28 research outputs found

    Tidal triggering of microseismicity at the equatorial mid‐Atlantic ridge, inferred from the PI‐LAB experiment

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    The gravitational pulls from the moon and the sun result in tidal forces which influence both Earth's solid and water mass. These stresses are periodically added to the tectonic ones and may become sufficient for initiating rupture in fault systems critically close to failure. Previous research indicates correlations between increased seismicity rates and low tides for fast- and intermediate-spreading mid-ocean ridges in the Pacific Ocean. Here, we present a microseismicity data set (4,719 events) recorded by an ocean bottom seismometer deployment at the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge. We show that low, as well as decreasing ocean water level, result in relatively elevated seismicity rates at higher magnitudes (lower b-values), translated into increased probabilities of stronger event occurrence at or towards low tides. Moreover, seismic bursts (enhanced activity rate clusters), occurring at rates well above the reference seismicity, are exclusively present during values of either high tidally induced extensional stresses or high extensional stress rates. Although the b-value differences are not significant enough to be conclusive, the seismicity rate variations exhibit statistical significance, supporting the previous findings for tidal triggering at low tides within normal-faulting regimes and extending the range of observations to slow-spreading ridges. Observed triggering of slip on low angle faults at low tides is predicted by Coulomb stress modeling. The triggering of slip on high angle faults observed here, is not easily explained without another factor. It may be related to the presence of a shallow magma body beneath the ridge, as supported by previous seismic imaging in the region

    Shape: A Matlab software package for time-dependent seismic hazard analysis

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    Many seismic processes, in particular, those induced by technological activities for exploitation of georesources, are time dependent. The changes in time of the seismicity cause that the related seismic hazard changes in time as well. We present here the Seismic HAzard Parameters Evaluation (SHAPE) tool, which enables an assessment of the temporal changes of the mean return period (MRP) of a seismic event of a given magnitude and the exceedance probability (EP) of a given magnitude within a predefined time period. SHAPE is an open‐source software package, written in MATLAB (see Data and Resources), based on the online probabilistic seismic hazard analysis applications available on IS‐EPOS platform of thematic core service anthropogenic hazards of European Plate Observing System (EPOS). SHAPE is developed in two standalone versions allowing the user to select a variety of options and parameters to determine the values of EP and MRP, assuming different magnitude distribution models. The first software version (SHAPE_ver1) provides interactive parameter selection and data filtering through a graphical user interface environment, whereas the second wrapper‐script‐based version (SHAPE_ver2) allows fast implementation and fine‐tuning of parameters. The program is particularly useful for anthropogenic seismicity cases, to monitor the changes of seismic response to technological operations, and to control the effectiveness of the undertaken hazard mitigation measures. As an example, two applications of SHAPE in case studies from the northwestern part of The Geysers geothermal field, California, and Song Tranh 2 surface water reservoir, Vietnam, are demonstrated

    Magnitude distribution complexity and variation at the Geysers geothermal field

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    Earthquake magnitude (size) distribution is a major component required for seismic hazard assessment and therefore, the accurate determination of its functional shape and variation is a task of utmost importance. Although often considered as stationary, the magnitude distribution at particular sites may significantly vary over time and space. In this study, the well-known Gutenberg–Richter (GR) law, which is widely assumed to describe earthquake magnitude distribution, is tested for a case study of seismicity induced by fluid injection at The Geysers (CA, USA) geothermal field. Statistical tests are developed and applied in order to characterize the magnitude distribution of a high quality catalogue comprising seismicity directly associated with two injection wells, at the north western part of The Geysers. The events size distribution variation is investigated with respect to spatial, temporal, fluid injection and magnitude cut-off criteria. A thorough spatio-temporal analysis is performed for defining seismicity Clusters demonstrating characteristic magnitude distributions which significantly differ from the ones of the nearby Clusters. The magnitude distributions of the entire seismic population as well as of the individual Clusters are tested for their complexity in terms of exponentiality, multimodal and multibump structure. Then, the Clusters identified are further processed and their characteristics are determined in connection to injection rate fluctuations. The results of the analysis clearly indicate that the entire magnitude distribution is definitely complex and non-exponential, whereas subsequent periods demonstrating significantly diverse magnitude distributions are identified. The regional seismicity population is divided into three major families, for one of which exponentiality of magnitude distribution is clearly rejected, whereas for the other two the GR law b-value is directly proportional to fluid injection. In addition, the b-values of these Families seem to be significantly magnitude dependent, a fact that is of major importance for seismic hazard assessment implementations. To conclude, it is strongly suggested that magnitude exponentiality must be tested before proceeding to any b-value calculations, particularly in anthropogenic seismicity cases where complex and time changeable processes take place

