194 research outputs found

    Diagnostic evaluation of causes of bleeding per vagina in pregnancy through ultrasonography

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    Background: Vaginal bleeding is a common obstetric situation ranging from an insignificant episode to life threatening emergency. Ultrasonography is playing an increasing role in the diagnostic process. The objective of present study was to evaluate the uses of ultrasound as new diagnostic aid for patients of bleeding PV in pregnancy.Methods: A hospital-based prospective study was conducted among 100 pregnant patients who have the problem of bleeding. A complete general physical and pelvic examination was done, and patients were then subjected to ultrasound examination. Epi info 7 software was used for statistical analysis. Chi- square test was used as the test of significance. P<0.05 is considered statistically significant.Results: Among these 100 cases, Incomplete abortion was the commonest cause of bleeding. This was observed in 15 cases (27%). There were 8 (20%) cases of complete abortion in the present study in the scan done on <20 weeks. Abruptio placenta was seen in 10 (25%) cases as the most common cause in the scan after 20 weeks.Conclusions: Ultrasound is a valuable tool in the differentiation of causes of first trimester vaginal bleeding. Ultrasound is helpful in the decision-making algorithm about the safe continuation of the pregnancy, timely intervention for abnormal pregnancy

    A comparative study of ultrasonographic evaluation of vaginal bleeding in pregnancy with clinical examination

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    Background: Ultrasound helps in assessing the type of abortion. Life threatening emergency like ectopic pregnancy, when evaluated by ultrasound gives scope for conservative approach without affecting the fertility status. The objective of this study was to compare the utility of ultrasound with clinical examination findings in pregnant females having vaginal bleeding.Methods: A hospital-based prospective study was conducted among 100 pregnant patients who have the problem of bleeding. A complete general physical and pelvic examination was done, and patients were then subjected to ultrasound examination. Epi info 7 software was used for statistical analysis. Chi- square test was used as the test of significance and correlation in terms of sensitivity, specificity was seen. P<0.05 is considered statistically significant.Results: 72 cases were diagnosed by ultrasonography as viable pregnancies with sensitivity, specificity negative predictive value (NPV), and positive predictive value (PPV) of 82% and 28 cases were diagnosed as non-viable pregnancies by ultrasonography with sensitivity of 52%, specificity of 81%, and NPV of 72%. The clinical diagnosis had sensitivity of 82%, specificity of 52%, and PPV of 40% in diagnosing viable pregnancies. In diagnosing non-viable pregnancies, clinical diagnosis had a very poor statistical correlation with sensitivity of 52%, specificity of 81%, PPV of 64%, and NPV of 72%.Conclusions: Judicious utilization of ultrasonography and a close connection with the sonologist is necessary. However, it should be realised that ultrasound is complementary in the pelvic examination and cannot substitute obstetric history and clinical examination

    Technology development of titanium dioxide photocatalytic water-splitting for hydrogen production

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    简单介绍了二氧化钛光催化分解水制氢的基本原理。综述了加入牺牲剂、碳酸钠、贵金属负载化、金属离子掺杂、阴离子掺杂、染料光敏化、半导体复合以及离子注入等提高二氧化钛光催化制氢的方法,讨论了这几种改性技术的机理以及对提高二氧化钛在可见光下的制氢效率的作用。重点讨论了阴离子掺杂和离子注入技术的机理和研究进展,指出离子注入是目前扩展二氧化钛光响应的最为有效的技术。最后讨论了光催化分解水制氢的氢氧分离问题,并通过与其他制氢技术的对比分析,指出光催化制氢将是通往氢经济的非常有潜力的制氢技术。The basic mechanism of titanium dioxide photocatalytic water-splitting for hydrogen production is introduced. The methods to enhance hydrogen production are reviewed, including addition of sacrificial reagent, addition of sodium carbonate, noble metal loading, metal ion doping, anion doping, dye sensitization, semiconductor composition and ion implantation. The mechanism of photocatalyst modification methods and their effects on hydrogen production are discussed. Emphasis is particularly given to anion doping and metal ion-implantation. It can be seen that metal ion-implantation is presently the most effective method to expand light response of titanium dioxide into visible region. The practical consideration oxygen and hydrogen gas separation, is also addressed. Compared with other hydrogen production technologies, photocatalytic water-splitting hydrogen production is a promising technology toward hydrogen economy.published_or_final_versio

