9 research outputs found

    ADRIA LITHOSPHERE INVESTIGATION ALPHA - Cruise No. M86/3, January 20 - February 04, 2012, Brindisi (Italy) - Dubrovnik (Croatia)

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    The Adriatic Sea and underlying lithosphere remains the least investigated part of the Mediterranean Sea. To shed light on the plate tectonic setting in this central part of southern Europe, R/V METEOR cruise M86/3 set out to acquire deep penetrating seismic data in the Adriatic Sea. M86/3 formed the core of an amphibious investigation crossing Adria from the Italian Peninsula into Montenegro/Albania. A total of 111 OBS/OBH deployments were successfully carried out, in addition to 47 landstations both in Italy and Montenegro/Albania, which recorded the offshore airgun shots. In the scope of this shoreline-crossing study, the aim is to quantify the shallow geometry, deep boundaries and the architecture of the southern Adriatic crust and lithosphere and to provide insights on a possible decoupling zone between the northern and southern Adriatic domains. Investigating the structure of the Adriatic crust and lithospheric mantle and analyzing the tectonic activity are essential for understanding the mountain-building processes that underlie the neotectonics and earthquake hazard of the Periadriatic region, especially in the vicinity of local decoupling zones

    IgG Fc N-glycosylation translates MHCII haplotype into autoimmune skin disease

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    The major histocompatibility complex haplotype represents the most prevalent genetic risk factor for the development of autoimmune diseases. However, the mechanisms by which major histocompatibility complex-associated genetic susceptibility translates into autoimmune disease are not fully understood. Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita is an autoimmune skin-blistering disease driven by autoantibodies to type VII collagen. Here, we investigated autoantigen-specific plasma cells, CD4(+) T cells, and IgG fraction crystallizable glycosylation in murine epidermolysis bullosa acquisita in congenic mouse strains with the disease-permitting H2s or disease-nonpermitting H2b major histocompatibility complex II haplotypes. Mice with an H2s haplotype showed increased numbers of autoreactive CD4(+) T cells and elevated IL-21 and IFN-gamma production, associated with a higher frequency of IgG autoantibodies with an agalactosylated, proinflammatory N-glycan moiety. Mechanistically, we show that the altered antibody glycosylation leads to increased ROS release from neutrophils, the main drivers of autoimmune inflammation in this model. These results indicate that major histocompatibility complex II-associated susceptibility to autoimmune diseases acuminates in a proinflammatory IgG fraction crystallizable N-glycosylation pattern and provide a mechanistic link to increased ROS release by neutrophils.Proteomic

    Projekt miniaturowego, tr贸jwymiarowego laserowego skanera przestrzeni dla BSP pionowego startu i l膮dowania

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    An avionics module, based on a commercially available LIDAR, which perform scans in a single plane, was developed. The module enables to obtain three dimensional point map of the area around aircraft. Spherical coordinates of each point are forwarded to the main avionics computer, where final computations are done accordingly to the implemented algorithm. Received data can be used to determine areas dangerous for flight, specify flight trajectory that avoid obstacles or just for visualization of the aircraft surroundings. In this article designed structure of the module was presented as well as developed operational algorithm. Finally, obtained measurement results were discussed and usage constraints consequential to a specific structure of the module were presented.Wykorzystuj膮c komercyjny, laserowy skaner wykonuj膮cy pomiary w jednej p艂aszczy藕nie, opracowano modu艂 awioniczny umo偶liwiaj膮cy uzyskanie tr贸jwymiarowej chmury punkt贸w obrazuj膮cych przestrze艅 wok贸艂 statku powietrznego. Wsp贸艂rz臋dne sferyczne ka偶dego z tych punkt贸w przekazywane s膮 do komputera pok艂adowego systemu awionicznego. W zale偶no艣ci od zaimplementowanego w nim algorytmu, odebrane dane mog膮 s艂u偶y膰 do okre艣lenia obszar贸w niebezpiecznych dla lotu, wyznaczenia trajektorii lotu z omini臋ciem przeszk贸d lub wizualizacji otoczenia statku powietrznego. W artykule przedstawiono zastosowan膮 konstrukcj臋 modu艂u awionicznego i opracowany algorytm pracy urz膮dzenia, om贸wiono otrzymane wyniki oraz przedstawiono ograniczenia mo偶liwo艣ci zastosowania modu艂u wynikaj膮ce ze specyfiki zaproponowanego rozwi膮zania

