5 research outputs found

    Calibrating the FloodMap model based on geomorphological fieldwork and terrain analysis to improve the integrated HydroProg-FloodMap system for forecasting inundation [abstract]

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    Calibrating the FloodMap model based on geomorphological fieldwork and terrain analysis to improve the integrated HydroProg-FloodMap system for forecasting inundation [abstract

    Procesy erozyjne na stokach wylesionych w Karkonoszach

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    Na stokach wylesionych, gdzie prowadzona jest zrywka drewna, wskutek erozyjnej transformacji szlaków zrywkowych rozwijają się seminaturalne koryta stokowe - rynny erozyjne. Celem pracy była ocena dynamiki procesów erozyjnych na stokach wylesionych w Karkonoszach i ustalenie skutków hydrologicznych i geomorfologicznych wywołanych rozwojem erozji rynnowej. Na wybranych stanowiskach wykonywano coroczne pomiary form erozyjnych, oceniano natężenie przepływów (formuła Manninga) i badano dynamikę transportu materiału klastycznego (materiał barwiony). Rynny erozyjne rozwijają się wskutek erozji wodnej oraz działalności lodu włóknistego. Pogłębianie koryt przebiega w tempie 0,01-0,3 m (maksymalnie 2 m), a ich poszerzanie w tempie 0,01-0,2 m w trakcie jednego epizodu spływu. Wypełnianie rynien odbywa się w tempie średnio 6 mm·rok⁻¹, co powoduje zanik morfologii erozyjnej w ciągu 100-200 lat. Sieć dróg leśnych i rynien erozyjnych na stokach powoduje powstanie zlewni antropogenicznych. Prowadzi to do przerzucania wód stokowych pomiędzy zlewniami topograficznymi. Erozja rynnowa prowadzi do skrócenia czasu krążenia wody na stoku, drenowania wód podziemnych oraz przyspieszenia i zwiększenia transportu stokowego.On deforested slopes, repeated dragging of tree tunks causes considerable development of gully erosion. The aim of the studies carried out in 1996-2001 was to estimate dynamics of erosion processes and to identify hydrological and geomorphological effects of gully erosion on deforested slopes in the Karkonosze Mts. At selected sites (Fig. 1) geometric parameters of gullies were measured every year, discharge within gullies was estimated using Manning’s formula, and movement of lag gravel was investigated by means of coloured debris. Gullies develop as a result of water erosion of episodic flows and needle- ice action. Episodic deepening of channels reaches 0.01-0.3 m on average (max. 2 m), whereas broadening is 0.01-0.2 m. Channels are filled by mineral and organic material at the rate 6 mm·y⁻¹ on average; this causes disappearance of erosion micromorphology during 100-200 years. Network of forest roads and gullies causes the development of „anthropogenic” catchments. Their boundaries disregard topography therefore runoff waters may be directed from one topographic catchment to another (Fig. 2). Due to gully erosion, duration of overland flow is shortened, subsurface waters are drained, and slope sediment transfer both increases in volume and accelerates

    The development of dry valleys in agricultural landscape in the upper part of Strzelinskie Hills (Sudetic Foreland)

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    The article presents the results of recent research on denudational processes within two dry valleys in the central part of the Niemczańsko-Strzelińskie Hills (Sudetic Foreland), in the context of all previous studies on denudation from slopes under agricultural use in that region. The aim of the study was to estimate the intensity of morphogenetic processes acting on slopes in the agricultural landscape of the Strzelińskie Hills. On the basis of geomorphological mapping of two dry valleys, the rate of denudation during spring season was calculated as 0,5-1 mm. This value is similar to the amount of denudation calculated previously by other author for the vicinity of Henryków during the episodes of torrential rainfall. Dry valleys in upper parts of the Strzelińskie Hills develop due to annual episodic concentration of surface wash, especially during spring thaw

    Calibrating the FloodMap model to improve the integrated HydroProg-FloodMap real-time multimodel ensemble system for forecasting inundation [abstract]

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    Calibrating the FloodMap model to improve the integrated HydroProg-FloodMap real-time multimodel ensemble system for forecasting inundation [abstract