18 research outputs found

    Stres i radna sposobnost radnika u naftnoj industriji

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    This cross-sectional study conducted between March and June 2006 examined stress at work and work ability of 180 people with different workplaces within an oil company. Office, laboratory, and oil-field workers were invited to complete the “Occupational Stress Assessment Questionnaire – the Oil Industry Version and Work Ability Index (WAI) Questionnaire”. The overall response rate was 69.4 %, and the final sample size was 125 workers who completed the questionnaires (57 office, 41 laboratory, 27 oil-field workers). Office, laboratory, and oil-field workers differed significantly with respect to age (P<0.001). The oldest were oil-field workers and the youngest were office workers. The average WAI score for office workers was 44.9, for laboratory workers 43.2 and for field workers 39.7, indicating satisfying work ability. After adjusting for age, the difference in WAI score between the groups of workers was still significant (P<0.001). Over 75 % of all workers believed their job was stressful, but the perception of specific stressors depended on the workplace.Cilj ovog ispitivanja bio je procijeniti doživljaj stresa na radnome mjestu i radnu sposobnost zaposlenih u različitim dijelovima radnog procesa naftne industrije. Presječno istraživanje provedeno je u hrvatskoj naftnoj industriji, u razdoblju od ožujka do lipnja 2006. s uzorkom od 180 prigodno odabranih zaposlenika. Zaposlenici u uredu, laboratoriju za preradu nafte i naftnom pogonu trebali su ispuniti Upitnik o stresu na radu – verzija za naftnu industriju i Upitnik za procjenu indeksa radne sposobnosti (WAI). Ukupni odaziv ispitanika bio je 69,4 % te je obrađeno 125 ispunjenih upitnika (57 radnika iz ureda, 41 iz laboratorija i 27 iz naftnog pogona). Radnici iz ureda, laboratorija i naftnih pogona značajno su se razlikovali u dobi (P<0,001). Najstariji su bili radnici u naftnim pogonima, dok su najmlađi bili radnici u uredu. Prosječni WAI za uredske zaposlenike bio je 44,9, za laboratorijske 43,2, a za zaposlenike u naftnom pogonu 39,7, što upućuje na zadovoljavajuću radnu sposobnost. Uzevši u obzir utjecaj dobi pri testiranju razlika, utvrđeno je kako se WAI promatranih skupina statistički značajno razlikuju (P<0,001). Više od tri četvrtine svih ispitanika procjenjuje svoj posao kao stresan, no vrste stresora koje doživljavaju razlikuju se ovisno o radnome mjestu

    Gastrophysics-do we need it?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Applying science, scientific reasoning, and scientific methodologies to the study of food and cooking is an old trait that to a large extent is based on the chemical sciences. The focus has been on chemical compounds as well as chemical reactions and transformations involved in foodstuff, preparation techniques, and culinary precision. Gastrophysics is proposed as a generic term to characterize an emerging scientific discipline primarily based on the physical sciences underpinned by all three pillars of modern physics: theory, experiment, and modeling/simulation. Gastrophysics takes its inspiration from the world of cooking and gastronomy. It is our contention that gastrophysics is a science in its own right, not a discipline designed only to service chefs in interpreting and creating new dishes. Gastrophysics is physics, and its empirical basis of gastrophysics is gastronomy itself.</p

    Phylogenetic Diversity Analysis of Subterranean Hot Springs in Iceland

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    Geothermal energy has been harnessed and used for domestic heating in Iceland. In wells that are typically drilled to a depth of 1,500 to 2,000 m, the temperature of the source water is 50 to 130°C. The bottoms of the boreholes can therefore be regarded as subterranean hot springs and provide a unique opportunity to study the subterranean biosphere. Large volumes of geothermal fluid from five wells and a mixture of geothermal water from 50 geothermal wells (hot tap water) were sampled and concentrated through a 0.2-μm-pore-size filter. Cells were observed in wells RG-39 (91.4°C) and MG-18 (71.8°C) and in hot tap water (76°C), but no cells were detected in wells SN-4, SN-5 (95 to 117°C), and RV-5 (130°C). Archaea and Bacteria were detected by whole-cell fluorescent in situ hybridization. DNAs were extracted from the biomass, and small-subunit rRNA genes (16S rDNAs) were amplified by PCR using primers specific for the Archaea and Bacteria domains. The PCR products were cloned and sequenced. The sequence analysis showed 11 new operational taxonomic units (OTUs) out of 14, 3 of which were affiliated with known surface OTUs. Samples from RG-39 and hot tap water were inoculated into enrichment media and incubated at 65 and 85°C. Growth was observed only in media based on geothermal water. 16S rDNA analysis showed enrichments dominated with Desulfurococcales relatives. Two strains belonging to Desulfurococcus mobilis and to the Thermus/Deinococcus group were isolated from borehole RG-39. The results indicate that subsurface volcanic zones are an environment that provides a rich subsurface for novel thermophiles