    Implementation of a dose gradient method into optimization of dose distribution in prostate cancer 3D-CRT plans

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    AimThe aim of this work is to present a method of beam weight and wedge angle optimization for patients with prostate cancer.Background3D-CRT is usually realized with forward planning based on a trial and error method. Several authors have published a few methods of beam weight optimization applicable to the 3D-CRT. Still, none on these methods is in common use.Materials and methodsOptimization is based on the assumption that the best plan is achieved if dose gradient at ICRU point is equal to zero. Our optimization algorithm requires beam quality index, depth of maximum dose, profiles of wedged fields and maximum dose to femoral heads. The method was tested for 10 patients with prostate cancer, treated with the 3-field technique. Optimized plans were compared with plans prepared by 12 experienced planners. Dose standard deviation in target volume, and minimum and maximum doses were analyzed.ResultsThe quality of plans obtained with the proposed optimization algorithms was comparable to that prepared by experienced planners. Mean difference in target dose standard deviation was 0.1% in favor of the plans prepared by planners for optimization of beam weights and wedge angles. Introducing a correction factor for patient body outline for dose gradient at ICRU point improved dose distribution homogeneity. On average, a 0.1% lower standard deviation was achieved with the optimization algorithm. No significant difference in mean dose鈥搗olume histogram for the rectum was observed.ConclusionsOptimization shortens very much time planning. The average planning time was 5[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]min and less than a minute for forward and computer optimization, respectively

    Record of fluvial and biogenic sedimentation processes in sediments of the Lower Vistula Valley floor

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    W artykule przedstawiono przegl膮d osad贸w powodziowych i biogenicznych zdeponowanych w dnie Doliny Dolnej Wis艂y od okolic G贸rska, w 艣rodkowej cz臋艣ci Kotliny Toru艅skiej, po okolice Grudzi膮dza. Om贸wiono piaszczyste osady powodziowe, osady basen贸w popowodziowych i mineralne osady jeziorzysk dolinnych. Dokonano analizy podstawowych w艂asno艣ci utwor贸w biogenicznych i ich interpretacji genetycznej. Om贸wiono te偶 wyniki bada艅 nad rekonstrukcj膮 uk艂adu koryta Wis艂y w ci膮gu ostatnich 200 lat w Kotlinie Grudzi膮dzkiej i Basenie Unis艂awskim oraz problem powolnego zamulania starorzeczy powsta艂ych przed regulacj膮 i po regulacji hydrotechnicznej w ko艅cu XIX w. Wyja艣niono kwesti臋 gradientu zawarto艣ci w臋glanowej materii rozpuszczonej w dnie doliny i jego wp艂yw na sedymentacj臋 osad贸w. Zwr贸cono uwag臋 na podobie艅stwa i r贸偶nice w transporcie materii rozpuszczonej i zawieszonej mi臋dzy korytem Wis艂y i starorzeczami na przyk艂adzie starorzecza Starej Wis艂y i koryta Wis艂y w Bratwinie.The paper is a review of flood and biogenic sediments which have been deposited on the Lower Vistula Valley floor from the vicinity of G贸rsk to Grudzi膮dz town. Sandy flood sediments, flood basin sediments and mineral infillings of former back swamps are described. Biogenic sediments are also discussed and genetically interpreted. The results of the Vistula channel reconstruction in Grudzi膮dz Basin and Unis艂aw Basin in the last 200 years are also presented. The reconstruction is strongly linked with the problem of relatively slow siltation of oxbows after the hydrotechnical regulation at the end of XIX-th century. The question of the carbonates gradient in floodplain sediments is also explained. The differences and similarities of the dissolved and suspended matter transport between the main channel and fluvial lake is shown on the example of the oxbow lake and Vistula river channel in Bratwin

    Ecohydrology of Urban Ecosystems

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