3 research outputs found

    Is there a no-go theorem for superradiant quantum phase transitions in cavity and circuit QED ?

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    In cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), the interaction between an atomic transition and the cavity field is measured by the vacuum Rabi frequency Ω0\Omega_0. The analogous term "circuit QED" has been introduced for Josephson junctions, because superconducting circuits behave as artificial atoms coupled to the bosonic field of a resonator. In the regime with Ω0\Omega_0 comparable to the two-level transition frequency, "superradiant" quantum phase transitions for the cavity vacuum have been predicted, e.g. within the Dicke model. Here, we prove that if the time-independent light-matter Hamiltonian is considered, a superradiant quantum critical point is forbidden for electric dipole atomic transitions due to the oscillator strength sum rule. In circuit QED, the capacitive coupling is analogous to the electric dipole one: yet, such no-go property can be circumvented by Cooper pair boxes capacitively coupled to a resonator, due to their peculiar Hilbert space topology and a violation of the corresponding sum rule

    Quasi-superradiant soliton state of matter in quantum metamaterials

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    The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1140/epjb/e2017-80567-7Strong interaction of a system of quantum emitters (e.g., two-level atoms) with electromagnetic field induces specific correlations in the system accompanied by a drastic increase of emitted radiation (superradiation or superuorescence). Despite the fact that since its prediction this phenomenon was subject to a vigorous experimental and theoretical research, there remain open question, in particular, concerning the possibility of a first order phase transition to the superradiant state from the vacuum state. In systems of natural and charge-based artificial atom this transition is prohibited by \no-go" theorems. Here we demonstrate numerically and confirm analytically a similar transition in a one-dimensional quantum metamaterial { a chain of artificial atoms (qubits) strongly interacting with classical electromagnetic fields in a transmission line. The system switches from vacuum state to the quasi-superradiant (QS) phase with one or several magnetic solitons and finite average occupation of qubit excited states along the transmission line. A quantum metamaterial in the QS phase circumvents the \no-go" restrictions by considerably decreasing its total energy relative to the vacuum state by exciting nonlinear electromagnetic solitons