    Networks of point disclinations at the nematic-isotropic interface

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    In an earlier study, we found that in a mixture of a nematogen with a nonmesomorphic compound, the director takes an oblique orientation at the nematicisotropic interface. In the present paper, we report observations of regular networks of a large number of disclination points on samples with a relatively large area of such an interface

    Prevalence of Psychiatric Morbidity in Postnatal Mothers

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    INTRODUCTION: Pregnancy is most often viewed from physiological perspective view because of the dramatic physical changes that occur from conception through the pregnancy, delivery and during the immediate postpartum period. The primary focus of the pregnancy as viewed by the health care providers, friends and family of the expected parents centered mainly on women’s physical changes and health status ( Elaine Z Welling, 1998). What remains to be highlighted is, pregnancy is clearly one of the most profound psychological event in human life. It is an ultimate psychosomatic experience (Donald Sloan Johnson, 1994). Pregnancy and puerperium are sufficiently stressful to provoke mental illness. Such illness may represent the recurrence or exacerbation of a pre existing psychiatric disorder or it may be the onset of a new disorder. The department of Health and Human services has reported that 1 of every 8 persons will suffer from a depressive disorder and that the rate is almost doubled for women (Depression Guideline Panel, 1993). Unfortunately depression is appropriately treated in fewer than a fourth of affected women. (American College of Obstetrician and Gyanecologists, 1993 a). The under recognition of depression frequently occurs in primary care settings where most medical care is obtained. Similarly, women who suffering from postpartum depression are often not properly identified and treated. AIM OF THE STUDY: To evaluate the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in postnatal mothers who had been delivered in Maternity Hospital, Egmore, Chennai. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: 1. To study the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity among the postnatal mothers. 2. To study the prevalence of postpartum depression among the postnatal mothers. 3. To study the prevalence of postpartum psychosis among the postnatal mothers. 4. To study the effect of socio demographic variable with psychiatric morbidity in postnatal mothers. 5. To study the effect of General physical and obstetric variable with psychiatric morbidity in postnatal mothers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Study has been carried out in Maternity Hospital, Egmore. PERIOD OF STUDY: March 2007 to August 2007 (six months). DESIGN OF STUDY: Descriptive study. SELECTION OF SAMPLE: 500 postnatal mothers who delivered in Maternity Hospital, Egmore. INCLUSION CRITERIA: i. All patients delivered at Egmore Maternity Hospital with Tamil as mother Tongue. ii. Patients who have given written informed consent for study. EXCLUSION CRITERIA : i. Patients with medical complications like a. chronic hypertension, b. diabetes mellitus, c. hypothyroidism, d. epilepsy, e. chronic liver disease, f. bronchial asthma, ii. Patients with severe obstetric complications like a. severe anemia, b. severe PIH, c. AP eclampsia, PP eclampsia, d. GDM complicating pregnancy, e. Heart diseases complicating pregnancy, f. APH & PPH. iii. Patients who are not willing to give consent for study. SUMMARY: The present study is an attempt to find out the incidence of Psychiatric sequalae among the post natal mothers and to study the influence of socio demographic, obstetric, general physical variable with psychiatric morbidity. The sample in this study consisted of 500 postnatal mother out of which 20 patients did not come for followup. Among 480 patients 56 (11.7%) cases had psychiatric morbidity among which 52 (10.8%) had postpartum depression, 4 ( 0.8%) had postpartum psychosis. Among 56 patients with psychiatric morbidity various sociodemographic, obstetric and general physical variables were analysed for statistical significance. Among the socio demographic variables Age, sex of baby, religion, marital status and education status had no significance in influencing psychiatric morbidity. In occupation of spouse unskilled group found to be more affected due to poverty, low socioeconomic status and low literacy. In the Habit of spouse, Husband’s alcoholism and smoking will increase the violence against women, marital conflict and financial burden for delivery and Infant care which will definitely increase the risk. There is increase of morbidity in love marriage and nuclear family system due to lack of parental and social support. Previous psychiatric illness and family H/O alcoholism and mental illness were found to influence the present morbidity. 11 Among the obstetric variables Gravida, mode of delivery, baby condition at birth had no significant influence. There seems to be an increased morbidity in unbooked group due to lack of physical and mental care. In previous obstetric history dead born and preterm delivery has significant influence. Among general physical variable height, weight, mild anemic status, mild PIH had no significant influence. CONCLUSION: In my study I conclude that prevalence of psychiatric morbidity which is significant problem to postnatal mothers it needs proper attention and focus. To reduce and prevent the morbidity, Antenatal mothers with high risk for psychiatric morbidity should be identified at right stage, in an clinic and given proper focus in terms of counseling and education to mother, husband and to the family to alleviate forthcoming stress in her confinement. All postnatal mothers should be routinely screened for psychiatric morbidity with a standardized rating scale which will make possible to diagnose and treat this at the earliest which will bring forth the healthy child and healthy mother to society. Optimally the obstetrician should have an established screening and referral process for new mothers to enhance the detection and treatment of psychiatric morbidity

