46 research outputs found

    Lawson Criterion for Ignition Exceeded in an Inertial Fusion Experiment

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    Lawson criterion for ignition exceeded in an inertial fusion experiment

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    For more than half a century, researchers around the world have been engaged in attempts to achieve fusion ignition as a proof of principle of various fusion concepts. Following the Lawson criterion, an ignited plasma is one where the fusion heating power is high enough to overcome all the physical processes that cool the fusion plasma, creating a positive thermodynamic feedback loop with rapidly increasing temperature. In inertially confined fusion, ignition is a state where the fusion plasma can begin "burn propagation" into surrounding cold fuel, enabling the possibility of high energy gain. While "scientific breakeven" (i.e., unity target gain) has not yet been achieved (here target gain is 0.72, 1.37 MJ of fusion for 1.92 MJ of laser energy), this Letter reports the first controlled fusion experiment, using laser indirect drive, on the National Ignition Facility to produce capsule gain (here 5.8) and reach ignition by nine different formulations of the Lawson criterion

    Method of vehicle classification using discriminant analysis

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    Proper characteristics of the traffic flow is a particularly important issue in the process of optimizing the efficiency of transport networks as well as in the traffic control systems. One of the elementary parameters of traffic flows is the structure of vehicles, which evaluation, in case of the automatic systems, requires the implementation of proper algorithms and methods for vehicle classification. In the paper is presented a method of vehicles classification using the discriminant analysis. Furthermore authors developed a classifier, which aggregate data according to classification 8+1 in accordance with the TLS specifications and according with the classification presented in the specification COST 323. As input dataset to the classification method were used vehicle parameters recorded by the weight in motion systems

    A concept of extension of the OnDynamic system with module for monitoring road traffic impact on the urban environment

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    This paper presents an idea of development of the OnDynamic system used for non-invasive and low-impact measurements and visualisation of traffic parameters. Planned development would introduce new functionality to the system which allows to observe road traffic impact on the air quality and acoustic climate in a specified area. Network of sensors will be complemented with base stations equipped with the noise sensors, as well as sensors that allow to measure the concentration of the pollutants in the air

    The prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections among Kosovar and Serbian school-children in Kosovo

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence and distribution of species of intestinal parasites in the Balkans on the example of Kosovar and Serbian residents from the region of Gnjilane ineastern Kosovo,where the epidemiology of intestinal parasitic infections remains unknown. Parasitological examination of stools pecimens was performed in 2017 and 2018. Stool samples were collected from asymptomatic school-children aged 6–17 years: 530 Kosovars from the municipality of Kaçanik and310 Serbs from the municipalities of Kamenica and Strpce. Each patient provided two stool samples collected every second day,fixed in SAF preservative and 70 % spiritus vini, transported to the Department of Epidemiology and Tropical Medicine at the Military Institute of Medicine in Poland,and tested by light microscopy using three diagnostic methods: directs mearin Lugol’s solution,decantation in distilled water, and Fülleborn’s flotation. A total of 101 Kosovar children (19.1 % of the study group)were found to be infected with intestinal parasites: nematodes (n=20), cestodes (n=2), trematodes (n=2), and protozoa (n=79). Only 13 Serbian children (4.2 %) were found to beinfected with nematodes (n=4),cestodes (n=3),and protozoa (n=6). Giardia intestinalis was themost prevalent intestinal parasite in both groups (14,9 % vs. 1.9 % children). The prevalence ofasymptomatic parasitic infections was significantly higher in Kosovars in comparison to the Serbsliving in the same region of eastern Kosovo. This fact shows that there may be significant differencesin the quality of health care and sanitation as well as feed hygiene between these two communities

    Mounds of Krakow in ArcGIS online

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    Technologie geoinformacyjne dają szerokie możliwości pozyskiwania, przetwarzania i udostępniania danych przestrzennych m.in. do tworzenia aplikacji oraz serwisów internetowych, które pozwalają na wyświetlanie oraz przetwarzanie w nowoczesny i łatwy sposób treści kartograficznych na laptopie, tablecie czy smartfonie. Celem niniejszego opracowania było przygotowanie interaktywnej aplikacji ArcGIS Online dla Kopców Krakowa, jako ważnych elementów krajobrazu. W opracowaniu zinwentaryzowano obiekty małej architektury oraz zieleń, występującą w bezpośrednim otoczeniu Kopców. W tym celu wykonano pomiary GPS i geotagowane zdjęcia. Określenia gatunków dokonano w oparciu o fachową literaturę dendrologiczną. Inwentaryzację uzupełniono wybranymi widokami przestrzennymi i przekrojami utworzonymi z chmur punktów lotniczego skanowania laserowego (źródło: projekt ISOK, GUGiK). W efekcie finalnym udostępniona została interaktywna prezentacja „Krakowskie Kopce” w formie Story Map ArcGIS Online.Geoinformation technologies provide possibilities for processing geospatial data and generating applications and web services that allow to display and process cartographic information on laptop, tablet or smartphone in a modern and easy way. The aim of this paper was to prepare an interactive ArcGIS Online application for Mounds of Krakow as an important elements of Krakow landscape. The objects of small architecture and greenery, in the vicinity of the Mounds, were inventoried. For this purpose, GPS measurements and geotagged images were performed. Species classification was based on the professional dendrological literature. The Application was supplemented by selected views and profiles generated from airborne laser scanning point clouds (source: ISOK project, GUGiK). As a result, the interactive application of "Mounds of Krakow" in the form of Story Map ArcGIS Online was made available

    Mobile system for recording road weather conditions

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    A prototype of the “Mobile System for Recording Road Weather Conditions” has been made in the context of research and development work done on behalf of APM PRO Sp. z o.o. The system is used to record data collected from MARWIS - mobile sensor of surface condition produced by Lufft Company, a GPS receiver, accelerometer, and the instantaneous vehicle velocity from CAN bus. Its task is also processing the obtained information to standardized form and transfer it to an external database

    Clinical implications of glucocorticoid receptors in human leukemia

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    Normal lymphoid cells contain glucocorticoid receptor. A variety of stimuli that activate these cells also induce increases in receptor concentration. Similar glucocorticoid receptors can be detected in lymphoid cells from patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Absence of the glucocorticoid receptor (usually found in treated patients) predicts lack of glucocorticoid responsiveness. Furthermore, in our hands, glucocorticoid receptor levels correlate with the duration of complete remission in ALL (though not in other forms of leukemia). This association is independent of cell type, age, sex, or initial leukocyte count. The level of receptor shows a negative correlation with increasing aggressiveness of the tumor (null-cell leukemia greater than T-cell leukemia greater than Burkitt's lymphoma)