7 research outputs found

    The Resurgence of Medical Education in Sociology: A Return to Our Roots and an Agenda for the Future

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    From 1940 to 1980, studies of medical education were foundational to sociology, but attention shifted away from medical training in the late 1980s. Recently, there has been a marked return to this once pivotal topic, reflecting new questions and stakes. This article traces this resurgence by reviewing recent substantive research trends and setting the agenda for future research. We summarize four current research foci that reflect and critically map onto earlier projects in this subfield while driving theoretical development elsewhere in the larger discipline: (1) professional socialization, (2) knowledge regimes, (3) stratification within the profession, and (4) sociology of the field of medical education. We then offer six potential future directions where more research is needed: (1) inequalities in medical education, (2) socialization across the life course and new institutional forms of gatekeeping, (3) provider well-being, (4) globalization, (5) medical education as knowledge-based work, and (6) effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Statement paper on diversity for the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM)

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    Introduction: Diversity has become a key-strategic element of success in various political and economic fields. The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) decided to make diversity a key strategic priority for the future and appointed a Task-Force on this topic. Methods: In a consensus process, three Working-Groups, nominated by Task-Force members, developed statements on strategic future topics. In addition, diversity-related data available from the membership database have been analyzed and reported in aggregated form. Results: The Task-Force decided to nominate working groups on (1) “sex, gender identity and sexual orientation”, (2) “ethnicity, culture and socio-economic status”, and (3) “multiprofessionalism”. These are the first prioritized topics for the near future. The first diversity-report shows targetable items in all three domains. Conclusion: The diversity Task-Force defined actionable items for a one- and three-year plan that are especially aiming at the identification of potential gaps and an implementation of concrete projects for members of the ESICM