255 research outputs found

    Limiting two-Higgs-doublet models

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    We update the constraints on two-Higgs-doublet models (2HDMs) focusing on the parameter space relevant to explain the present muon gg-22 anomaly, Δaμ\Delta a_{\mu}, in four different types of models, type I, II, "lepton specific" (or X) and "flipped" (or Y). We show that the strong constraints provided by the electroweak precision data on the mass of the pseudoscalar Higgs, whose contribution may account for Δaμ\Delta a_{\mu}, are evaded in regions where the charged scalar is degenerate with the heavy neutral one and the mixing angles α\alpha and β\beta satisfy the Standard Model limit βαπ/2\beta-\alpha \approx \pi /2. We combine theoretical constraints from vacuum stability and perturbativity with direct and indirect bounds arising from collider and BB~physics. Possible future constraints from the electron gg-22 are also considered. If the 126 GeV resonance discovered at the LHC is interpreted as the light CP-even Higgs boson of the 2HDM, we find that only models of type X can satisfy all the considered theoretical and experimental constraints.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Radiative Corrections to W and Quark Propagators in the Resonance Region

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    We discuss radiative corrections to W and quark propagators in the resonance region, |s-M^2| \lsim M*Gamma. We show that conventional mass renormalization, when applied to photonic or gluonic corrections, leads in next to leading order (NLO) to contributions proportional to [M*Gamma/(s-M^2)]^n, (n=1,2...), i.e. to a non-convergent series in the resonance region, a difficulty that affects all unstable particles coupled to massless quanta. A solution of this problem, based on the concepts of pole mass and width, is presented. It elucidates the issue of renormalization of amplitudes involving unstable particles and automatically circumvents the problem of apparent on-shell singularities. The roles of the Fried-Yennie gauge and the Pinch Technique prescription are discussed. Because of special properties of the photonic and gluonic contributions, and in contrast with the Z case, the gauge dependence of the conventional on-shell definition of mass is unbounded in NLO. The evaluations of the width in the conventional and pole formulations are compared and shown to agree in NLO but not beyond.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX (uses epsfig). Slight rewording of the abstract and one of the sentences of the text. Minor misprints corrected. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Observations on the radiative corrections to pion beta-decay

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    We find that, in the local V-A theory, the radiative corrections to pion beta-decay involving the weak vector current, when evaluated in the current algebra (CA) formulation in which quarks are the fundamental underlying fields, show a small difference with the more elementary calculations based directly on the pion fields. We show that this difference arises from a specific short-distance effect that depends on the algebra satisfied by the weak and electromagnetic currents. On the other hand, we present a simple theoretical argument that concludes that this difference does not occur when the CA formulation is compared with the chiral perturbation theory (chiPT) approach. Comparisons with previous studies, and with a more recent calculation based on chiPT, are included. We also briefly review the important differences between the results in the local V-A theory and the Standard Model.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. V2: two paragraphs have been added in Section III. Final version on PR

    Elimination of Threshold Singularities in the Relation Between On-Shell and Pole Widths

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    In a previous communication by two of us, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 1373 (1998), the gauge-dependent deviations of the on-shell mass and total decay width from their gauge-independent pole counterparts were investigated at leading order for the Higgs boson of the Standard Model. In the case of the widths, the deviation was found to diverge at unphysical thresholds, m_H = 2 root{xi_V} m_V (V = W,Z), in the R_xi gauge. In this Brief Report, we demonstrate that these unphysical threshold singularities are properly eliminated if a recently proposed definition of wave-function renormalization for unstable particles is invoked.Comment: 8 pages (Latex), 1 figure (Postscript

    QED Corrections to the Scattering of Solar Neutrinos and Electrons

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    We discuss recent calculations of the O(alpha) QED corrections to the recoil electron energy spectrum in neutrino electron scattering, and to the spectrum of the combined energy of the recoil electron and a possible accompanying photon emitted in the scattering process. We then examine the role of these corrections in the interpretation of precise measurements from solar neutrino electron scattering experiments.Comment: (16 Pages, 4 Figures) Presented at the Symposium in Honor of Professor Alberto Sirlin's 70th Birthday: ``50 Years of Precision Electroweak Physics'', New York University, October 27-28, 200

