1,956 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Fractal Solids

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    We describe the fractal solid by a special continuous medium model. We propose to describe the fractal solid by a fractional continuous model, where all characteristics and fields are defined everywhere in the volume but they follow some generalized equations which are derived by using integrals of fractional order. The order of fractional integral can be equal to the fractal mass dimension of the solid. Fractional integrals are considered as an approximation of integrals on fractals. We suggest the approach to compute the moments of inertia for fractal solids. The dynamics of fractal solids are described by the usual Euler's equations. The possible experimental test of the continuous medium model for fractal solids is considered.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    Fractional Generalization of Gradient Systems

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    We consider a fractional generalization of gradient systems. We use differential forms and exterior derivatives of fractional orders. Examples of fractional gradient systems are considered. We describe the stationary states of these systems.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Path Integral for Quantum Operations

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    In this paper we consider a phase space path integral for general time-dependent quantum operations, not necessarily unitary. We obtain the path integral for a completely positive quantum operation satisfied Lindblad equation (quantum Markovian master equation). We consider the path integral for quantum operation with a simple infinitesimal generator.Comment: 24 pages, LaTe

    Weyl Quantization of Fractional Derivatives

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    The quantum analogs of the derivatives with respect to coordinates q_k and momenta p_k are commutators with operators P_k and $Q_k. We consider quantum analogs of fractional Riemann-Liouville and Liouville derivatives. To obtain the quantum analogs of fractional Riemann-Liouville derivatives, which are defined on a finite interval of the real axis, we use a representation of these derivatives for analytic functions. To define a quantum analog of the fractional Liouville derivative, which is defined on the real axis, we can use the representation of the Weyl quantization by the Fourier transformation.Comment: 9 pages, LaTe

    Fractional Variations for Dynamical Systems: Hamilton and Lagrange Approaches

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    Fractional generalization of an exterior derivative for calculus of variations is defined. The Hamilton and Lagrange approaches are considered. Fractional Hamilton and Euler-Lagrange equations are derived. Fractional equations of motion are obtained by fractional variation of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian that have only integer derivatives.Comment: 21 pages, LaTe

    Transport Equations from Liouville Equations for Fractional Systems

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    We consider dynamical systems that are described by fractional power of coordinates and momenta. The fractional powers can be considered as a convenient way to describe systems in the fractional dimension space. For the usual space the fractional systems are non-Hamiltonian. Generalized transport equation is derived from Liouville and Bogoliubov equations for fractional systems. Fractional generalization of average values and reduced distribution functions are defined. Hydrodynamic equations for fractional systems are derived from the generalized transport equation.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Quark loop contribution to \pi^0 \to 4\gamma

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    We find the contribution of constituent quark loop mechanism to the branching ratio B_{4\gamma} = \Gamma_{4\gamma}/\Gamma_{4\gamma} \sim 5.45 \cdot 10^{-16} for the reasonable choice of constituent quark mass m \sim 280 MeV. This result is in agreement with vector-dominance approach result obtained years ago. Thus the main contribution arises from QED mechanism \pi^0 \to \gamma (\gamma^*) \to \gamma (3\gamma) including light-light scattering block with electron loop. This contribution was investigated in paper of one of us and gave B_{4\gamma} \sim 2.6 \cdot 10^{-11}.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure