7 research outputs found

    A model of the meat waste management

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    The European Union produces about 18 million tons of waste from meat industry per year. The real danger of the BSE disease caused a necessity of looking for a new alternative solution of meat waste management. The proposed solution of meat industry waste management would create meat production waste free with the use of the cleaner production method. Cleaner production includes: pollution prevention, reduction of the source, recovery of materials and energy (for example: the recovery of blood plasma and protein hydrolisate from bone sludge) and their recycling. The thermal processing of meat industrial waste (bone sludge, meat-bone meal and odour) is anticipated, too. Ashes from meat calcining have the phosphorus content close to its concentration, of the typical phosphoric raw materials. That confirmed the possibility of using such ashes as the substitute of phosphoric raw materials. The target model of waste free meat waste management included the results of the implemented and current research

    Manufacturing of phosphoric acid from hydroxyapatite, contained in the ashes of the incinerated meat-bone wastes

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    The results of the investigations concerning phosphoric acid manufacturing, by the extraction method, from the ashes containing hydroxyapatite, obtained through the thermal treatment of bone sludge have been presented. The incinerated bone sludge with ~ 16% P content and the minimal amount of impurities can be an alternative source for phosphoric acid production. The process consists in two stages. In the 1st stage, reaction of hydroxyapatite with phosphoric acid resulting in monocalcium phosphate formation in the solution obtained is carried out. The tests revealed that overall hydroxyapatite dissolution in phosphoric acid takes place when the concentration is 37% H3PO4. In the 2nd stage monocalcium phosphate is converted into calcium sulphate using concentrated sulphuric acid at the recommended temperature of 95°C. The principles of the technological idea of the process of phosphoric acid manufacturing from HA-containing ashes, obtained by bone wastes incineration, as well as a preliminary economic analysis for the production of 10 000 t/year of food-grade phosphoric acid have been developed

    Manufacturing of phosphoric acid from hydroxyapatite, contained in the ashes of the incinerated meat-bone wastes

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    The results of the investigations concerning phosphoric acid manufacturing, by the extraction method, from the ashes containing hydroxyapatite, obtained through the thermal treatment of bone sludge have been presented. The incinerated bone sludge with ~ 16% P content and the minimal amount of impurities can be an alternative source for phosphoric acid production. The process consists in two stages. In the 1st stage, reaction of hydroxyapatite with phosphoric acid resulting in monocalcium phosphate formation in the solution obtained is carried out. The tests revealed that overall hydroxyapatite dissolution in phosphoric acid takes place when the concentration is 37% H3PO4. In the 2nd stage monocalcium phosphate is converted into calcium sulphate using concentrated sulphuric acid at the recommended temperature of 95°C. The principles of the technological idea of the process of phosphoric acid manufacturing from HA-containing ashes, obtained by bone wastes incineration, as well as a preliminary economic analysis for the production of 10 000 t/year of food-grade phosphoric acid have been developed

    Thermal utilization of mixtures of bone waste

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    The results of a research related to the physico – chemical properties of the mixture of bone – waste and their ingredients have been presented. The mixtures was made up from waste: bovine bones, pork bones, bone sludge and bone meal. The content of the individual waste in the mixtures was selected on the basis of the heat of the combustion of the mixture and the amount of the waste produced in a meat processing plant. The heat of the combustion has been determined by the calorimeter, the content of phosphorus by spectrophotometric method, calcium by titration and phase composition by X – ray diffraction. The investigations confirmed that pork bones have the highest heat of the combustion 17 MJ/kg because of a big amount of fats. The analyzed waste has contained on average 16.5 wt % phosphorus and above 30 wt % calcium. X – ray diffraction method has proved that in bone waste one phase – hydroxyapatite occurs

