5 research outputs found

    Social Assistance in Developing Countries Database Version 5.0

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    The Social Assistance in Developing Countries Database is a user-friendly tool that provides summary information on social assistance interventions in developing countries. It provides a summary of the evidence available on the effectiveness of social assistance interventions in developing countries. It focuses on programmes seeking to combine the reduction and mitigation of poverty, with strengthening and facilitating household investments capable of preventing poverty and securing development in the longer term. The inclusion of programmes is on the basis of the availability of information on design features, evaluation, size, scope, or significance. Version 5 of the database updates information on existing programmes and incorporates information on pilot social assistance programmes in Latin America, Asia and Africa. It also adopts a new typology that distinguishes between social assistance programmes providing pure income transfers; programmes that provide transfers plus interventions aimed at human, financial, or physical asset accumulation; and integrated poverty reduction programmes. This new typology has, in our view, several advantages. It is a more flexible, and more accurate, template with which to identify key programme features. It provides a good entry point into the conceptual underpinnings of social assistance programmes

    Lipid Peroxidation Correlates with HIVmRNA in Serodiscordant Heterosexual HIVpartners of Nigerian Origin

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    We recruited 59 individuals of known HIV serostatus after informed consent however, 44 were serodiscordant heterosexual partners [serodiscordant seronegative (SSN group) and serodiscordant seropositive (SSP group)] while 15 were seronegative healthy individuals (SNH). In the case–control study we choose to determine Malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration as a marker of lipid peroxidation index (oxidative stress) spectrophotometrically and quantify HIV mRNA by Real Time-nucleic acid sequence based amplification assay (RT-NASBA). Here our result show for the first time a high concentration of lipid peroxidation product (MDA, 116.6%) with a significant (P < 0.05) increase in HIV serodiscordant seropositive subjects over their seronegative partners. However, Spearman rank correlation statistics of SSP group showed a positive correlation value (P < 0.01, r = 0.89) between MDA and mRNA and a negative correlation between MDA and T-cell ratio (P < 0.01, r = 0.96).The study may strongly indicate a possible lipid peroxidation product threshold for predicting HIV infection and progression in serodiscordant heterosexual partners