1,626 research outputs found

    Mechanical restriction versus human overreaction triggering congested traffic states

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    A new cellular automaton (CA) traffic model is presented. The focus is on mechanical restrictions of vehicles realized by limited acceleration and deceleration capabilities. These features are incorporated into the model in order to construct the condition of collision-free movement. The strict collision-free criterion imposed by the mechanical restrictions is softened in certain traffic situations, reflecting human overreaction. It is shown that the present model reliably reproduces most empirical findings including synchronized flow, the so-called {\it pinch effect}, and the time-headway distribution of free flow. The findings suggest that many free flow phenomena can be attributed to the platoon formation of vehicles ({\it platoon effect})Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in PR

    Cellular automata approach to three-phase traffic theory

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    The cellular automata (CA) approach to traffic modeling is extended to allow for spatially homogeneous steady state solutions that cover a two dimensional region in the flow-density plane. Hence these models fulfill a basic postulate of a three-phase traffic theory proposed by Kerner. This is achieved by a synchronization distance, within which a vehicle always tries to adjust its speed to the one of the vehicle in front. In the CA models presented, the modelling of the free and safe speeds, the slow-to-start rules as well as some contributions to noise are based on the ideas of the Nagel-Schreckenberg type modelling. It is shown that the proposed CA models can be very transparent and still reproduce the two main types of congested patterns (the general pattern and the synchronized flow pattern) as well as their dependence on the flows near an on-ramp, in qualitative agreement with the recently developed continuum version of the three-phase traffic theory [B. S. Kerner and S. L. Klenov. 2002. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 35, L31]. These features are qualitatively different than in previously considered CA traffic models. The probability of the breakdown phenomenon (i.e., of the phase transition from free flow to synchronized flow) as function of the flow rate to the on-ramp and of the flow rate on the road upstream of the on-ramp is investigated. The capacity drops at the on-ramp which occur due to the formation of different congested patterns are calculated.Comment: 55 pages, 24 figure

    General theory of instabilities for patterns with sharp interfaces in reaction-diffusion systems

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    An asymptotic method for finding instabilities of arbitrary dd-dimensional large-amplitude patterns in a wide class of reaction-diffusion systems is presented. The complete stability analysis of 2- and 3-dimensional localized patterns is carried out. It is shown that in the considered class of systems the criteria for different types of instabilities are universal. The specific nonlinearities enter the criteria only via three numerical constants of order one. The performed analysis explains the self-organization scenarios observed in the recent experiments and numerical simulations of some concrete reaction-diffusion systems.Comment: 21 pages (RevTeX), 8 figures (Postscript). To appear in Phys. Rev. E (April 1st, 1996

    Phase diagram of congested traffic flow: an empirical study

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    We analyze traffic data from a highway section containing one effective on-ramp. Based on two criteria, local velocity variation patterns and expansion (or nonexpansion) of congested regions, three distinct congested traffic states are identified. These states appear at different levels of the upstream flux and the on-ramp flux, thereby generating a phase diagram of the congested traffic flow. Compared to our earliear reports (including cond-mat/9905292) based on 14 day traffic data, the present paper uses a much larger data set (107 days) and the analysis is carried in a more systematic way, which leads to the modification of a part of interpretation in the earlier reports. Observed traffic states are compared with recent theoretical analyses and both agreeing and disagreeing features are found.Comment: More extensive and systematic version of earlier reports (including cond-mat/9905292). A part of interpretation in earlier reports is modified. 6 two-column pages. To appear in Phys. Rev. E (tentatively scheduled for Oct. 1 issue

    Presence of Many Stable Nonhomogeneous States in an Inertial Car-Following Model

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    A new single lane car following model of traffic flow is presented. The model is inertial and free of collisions. It demonstrates experimentally observed features of traffic flow such as the existence of three regimes: free, fluctuative (synchronized) and congested (jammed) flow; bistability of free and fluctuative states in a certain range of densities, which causes the hysteresis in transitions between these states; jumps in the density-flux plane in the fluctuative regime and gradual spatial transition from synchronized to free flow. Our model suggests that in the fluctuative regime there exist many stable states with different wavelengths, and that the velocity fluctuations in the congested flow regime decay approximately according to a power law in time.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Human behavior as origin of traffic phases

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    It is shown that the desire for smooth and comfortable driving is directly responsible for the occurrence of complex spatio-temporal structures (``synchronized traffic'') in highway traffic. This desire goes beyond the avoidance of accidents which so far has been the main focus of microscopic modeling and which is mainly responsible for the other two phases observed empirically, free flow and wide moving jams. These features have been incorporated into a microscopic model based on stochastic cellular automata and the results of computer simulations are compared with empirical data. The simple structure of the model allows for very fast implementations of realistic networks. The level of agreement with the empirical findings opens new perspectives for reliable traffic forecasts.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, colour figures with reduced resolutio

    Critical behavior of a traffic flow model

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    The Nagel-Schreckenberg traffic flow model shows a transition from a free flow regime to a jammed regime for increasing car density. The measurement of the dynamical structure factor offers the chance to observe the evolution of jams without the necessity to define a car to be jammed or not. Above the jamming transition the dynamical structure factor exhibits for a given k-value two maxima corresponding to the separation of the system into the free flow phase and jammed phase. We obtain from a finite-size scaling analysis of the smallest jam mode that approaching the transition long range correlations of the jams occur.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Can a gravitational wave and a magnetic monopole coexist?

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    We investigate the behavior of small perturbations around the Kaluza-Klein monopole in the five dimensional space-time. We find that the even parity gravitational wave does not propagate in the five dimensional space-time with Kaluza-Klein monopole provided that the gravitational wave is constant in the fifth direction. We conclude that a gravitational wave and a U(1) magnetic monopole do not coexist in five dimensional Kaluza-Klein spacetime.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX. To appear in Modern Physics Letters

    Covariant EBK quantization of the electromagnetic two-body problem

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    We discuss a method to transform the covariant Fokker action into an implicit two-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian for the electromagnetic two-body problem with arbitrary masses. This dynamical system appeared 100 years ago and it was popularized in the 1940's by the still incomplete Wheeler and Feynman program to quantize it as a means to overcome the divergencies of perturbative QED. Our finite-dimensional implicit Hamiltonian is closed and involves no series expansions. The Hamiltonian formalism is then used to motivate an EBK quantization based on the classical trajectories with a non-perturbative formula that predicts energies free of infinities.Comment: 21 page

    Single-vehicle data of highway traffic - a statistical analysis

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    In the present paper single-vehicle data of highway traffic are analyzed in great detail. By using the single-vehicle data directly empirical time-headway distributions and speed-distance relations can be established. Both quantities yield relevant information about the microscopic states. Several fundamental diagrams are also presented, which are based on time-averaged quantities and compared with earlier empirical investigations. In the remaining part time-series analyses of the averaged as well as the single-vehicle data are carried out. The results will be used in order to propose objective criteria for an identification of the different traffic states, e.g. synchronized traffic.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figures, RevTe