    An unusual cross reactivity between hydrochlorothiazide and para-phenylenediamine: a case report

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    Over the last decade, the usage of hair color is gradually increasing from adolescents to the geriatric population. In the elderly population, more use of hair color due to graying of hairs exposes them to chemicals such as para-phenylenediamine (PPD). Many cases are reported regarding various manifestations of allergic contact dermatitis due to PPD compound present in hair color. It is noteworthy that, in the elderly the use of antidiabetics and antihypertensives, makes them vulnerable to cross-reaction or interaction with drugs and chemicals. We report a case that highlights the adverse reaction to hydrochlorothiazide in a PPD sensitive individual.

    A theoretical study on third generation photovoltaic technology: dye-sensitized solar cells

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    Abstract. A numerical model has been developed to investigate the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) under extreme weather conditions. The main purpose of this work is to simulate the temperature influence on the overall efficiency of DSSCs with a consideration of the voltage loss at titanium dioxide (TiO 2 )/ transparent conductive oxide (TCO) interface. Appropriate simulation input parameters are chosen to reflect the extreme winter weather conditions of Fargo, North Dakota. It is found that at the temperature 250 K (ca. -20 °C), the maximum power output is about 23 W/m 2 which is about 50% lower than the value at 340 K (ca. 70 °C). The study reveals that low temperature conditions have serious detrimental effects on the DSSCs&apos; performance

    Trust Based Routing to Improve Network Lifetime of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Mobile Ad hoc Network is an impromptu wireless network consisting of mobile, self governing independent nodes. Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks has been a major concern due to its dynamic topology, lossy and unreliable links. In traditional routing, a single specific node is selected in prior as the potential next-hop forwarder for a packet. Unlike traditional routing, a category of routing technique termed Opportunistic Routing exploits the broadcast nature of wireless medium to compensate the unreliability of the packet transmissions in the channel. In Opportunistic Routing, one among the set of candidate nodes is selected as the potential next-hop forwarder using metrics like number of transmissions in a link, link error probability, cost, etc., for packet transmission. For selection and prioritization of candidates that ensures minimum number of transmissions from source to destination node, whilst improving the lifetime of the network on determining the residual battery energy, a new metric is proposed. This metric helps in improving the network lifetime considering the transmission powers in terms of the fraction of residual battery powers. Further, as nodes in mobile ad hoc networks are susceptible to attacks, a trust model based on direct, as well as indirect trust degrees from similar trusted neighbours is integrated in order to overcome the vulnerability due to attacks by malicious/selfish nodes and to provide reliable packet transmissions. Fading of trust is incorporated with a perspective to ensure the uncertainty of trust with time until it is updated