    Gold Nanoparticles As A Modifying Agent of Ceramic-Polymer Composites

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    Much effort has been invested in the development of biomaterials for the repair or replacement of hard tissue. The synthesis of composites based on mineral and organic constituents is nowadays extremely important for the development of materials for biomedical applications. In this paper we report the preparation and characterization of ceramic-polymer composites doped with gold nanoparticles. Properties and applications in medicine and dentistry of colloidal gold nanoparticles depends upon their size and shape. The influence of the presence of the metallic nanoparticles on the degradation process was investigated by pH and conductivity analyses of water filtrates. The nanocomposites were characterized with the use of X-ray Diffaction (XRD) and Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) methods. The results of in vitro tests confirmed that it is possible to produce hydroxyapatite/polymer (HA/polymer) composites doped with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for medical applications. Tests proved that content of gold nanoparticles in composites had influence on degradation behaviour of HA/Polymer/AuNPs in water environment.Obecnie wiele starań jest wkładanych w badania dotyczące rozwoju biomateriałów do naprawy i wymiany tkanki kostnej. Otrzymywanie kompozytów opartych na składnikach mineralnych i organicznych jest niezwykle istotne dla rozwoju materiałów do zastosowań biomedycznych. Właściwości i zastosowanie nanocząstek złota w medycynie i stomatologii zależy przede wszystkim od ich wielkości i kształtu. W pracy opisano metodykę otrzymywania oraz charakterystykę kompozytów ceramiczno-polimerowych domieszkowanych nanocząstkami złota. Badano wpływ obecności nanocząstek metalicznych na proces degradacji w środowisku wodnym z wykorzystaniem analiz pH i przewodnictwa. Charakterystykę nanokompozytów wykonano z zastosowaniem dyfrakcji promieni rentgenowskich (XRD) i spektroskopii w podczerwieni z transformacją Fouriera (FT-IR). Na podstawie badań in vitro stwierdzono, że możliwe jest otrzymanie kompozytów polimerowo-ceramicznych modyfikowanych nanocząstkami złota do zastosowań biomedycznych. Badania wykazały, że zawartość nanocząstek złota wpływa na degradację kompozytów HA/Polymer/AuNPs w środowisku wodnym

    Nanocząsteczkowe złoto jako modyfikator kompozytów polimerowo-ceramicznych

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    Much effort has been invested in the development of biomaterials for the repair or replacement of hard tissue. The synthesis of composites based on mineral and organic constituents is nowadays extremely important for the development of materials for biomedical applications. In this paper we report the preparation and characterization of ceramic-polymer composites doped with gold nanoparticles. Properties and applications in medicine and dentistry of colloidal gold nanoparticles depends upon their size and shape. The influence of the presence of the metallic nanoparticles on the degradation process was investigated by pH and conductivity analyses of water filtrates. The nanocomposites were characterized with the use of X-ray Diffaction (XRD) and Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) methods. The results of in vitro tests confirmed that it is possible to produce hydroxyapatite/polymer (HA/polymer) composites doped with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for medical applications. Tests proved that content of gold nanoparticles in composites had influence on degradation behaviour of HA/Polymer/AuNPs in water environment.Obecnie wiele starań jest wkładanych w badania dotyczące rozwoju biomateriałów do naprawy i wymiany tkanki kostnej. Otrzymywanie kompozytów opartych na składnikach mineralnych i organicznych jest niezwykle istotne dla rozwoju materiałów do zastosowań biomedycznych. Właściwości i zastosowanie nanocząstek złota w medycynie i stomatologii zależy przede wszystkim od ich wielkości i kształtu. W pracy opisano metodykę otrzymywania oraz charakterystykę kompozytów ceramiczno-polimerowych domieszkowanych nanocząstkami złota. Badano wpływ obecności nanocząstek metalicznych na proces degradacji w środowisku wodnym z wykorzystaniem analiz pH i przewodnictwa. Charakterystykę nanokompozytów wykonano z zastosowaniem dyfrakcji promieni rentgenowskich (XRD) i spektroskopii w podczerwieni z transformacją Fouriera (FT-IR). Na podstawie badań in vitro stwierdzono, że możliwe jest otrzymanie kompozytów polimerowo-ceramicznych modyfikowanych nanocząstkami złota do zastosowań biomedycznych. Badania wykazały, że zawartość nanocząstek złota wpływa na degradację kompozytów HA/Polymer/AuNPs w środowisku wodnym