23 research outputs found

    Antioxidant status in the vitreous of eyes with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with and without proliferative vitreoretinopathy, macular hole and epiretinal membrane

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    (1) Background: The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that the antioxidant status in the vitreous body of eyes, which had been vitrectomized due to rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) with or without proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), is higher than in eyes vitrectomized due to other retinal diseases. (2) Methods: four patient groups were analyzed: 22 eyes of patients with RRD without PVR, 27 eyes with RRD and PVR, 22 eyes with macular hole (MH) and 10 eyes with epiretinal membrane (ERM). Spectrophotometric methods were used to determine the total antioxidant status (TAS) values as well as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione reductase (GR) activities in the vitreous fluid samples. (3) Results: no significant differences in TAS values and antioxidant enzyme activities were observed among patient with RRD with and without PVR and with MH and ERM. The longer the duration of RRD leading to PVR and better postoperative visual acuity, the higher the TAS level. No significant differences were found between “macula on” and “macula off” subgroups within the RRD group and the RRD combined with PVR group. (4) Conclusions: The preliminary results do not support the thesis that the antioxidant status of vitrectomized eyes is different in patients with RRD with or without PVR in comparison to patients with MH and ERM. In patients with RRD, PVR presence and detached macula do not affect the values of TAS, SOD and GR in the vitreous fluid. The duration of the disease influences TAS in the vitreous in eyes with RRD complicated with PVR

    Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial activity studies of new 2‑pyrral‑L‑amino acid Schif base palladium (II) complexes.

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    Three new 2-pyrral amino acid Schif base palladium (II) complexes were synthesized, characterized and their activity against six bacterial species was investigated. The ligands: Potassium 2-pyrrolidine-L-methioninate (L1), Potassium 2-pyrrolidine-L-histidinate (L2) and Potassium 2-pyrrolidine-L-tryptophanate (L3) were synthesized and reacted with dichloro(1,5- cyclooctadiene)palladium(II) to form new palladium (II) complexes C1, C2 and C3, respectively. 1 NMR, FTIR, UV–Vis,elemental analysis and conductivity measurements were used to characterize the products. The antibacterial activities of the compounds were evaluated against Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus, ATCC 25923), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA, ATCC 33591), Staphylococcus epidermidis (S. epidermidis, ATCC 12228) and Streptococcus pyogenes (S. pyogenes, ATCC 19615) and, gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa, ATCC 27853) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae, ATCC 13883) using the agar well difusion assay and microtitre plate serial dilution method. The palladium complexes were active against the selected bacteria with the imidazole ring containing complex C2 and indole heterocyclic ring containing complex C3 showing the highest activity

    Analiza stężeń wybranych mikropierwiastków w krwi pępowinowej noworodka

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    Microelements and trace elements play a vital role in the body. Low quantities of these elements are essential to ensure proper metabolic processes. The aim of the thesis was to determine levels of selected microelements (zinc, copper, iron, manganese, chromium and aluminium) in cord blood plasma, and to find out if the gestational age, gender and birth weight of a newborn affect these concentrations. The research was conducted on the cord blood of 71 newborns. Regarding the gesta- tional age, three groups were distinguished: I ? neonates born after 37 week of pregnancy ( n =7), II ? neonates born between 38 and 41 week ( n =59), and III ? neonates born after 42 week of pregnancy ( n =5). Subsequently, another division concerned the gender: male ( n =35) and female ( n =36) neonates, as well as their weight: neonates with regular birth weight ? 2.500-3.500 g ( n =61), and neonates with high birth weight ? over 3.500 g ( n =10). The concentrations of zinc, copper, iron, manganese, chromium, and aluminium in cord blood plasma were determined on the basis of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy method. The results were subjected to statistical analysis using Statistica 10.0 software, with the assumption that the level of significance was p <0.05. The average concentrations of analysed elements in umbilical cord blood were the following: 18.67±3.05 µmol Zn dm ?3 , 16.60±2.64 µmol Cu dm ?3 , 23.32±3.29 µmol Fe dm ?3 , 0.96±0.21 µmol Mn dm ?3 , 2.81±0.14 µmol Cr dm ?3 and 0.041±0.028 µmol Al dm ?3 , which is within the standard ranges, suggesting efficient regulating mechanisms of the developing foetuses. The research proved that the neonate?s gestational age, gender and birth weight had no substantial impact on concentrations of these elements in the cord blood, except the concentration of iron, which was statistically significantly correlated with the gender of neonates

