12,874 research outputs found

    Critical Properties of the transition between the Haldane phase and the large-D phase of the spin-1/2 ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with on-site anisotropy"

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    We analytically study the ground-state quantum phase transition between the Haldane phase and the large-DD (LD) phase of the S=1/2S=1/2 ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic alternating Heisenberg chain with on-site anisotropy. We transform this model into a generalized version of the alternating antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with anisotropy. In the transformed model, the competition between the transverse and longitudinal bond alternations yields the Haldane-LD transition. Using the bosonization method, we show that the critical exponents vary continuously on the Haldane-LD boundary. Our scaling relations between critical exponents very well explains the numerical results by Hida.Comment: text 12 pages (Plain TeX), LaTeX sourse files of a table and a figure on reques

    Three-Body-Cluster Effects on Lambda Single-Particle Energies in _{Lambda}^{17}O and_{Lambda}^{41}Ca

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    A method for a microscopic description of Lambda hypernuclei is formulated in the framework of the unitary-model-operator approach. A unitarily transformed hamiltonian is introduced and given in a cluster expansion form. The structure of three-body-cluster terms are discussed especially on the Lambda single-particle energy. The Lambda single-particle energies including the three-body-cluster contributions are calculated for the 0s_{1/2}, 0p_{3/2} and 0p_{1/2} states in_{Lambda}^{17}O, and for the 0s_{1/2}, 0p_{3/2}, 0p_{1/2}, 0d_{5/2}, 0d_{3/2} and 1s_{1/2} states in_{Lambda}^{41}Ca, using the Nijmegen soft-core (NSC), NSC97a-f, the Juelich A (J A) and J B hyperon-nucleon interactions. It is indicated that the three-body-cluster terms bring about sizable effects in the magnitudes of the Lambda single-particle energies, but hardly affect the Lambda spin-orbit splittings.Comment: LaTeX 19 pages including 7 figures, ptptex.sty is use

    Shell structures in oxygen isotopes described with modern nucleon-nucleon interactions

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    Shell structures in the N\simeq Z nucleus ^{17}O and the neutron-rich oxygen isotopes ^{23}O and ^{25}O are microscopically described by calculating single-particle energies with modern nucleon-nucleon interactions within the framework of the unitary-model-operator approach. It is found that the effect of three-body cluster terms on the single-particle energy is more important in ^{23}O and ^{25}O than ^{17}O.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, Talk at the International Symposium on "A New Era of Nuclear Structure Physics (NENS03)", 19-22 Nov. 2003, Niigata, Japa

    Charge-dependent calculations of single-particle energies in nuclei around ^{16}O with modern nucleon-nucleon interactions

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    The binding energies of the ground states and several excited states related to single-particle and -hole states in nuclei around ^{16}O are calculated taking charge dependence into account. Effective interactions on the particle basis are constructed from modern charge-dependent nucleon-nucleon interactions and the Coulomb force within the framework of the unitary-model-operator approach. Single-particle (-hole) energies are obtained from the energy differences of the binding energies between a particle (hole) state in ^{17}O or ^{17}F (^{15}N or ^{15}O) and the ground state of ^{16}O. The resultant spin-orbit splittings are small for the hole state and large for the particle state in comparison with the experimental values though the differences between the experimental and calculated values are not very large. The charge dependence of the calculated single-particle energies for the ground states are in good agreement with the experimental values. Furthermore, the Thomas-Ehrman shift due to the Coulomb force for the 1s_{1/2} states in ^{17}O and ^{17}F can be observed.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Ground-state and single-particle energies of nuclei around ^{16}O, ^{40}Ca, and ^{56}Ni from realistic nucleon-nucleon forces

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    We perform ab initio calculations for nuclei around ^{16}O, ^{40}Ca, and ^{56}Ni using realistic nucleon-nucleon forces. In particular, ^{56}Ni is computed as the heaviest nucleus in this kind of ab initio calculation. Ground-state and single-particle energies including three-body-cluster effects are obtained within the framework of the unitary-model-operator approach. It is shown that the CD-Bonn nucleon-nucleon potential gives quite good results close to the experimental values for all nuclei in the present work.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Irregular conformal blocks, with an application to the fifth and fourth Painlev\'e equations

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    We develop the theory of irregular conformal blocks of the Virasoro algebra. In previous studies, expansions of irregular conformal blocks at regular singular points were obtained as degeneration limits of regular conformal blocks; however, such expansions at irregular singular points were not clearly understood. This is because precise definitions of irregular vertex operators had not been provided previously. In this paper, we present precise definitions of irregular vertex operators of two types and we prove that one of our vertex operators exists uniquely. Then, we define irregular conformal blocks with at most two irregular singular points as expectation values of given irregular vertex operators. Our definitions provide an understanding of expansions of irregular conformal blocks and enable us to obtain expansions at irregular singular points. As an application, we propose conjectural formulas of series expansions of the tau functions of the fifth and fourth Painlev\'e equations, using expansions of irregular conformal blocks at an irregular singular point.Comment: 26 page

    Apparent Horizons with Nontrivial Topology and the Hyperhoop Conjecture in Six-Dimensional Space-Times

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    We investigate the validity of the hyperhoop conjecture, which claims to determine a necessary and sufficient condition for the formation of black hole horizons in higher-dimensional space-times. Here we consider momentarily static, conformally flat initial data sets each describing a gravitational field of uniform massive k-sphere sources, for k=1,2, on the five-dimensional Cauchy surface. The numerical result shows the validity of the hyperhoop conjecture for a wide range of model parameters. We also confirm for the first time the existence of an apparent horizon homeomorphism to S**2 x S**2 or S**1 x S**3, which is a higher-dimensional generalization of the black ring.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The unitary-model-operator approach to nuclear many-body problems

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    Microscopic nuclear structure calculations have been performed within the framework of the unitary-model-operator approach. Ground-state and single-particle energies are calculated for nuclei around ^{14}C, ^{16}O and ^{40}Ca with modern nucleon-nucleon interactions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Talk presented at the International Symposium on Correlation Dynamics in Nuclei (CDN05), Jan. 1 - Feb. 4, 2005, Tokyo, Japa

    Metal-Insulator Transition and Spin Degree of Freedom in Silicon 2D Electron Systems

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    Magnetotransport in 2DES's formed in Si-MOSFET's and Si/SiGe quantum wells at low temperatures is reported. Metallic temperature dependence of resistivity is observed for the n-Si/SiGe sample even in a parallel magnetic field of 9T, where the spins of electrons are expected to be polarized completely. Correlation between the spin polarization and minima in the diagonal resistivity observed by rotating the samples for various total strength of the magnetic field is also investigated.Comment: 3 pages, RevTeX, 4 eps-figures, conference paper (EP2DS-13