2,517 research outputs found

    Enabling Fine-Grain Restricted Coset Coding Through Word-Level Compression for PCM

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    Phase change memory (PCM) has recently emerged as a promising technology to meet the fast growing demand for large capacity memory in computer systems, replacing DRAM that is impeded by physical limitations. Multi-level cell (MLC) PCM offers high density with low per-byte fabrication cost. However, despite many advantages, such as scalability and low leakage, the energy for programming intermediate states is considerably larger than programing single-level cell PCM. In this paper, we study encoding techniques to reduce write energy for MLC PCM when the encoding granularity is lowered below the typical cache line size. We observe that encoding data blocks at small granularity to reduce write energy actually increases the write energy because of the auxiliary encoding bits. We mitigate this adverse effect by 1) designing suitable codeword mappings that use fewer auxiliary bits and 2) proposing a new Word-Level Compression (WLC) which compresses more than 91% of the memory lines and provides enough room to store the auxiliary data using a novel restricted coset encoding applied at small data block granularities. Experimental results show that the proposed encoding at 16-bit data granularity reduces the write energy by 39%, on average, versus the leading encoding approach for write energy reduction. Furthermore, it improves endurance by 20% and is more reliable than the leading approach. Hardware synthesis evaluation shows that the proposed encoding can be implemented on-chip with only a nominal area overhead.Comment: 12 page

    Fuzzy containers allocation problem in maritime terminal

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    Containers allocation in terminals has attracted lots of research works due to practical & theoretical importance in transportation literature. In this paper, we developed a fuzzy mathematical programming model for solving problem of allocating the containers in terminal area. The objective is minimizing the total distance traversed by the containers from the ship to the terminal area they are assigned. Fuzzy set concepts are used to treat imprecision regarding the distances between berth and terminals area, number of containers in an arrived ship and estimation of available area in each terminal at a port. We proposed two types of models for optimistic and pessimistic situations. The proposed models have been coded in LINGO8.0 solver and a numerical example has been solved for illustration purpose. The full analysis of the proposed models can cause an optimum allocation of containers of several ships to different terminals of berths in fuzzy environment.Peer Reviewe

    Real-Time Automatic Fetal Brain Extraction in Fetal MRI by Deep Learning

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    Brain segmentation is a fundamental first step in neuroimage analysis. In the case of fetal MRI, it is particularly challenging and important due to the arbitrary orientation of the fetus, organs that surround the fetal head, and intermittent fetal motion. Several promising methods have been proposed but are limited in their performance in challenging cases and in real-time segmentation. We aimed to develop a fully automatic segmentation method that independently segments sections of the fetal brain in 2D fetal MRI slices in real-time. To this end, we developed and evaluated a deep fully convolutional neural network based on 2D U-net and autocontext, and compared it to two alternative fast methods based on 1) a voxelwise fully convolutional network and 2) a method based on SIFT features, random forest and conditional random field. We trained the networks with manual brain masks on 250 stacks of training images, and tested on 17 stacks of normal fetal brain images as well as 18 stacks of extremely challenging cases based on extreme motion, noise, and severely abnormal brain shape. Experimental results show that our U-net approach outperformed the other methods and achieved average Dice metrics of 96.52% and 78.83% in the normal and challenging test sets, respectively. With an unprecedented performance and a test run time of about 1 second, our network can be used to segment the fetal brain in real-time while fetal MRI slices are being acquired. This can enable real-time motion tracking, motion detection, and 3D reconstruction of fetal brain MRI.Comment: This work has been submitted to ISBI 201

    Extracting Implicit Social Relation for Social Recommendation Techniques in User Rating Prediction

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    Recommendation plays an increasingly important role in our daily lives. Recommender systems automatically suggest items to users that might be interesting for them. Recent studies illustrate that incorporating social trust in Matrix Factorization methods demonstrably improves accuracy of rating prediction. Such approaches mainly use the trust scores explicitly expressed by users. However, it is often challenging to have users provide explicit trust scores of each other. There exist quite a few works, which propose Trust Metrics to compute and predict trust scores between users based on their interactions. In this paper, first we present how social relation can be extracted from users' ratings to items by describing Hellinger distance between users in recommender systems. Then, we propose to incorporate the predicted trust scores into social matrix factorization models. By analyzing social relation extraction from three well-known real-world datasets, which both: trust and recommendation data available, we conclude that using the implicit social relation in social recommendation techniques has almost the same performance compared to the actual trust scores explicitly expressed by users. Hence, we build our method, called Hell-TrustSVD, on top of the state-of-the-art social recommendation technique to incorporate both the extracted implicit social relations and ratings given by users on the prediction of items for an active user. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to extend TrustSVD with extracted social trust information. The experimental results support the idea of employing implicit trust into matrix factorization whenever explicit trust is not available, can perform much better than the state-of-the-art approaches in user rating prediction
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