    Temporal response of magnitude distribution to fluid injection rates in The Geysers geothermal field

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    The influence of fluid injection rates on the magnitude distribution of the seismicity which occurred in the NW part of The Geysers geothermal site is studied here. A direct comparison between injection rate changes and b value response is attempted after appropriate selection of data subsets. Due to the relatively small sample (1121 events, corresponding to an average rate of ~ 0.45 events/day), we also aggregated seismic activity into two families corresponding to increasing and decreasing injection rates, respectively. The b values were calculated as a function of time lag related to the injection activity. In agreement with previous studies, we found a statistically significant direct relation between b values and injection rate changes, which occurred at a zero or very short time lag (from 0 to ~ 15 days). However, the b value changes are related to the slope (i.e., the second derivative of injection volume), instead of the absolute values of injection rates. The increasing injection rates correspond to b = 1.18 ± 0.06, whereas the decreasing injection rates correspond to b = 1.10 ± 0.05. The corresponding values estimated by the repeated medians technique are b = 1.97 ± 0.20 and b = 1.50 ± 0.13. Both differences are significant at 0.05 level

    Uncertainty of B-value estimation in connection with magnitude distribution properties of small data sets

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    We evaluate the efficiency of the maximum likelihood estimator introduced by Aki (1965), using synthetic datasets exhibiting diverse but well defined properties. The deviation of the b-value estimation from its real value is quantified by Monte Carlo simulations as a function of catalogue features and data properties such as the sample size, the magnitude uncertainties distribution, the round-off interval of reported magnitude values and the magnitude range. Within the objective of this study, algorithms have been compiled for the determination of such observational-theoretical deviations and to facilitate the construction of nomograms corresponding to diverse cases of input parameters. In this way, a more accurate estimation of the uncertainty level for the b-value and MC determination can be achieved, contributing to a more robust seismic hazard assessment, especially at low activity areas and induced seismicity sites. Our results indicate that b-value analysis, especially for small datasets should be carried out together with Magnitude range analysis. Nomograms should be constructed and adjusted to each particular case study in order to achieve a more accurate estimation of the b-value and the corresponding uncertainty

    Non-stationarity and internal correlations of the occurrence process of mining-induced seismic events

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    A point process, e.g., the seismic process, is potentially predictable when it is non-stationary, internally correlated or both. In this paper, an analysis of the occurrence process of mining-induced seismic events from Rudna copper mine in Poland is presented. Stationarity and internal correlation are investigated in complete seismic time series and segmentally in subseries demonstrating relatively stable seismicity rates. It is shown that the complete seismic series are non-stationary; however, most of their shorter subseries become stationary. In the stationary subseries, the distribution of interevent time is closer to the exponential distribution, which is characteristic for the Poisson process. However, in most of these subseries, the differences between the interevent time and Poisson distributions are still significant, revealing correlations among seismic events

    A correlation analysis between injection rates and magnitude distribution in the geysers geothermal field

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    The magnitude distribution variation in the north western part of The Geysers geothermal field is studied. Various types of b-value analysis are performed in order to investigate thoroughly the impact of fluid injection to magnitude distribution. Other parameters such as distance from the open hole of the injection well are also investigated. The analysis performed in this study indicated that b-values are significantly positively correlated to injection rate fluctuations whereas no significant influence of the seismicity rates and the distance from the injection well on b-values was detected

    Forecasting seismicity rates in western Turkey as inferred from earthquake catalog and stressing history

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    The spatio-temporal variation in seismicity in western Turkey since the late 1970s is investigated through a rate/state model, which considers the stressing history to forecast the reference seismicity rate evolution. The basic catalog was divided according to specific criteria into four subsets, which correspond to areas exhibiting almost identical seismotectonic features. Completeness magnitude and reference seismicity rates are individually calculated for each subset. The forecasting periods are selected to be the inter-seismic time intervals between successive strong (M ≥ 5.8) earthquakes. The Coulomb stress changes associated with their coseismic slip are considered, along with the constant stressing rate to alter the rates of earthquake production. These rates are expressed by a probability density function and smoothed over the study area with different degrees of smoothing. The influence of the rate/state parameters in the model efficiency is explored by evaluating the Pearson linear correlation coefficient between simulated and observed earthquake occurrence rates along with its 95 % confidence limits. Application of different parameter values is attempted for the sensitivity of the calculated seismicity rates and their fit to the real data to be tested. Despite the ambiguities and the difficulties involved in the experimental parameter value determination, the results demonstrate that the present formulation and the available datasets are sufficient enough to contribute to seismic hazard assessment starting from a point such far back in time