    Rola biopierwiastków w poprawie jakości życia pacjentek z zespołem napięcia przedmiesiączkowego

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    The Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is described as a cyclical disorder related to the hormonal changes during a menstrual cycle, which affects the emotional and physical health of many women during their reproductive period of life. The PMS can obviously change the quality of life. The syndrome is characterized by a complex group of symptoms, such as depression, irritability, mood swings, anxiety, abdominal discomfort. These signs occur during the luteal phase of a menstrual cycle and disappear after the onset of menses. Some studies suggest that a variety of nutrients may play an important role in the mood swings which occur cyclically during the course of the premenstrual syndrome and that some can have a beneficial impact, especially on the estrous phase of a menstrual cycle. The aim of the paper is to review the results of some studies concerning the role of bioelements in patients with the PMS. Concentrations of magnesium, zinc, selenium and manganese are the highest during menses and the lowest in the ovulatory phase. Fluctuations of the magnesium concentration during a menstrual cycle and the involvement of this element in many cellular pathways and neuromuscular activities obviously affect the incidence or intensity of the PMS symptoms. However, we lack firm evidence that magnesium supplementation can have a positive effect on alleviating the the PMSrelated ailments. Some relationship between the PMS and bone demineralization or depressed calcium concentration in blood has been identified. However, further studies are necessary to examine how the calcium concentration in a human body can decrease the intensity of the PMS symptoms.Zespół napięcia przedmiesiączkowego jest opisywany jako cykliczne zaburzenie związane ze zmianami hormonalnymi w cyklu miesiączkowym, które w istotny sposób wpływa na stan emocjonalny i somatyczny wielu kobiet będących w wieku reprodukcyjnym. Zespół napięcia przedmiesiączkowego może negatywnie wpływać na jakość życia. Na zespół ten składa się grupa objawów, takich jak depresja, drażliwość, wahania nastroju, niepokój, dyskomfort w jamie brzusznej. Objawy te pojawiają się podczas fazy lutealnej cyklu menstruacyjnego i znikają tuż po pojawieniu się miesiączki. Opublikowano kilka badań, których wyniki wskazują na to, że różne biopierwiastki mogą odgrywać istotną rolę w cyklicznie pojawiających się w przebiegu zespołu napięcia przedmiesiączkowego zaburzeniach nastroju, a niektóre z nich mogą nawet korzystnie wpływać zwłaszcza na fazę estrogenową cyklu. Celem artykułu jest przegląd wyników badań dotyczących znaczenia biopierwiastków u pacjentek z zespołem napięcia przedmiesiączkowego. Okazuje się, że stężenie magnezu, cynku, selenu i manganu jest najwyższe podczas menstruacji, a najniższe podczas owulacji. Wahania stężenia magnezu w trakcie cyklu miesiączkowego oraz udział tego pierwiastka w wielu przemianach komórkowych oraz w funkcjonowaniu układu nerwowego i mięśniowego wpływają z całą pewnością na pojawienie się oraz nasilenie objawów zespołu napięcia przedmiesiączkowego. Jednak nie ma do tej pory przekonujących dowodów na to, że suplementacja magnezu może mieć pozytywny wpływ na złagodzenie dolegliwości związanych z omawianym zespołem. Stwierdzono zależność między zespołem napięcia przedmiesiączkowego a demineralizacją kości i obniżeniem stężenia wapnia we krwi. Konieczne są jednak dalsze badania dotyczące tego, jak stężenie wapnia w organizmie może wpłynąć na zmniejszenie nasilenia objawów zespołu napięcia przedmiesiączkowego