3,257 research outputs found

    Acknowledgement Patterns in Research Articles: a Bibliometric Study based on Journal of Natural Rubber Research 1986-1997

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    Analyses the acknowledgements included in the research articles and short communications published in Journal of Natural Rubber Research (1986-1997) in respect of types, frequency of occurrence, individuals acknowledged, etc. Results indicate that 74% items contain acknowledgements; an average acknowledgement per item is 2.2; the most common type of acknowledgments relates to technical support. Peer interactive communication accounts for 44% of the total acknowledgements. The result of the study substantiates the earlier findings that a small number of individuals are highly acknowledged and the rest are acknowledged infrequently

    Supersymmetric three family chiral SU(6) grand unification model from F-theory

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    We obtain a supersymmetric three family chiral SU(6) grand unification model with the global family symmetry SU(3)[family] from F-theory. This model has nice features such as all the fermion masses are reasonably generated and there results only one pair of Higgs doublets, realizing the doublet-triplet splitting from the family symmetry SU(3)[family]. The proton hexality is realized toward the proton stability problem. There is a room to fit the three gauge couplings using the F-theory flux idea and we obtain the proton lifetime in the 10^{36-37} yr region.Comment: 5 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Nonlocal transistor based on pure crossed Andreev reflection in a EuO-graphene/superconductor hybrid structure

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    We study the interband transport in a superconducting device composed of graphene with EuO-induced exchange interaction. We show that pure crossed Andreev reflection can be generated exclusively without the parasitic local Andreev reflection and elastic cotunnelling over a wide range of bias and Fermi levels in an EuO-graphene/superconductor/EuO-graphene device. The pure non-local conductance exhibits rapid on/off switching and oscillatory behavior when the Fermi levels in the normal and the superconducting leads are varied. The oscillation reflects the quasiparticle propagation in the superconducting lead and can be used as a tool to probe the subgap quasiparticle mode in superconducting graphene, which is inaccessible from the current-voltage characteristics. Our results suggest that the device can be used as a highly tunable transistor that operates purely in the non-local and spin-polarized transport regime.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; To appear in Phys. Rev.

    A New Phase at Finite Quark Density from AdS/CFT

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    We explore phases of N=2 super Yang-Mills theory at finite quark density by introducing quark chemical potential in a D3-D7 setup. We formulate the thermodynamics of brane embeddings and find that we need to renormalize the finite chemical potential due to the divergence of the thermodynamic potentials and we find that the density versus chemical potential equation of state has rich structure. This yields two distinct first order phase transitions in a small window of quark density. In order words, there is a new first order phase transition in the region of deconfined quarks. In this new phase, the chemical potential is a decreasing function of the density. We suggest that this might be relevant to the difference in sQGP--wQGP phases of QCD.Comment: 4 pages, revte

    Comments on Baryon Melting in Quark Gluon Plasma with Gluon Condensation

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    We consider a black hole solution with a non-trivial dilaton from IIB super gravity which is expected to describe a strongly coupled hot gauge plasma with non-vanishing gluon condensation present. We construct a rotating and moving baryon to probe the screening and phases of the plasma. Melting of the baryons in hot plasma in this background had been studied previously, however, we show that baryons melt much lower temperature than has been suggested previously.Comment: 3 figures, 12 page
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