

    Analytic Evaluation of Four-Particle Integrals with Complex Parameters

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    The method for analytic evaluation of four-particle integrals, proposed by Fromm and Hill, is generalized to include complex exponential parameters. An original procedure of numerical branch tracking for multiple valued functions is developed. It allows high precision variational solution of the Coulomb four-body problem in a basis of exponential-trigonometric functions of interparticle separations. Numerical results demonstrate high efficiency and versatility of the new method.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Absorption spectrum of a weakly n-doped semiconductor quantum well

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    We calculate, as a function of temperature and conduction band electron density, the optical absorption of a weakly n-doped, idealized semiconductor quantum well. In particular, we focus on the absorption band due to the formation of a charged exciton. We conceptualize the charged exciton as an itinerant excitation intimately linked to the dynamical response of itinerant conduction band electrons to the appearance of the photo-generated valence band hole. Numerical results for the absorption in the vicinity of the exciton line are presented and the spectral weights associated with, respectively, the charged exciton band and the exciton line are analyzed in detail. We find, in qualitative agreement with experimental data, that the spectral weight of the charged exciton grows with increasing conduction band electron density and/or decreasing temperature at the expense of the exciton.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Global-Vector Representation of the Angular Motion of Few-Particle Systems II

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    The angular motion of a few-body system is described with global vectors which depend on the positions of the particles. The previous study using a single global vector is extended to make it possible to describe both natural and unnatural parity states. Numerical examples include three- and four-nucleon systems interacting via nucleon-nucleon potentials of AV8 type and a 3α\alpha system with a nonlocal αα\alpha\alpha potential. The results using the explicitly correlated Gaussian basis with the global vectors are shown to be in good agreement with those of other methods. A unique role of the unnatural parity component, caused by the tensor force, is clarified in the 01−0^-_1 state of 4^4He. Two-particle correlation function is calculated in the coordinate and momentum spaces to show different characteristics of the interactions employed.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figure

    Four-Body Bound State Calculations in Three-Dimensional Approach

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    The four-body bound state with two-body interactions is formulated in Three-Dimensional approach, a recently developed momentum space representation which greatly simplifies the numerical calculations of few-body systems without performing the partial wave decomposition. The obtained three-dimensional Faddeev-Yakubovsky integral equations are solved with two-body potentials. Results for four-body binding energies are in good agreement with achievements of the other methods.Comment: 29 pages, 2 eps figures, 8 tables, REVTeX

    Benchmark Test Calculation of a Four-Nucleon Bound State

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    In the past, several efficient methods have been developed to solve the Schroedinger equation for four-nucleon bound states accurately. These are the Faddeev-Yakubovsky, the coupled-rearrangement-channel Gaussian-basis variational, the stochastic variational, the hyperspherical variational, the Green's function Monte Carlo, the no-core shell model and the effective interaction hyperspherical harmonic methods. In this article we compare the energy eigenvalue results and some wave function properties using the realistic AV8' NN interaction. The results of all schemes agree very well showing the high accuracy of our present ability to calculate the four-nucleon bound state.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure

    Four-nucleon scattering with a correlated Gaussian basis method

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    Elastic-scattering phase shifts for four-nucleon systems are studied in an abab-initioinitio type cluster model in order to clarify the role of the tensor force and to investigate cluster distortions in low energy d+dd+d and t+pt+p scattering. In the present method, the description of the cluster wave function is extended from a simple (0ss) harmonic-oscillator shell model to a few-body model with a realistic interaction, in which the wave function of the subsystems are determined with the Stochastic Variational Method. In order to calculate the matrix elements of the four-body system, we have developed a Triple Global Vector Representation method for the correlated Gaussian basis functions. To compare effects of the cluster distortion with realistic and effective interactions, we employ the AV8â€Č^{\prime} potential as a realistic interaction and the Minnesota potential as an effective interaction. Especially for 1S0^1S_0, the calculated phase shifts show that the t+pt+p and h+nh+n channels are strongly coupled to the d+dd+d channel for the case of the realistic interaction. On the contrary, the coupling of these channels plays a relatively minor role for the case of the effective interaction. This difference between both potentials originates from the tensor term in the realistic interaction. Furthermore, the tensor interaction makes the energy splitting of the negative parity states of 4^4He consistent with experiments. No such splitting is however reproduced with the effective interaction