    Tracking down the elusive charginos / neutralinos through τ\tau leptons at the Large Hadron Collider

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    An unconstrained minimal supersymmetric standard model with the superpartners of the strongly interacting particles very heavy (close to the kinematic reach of the LHC or even beyond it) and a relatively light electroweak sector is considered. Using the event generator Pythia it is shown that the 1τ\tau-jet (tagged) + 2ll and 2τ\tau-jets (tagged) + 1ll signals with a reasonably hard \etslash spectrum either by themselves or in combination with the conventional 3l3l signal, which is known to be of rather modest size with a soft \etslash spectrum, may appreciably extend the reach of chargino-neutralino search at the LHC with 10 fb1^{-1} of integrated luminosity. This is especially so if the lighter chargino and the second lightest neutralino decays via two body leptonic modes with large BRs. The theoretical motivation of this scenario, yielding large values of the fine-tuning parameters but consistent with various indirect constraints including the dark matter relic density, is briefly discussed. It is shown that in the minimal supergravity (mSUGRA) model with an universal scalar mass at the GUT scale, the signals involving τ\tau-jets are not viable. Theoretically well-motivated variations of these boundary conditions are, however, adequate for reviving these signals.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, only cosmetic changes have been made and new references have been incorporate

    Width and Partial Widths of Unstable Particles in the Light of the Nielsen Identities

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    Fundamental properties of unstable particles, including mass, width, and partial widths, are examined on the basis of the Nielsen identities (NI) that describe the gauge dependence of Green functions. In particular, we prove that the pole residues and associated definitions of branching ratios and partial widths are gauge independent to all orders. A simpler, previously discussed definition of branching ratios and partial widths is found to be gauge independent through next-to-next-to-leading order. It is then explained how it may be modified in order to extend the gauge independence to all orders. We also show that the physical scattering amplitude is the most general combination of self-energy, vertex, and box contributions that is gauge independent for arbitrary s, discuss the analytical properties of the NI functions, and exhibit explicitly their one-loop expressions in the Z-gamma sector of the Standard Model.Comment: 20 pages (Latex); minor changes included, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Low-Energy Supersymmetry Breaking from String Flux Compactifications: Benchmark Scenarios

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    Soft supersymmetry breaking terms were recently derived for type IIB string flux compactifications with all moduli stabilised. Depending on the choice of the discrete input parameters of the compactification such as fluxes and ranks of hidden gauge groups, the string scale was found to have any value between the TeV and GUT scales. We study the phenomenological implications of these compactifications at low energy. Three realistic scenarios can be identified depending on whether the Standard Model lies on D3 or D7 branes and on the value of the string scale. For the MSSM on D7 branes and the string scale between 10^12 GeV and 10^17 GeV we find that the LSP is a neutralino, while for lower scales it is the stop. At the GUT scale the results of the fluxed MSSM are reproduced, but now with all moduli stabilised. For the MSSM on D3 branes we identify two realistic scenarios. The first one corresponds to an intermediate string scale version of split supersymmetry. The second is a stringy mSUGRA scenario. This requires tuning of the flux parameters to obtain the GUT scale. Phenomenological constraints from dark matter, (g-2)_mu and BR(b->s gamma) are considered for the three scenarios. We provide benchmark points with the MSSM spectrum, making the models suitable for a detailed phenomenological analysis.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures, reference adde

    Neutralino Dark Matter in Mirage Mediation

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    We study the phenomenology of neutralino dark matter (DM) in mirage mediation scenario of supersymmetry breaking which results from the moduli stabilization in some string/brane models. Depending upon the model parameters, especially the anomaly to modulus mediation ratio determined by the moduli stabilization mechanism, the nature of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) changes from Bino-like neutralino to Higgsino-like one via Bino-Higgsino mixing region. For the Bino-like LSP, the standard thermal production mechanism can give a right amount of relic DM density through the stop/stau-neutralino coannihilation or the pseudo-scalar Higgs resonance process. We also examine the prospect of direct and indirect DM detection in various parameter regions of mirage mediation. Neutralino DM in galactic halo might be detected by near future direct detection experiments in the case of Bino-Higgsino mixed LSP. The gamma ray flux from Galactic Center might be detectable also if the DM density profile takes a cuspy shape.Comment: One reference adde