10 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo modeling applied to studies of quantum cascade lasers

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    LT-InGaAs Layer Grown for Near Surface SESAM Application

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    We have developed a mode-locked diode-pumped Yb:KYW laser generating nearly band-width limited pulses as short as 101 fs using semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM). With the nonsaturable losses of 1.94% and the modulation depth of 1.48% the self-starting and stable mode-locking was observed. The nonsaturable losses are mainly related to As_{Ga}^{0}-CB transitions in InGaAs QW absorbing layer and low temperature defects. Low temperature defects are eliminated by using higher growth temperature and lower ratio of group V to group III beam equivalent pressure than typically used. The InGaAs layer was grown by molecular beam epitaxy at the temperature as high as 420°C, under the V/III ratio as low as 10. No annealing was performed

    Ultrashort pulses supported by SESAM absorber

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    We have developed a mode-locked diode-pumped Yb:KYW laser generating nearly band-width limited pulses as short as 101 fs. At 1.1 W absorbed power and 3% transmission output coupler, the laser delivers 150 mW for pulse duration of 110 fs, what corresponds to an efficiency of 14%. It was achieved using semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) grown by molecular beam epitaxy. SESAM contains a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) completed by single quantum well (SQW) playing role of an absorbing layer. The absorbers were crystallized in accordance with the predicted structure parameters under optimised growth conditions. The resonant-like type of structures ensured relatively high enhancement factor due to antireflective properties of SiO2 capping material and a wavelength independence of a group delay dispersion. The optimisation of the growth conditions of both an absorbing layer and DBR structure were widely carried out. Optical reflectance and high resolution X-ray diffraction have been used for characterization and verification of DBR structures. It results in reduction of the nonsaturable absorption in SESAM and self-starting mode-locking of the ultrashort pulses

    14XX nm-wavelength electrically-pumped VECSELs fabricated by wafer fusion

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    We report on the design, fabrication and characterization of electrically pumped vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers (EP-VECSELs) emitting at 1470 nm. We demonstrate 6.2 mW of CW output power, which represents the highest power value reported so far for EP-VECSELs in the 14XX nm and 15XX nm wavelength bands. (C) 2013 Optical Society of Americ

    Effects of composition grading at heterointefaces and variations in thickness of layers on Bragg Mirror quality

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    Supersieci GaAs/AlAs i AlGaAs/AlAs przeznaczone do wykorzystania jako zwierciadła Bragga otrzymano zarówno metodą epitaksji z wiązek molekularnych MBE, jak i epitaksji z fazy gazowej z użyciem związków metaloorganicznych LP MOVPE. Supersieci te różniły się między sobą grubościami warstw, liczbą powtórzeń warstwy podwójnej (Al)GaAs/AlAs, jak i warunkami technologicznymi w których je wytwarzano. Dla każdej supersieci wyznaczono jej profil składu chemicznego, wykorzystując do tego celu wysokorozdzielczą dyfraktometrię rentgenowską (HRXRD), reflektometrię rentgenowską (XRR) oraz metodę wstecznego rozpraszania jonów (RBS), wspomagane analizą numeryczną. Szczególną uwagę zwracano na profil interfejsów pomiędzy warstwami i odstępstwa od zakładanej grubości warstw. Następnie stosując spektroskopię odbiciową dla każdej supersieci zmierzono spektralną zależność współczynnika odbicia. Pokazano zależność pomiędzy profilem składu chemicznego a zdolnością odbicia tych supersieci. Zidentyfikowano odstępstwa od typowej struktury zwierciadeł Bragga, którą stanowi supersieć o prostokątnym kształcie profilu składu chemicznego i zbadano ich wpływ na zdolność odbiciową tych zwierciadeł.GaAs/AlAs, and AlGaAs/AlAs superlattices to be used as Bragg mirrors have been grown by means of Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) or Low-Pressure Metal-Organic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy (LP MOVPE) techniques. These superlattices have differed in terms of: the thickness of layers, the number of periods, and growth conditions. The chemical composition profile for each superlattice has been determined by means of High Resolution X-ray Diffraction (HRXRD), X-ray Reflectometry (XRR), as well as RBS characterization techniques, and at the same time a numerical analysis has been performed. Special attention has been paid to the profile of interfaces between succeeding layers and variations in the thickness of layers. Next, Optical Reflectance (OR) has been applied to measure the reflectivity spectra for each sample. It has been shown that there is a strong correlation between the optical reflectivity of DBR mirrors and their chemical composition profile and structural quality. A departure from the designed structure of the DBR has been identified and its influence on the DBR’s reflectivity has been determined


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    Pancreatic surgery outcomes: multicentre prospective snapshot study in 67 countries

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