20 research outputs found

    Fluid inclusion analysis of minerals in sedimentary rocks in Poland – an overview and remarks

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    Przedstawiono charakterystykę i wyniki mikrotermometrycznych badań inkluzji fluidalnych występujących w spoiwie skał osadowych wieku od kambru po perm oraz od jury po paleogen i miocen. Inkluzje mają charakter pierwotny i wtórny; na ogół są jedno- lub dwu-, rzadziej trójfazowe. Wypełniają je paleofluidy o zróżnicowanym składzie i różnej gęstości. Temperatura homogenizacji, która stanowi przybliżenie temperatury zamknięcia fluidu w minerale, wykazuje zmienność związaną z rodzajem spoiwa i z historią geologiczną badanego obszaru. Zasolenie fluidów również jest zmienne i zależy od rodzaju spoiwa i od lokalizacji. Połączenie analiz inkluzji np. z badaniami izotopowymi pozwala na szerszą interpretację wyników oznaczeń mikrotermometrycznych.Characteristics and results of microthermometric studies of fluid inclusions which occur in the cements of sedimentary rocks of the age oscillating form Cambrian to Permian and from Jurassic to Paleogene and Miocene are presented. The inclusions studied are primary and secondary in origin. They display one, two or, less frequently, three phases. The inclusions are filled by the paleofluids of variable compositions and densities. The homogenization temperature, which corresponds to the minimum estimation of the trapping temperature, shows variability in respect to the cement type and geological history of the study area. Salinities of fluids are also variable in respect to the cement type and locality. Wider interpretation of the microthermometric analyses is enabled when they are combined, e.g., with the isotopic studies

    Geochronological studies on the crystalline bedrock from NE Poland : an overview and summary

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    Since the mid-1950s, when Jerzy Znosko started his huge contribution to the recognition of the crystalline basement of NE Poland, many different studies have followed the planned and implemented drilling projects. The drillings, conducted in the first decade under the leadership of Professor Znosko and under his description of the results, were further worked out by other researchers. Studies concerned petrological, geochemical and miner- alogical aspects. In that fan of methods applied, geochronological data started to be introduced to the bibliography of the area in the early 1960s. Geochronological methods that time mean mostly K-Ar and some Rb-Sr values. These materials are gathered in the paper aiming at its presentation, re-valuation and interpretation in terms of the significance of such data for further development of knowledge

    Hydrocarbon inclusions in cements of sedimentary rocks and in vein minerals – characteristics and significance

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    Na podstawie badań przeprowadzonych w obrębie trzech obszarów w Polsce przedstawiono charakterystykę i efekty analiz mikrotermometrycznych inkluzji, występujących w spoiwach i minerałach skał osadowych różnego wieku (od kambru przez perm po paleogen) oraz wypełnionych węglowodorami (HCFI). Inkluzje mają charakter pierwotny i wtórny. Są na ogół jedno- lub dwufazowe. Charakteryzuje je fluorescencja w barwach biało-niebieskich (ropa naftowa) lub niebieskawej (metan), niekiedy żółtej lub czerwonej. Na podstawie barwy świecenia wstępnie oszacowano charakter węglowodorów, które wypełniają te inkluzje i krążą w skałach z tego regionu. Temperatura homogenizacji, która stanowi przybliżenie temperatury zamknięcia fluidu w minerale, wykazuje zmienność związaną z historią geologiczną badanych obszarów. Inkluzje węglowodorów współwystępują w badanych rejonach z inkluzjami solankowymi. Połączenie wyników analiz mikrotermometrycznych inkluzji węglowodorowych z rezultatami badań inkluzji wodnych pozwoliło na szerszą interpretację wyników wszystkich oznaczeń w poszczególnych rejonach. Obecność węglowodorów w inkluzjach świadczy o ich występowaniu i/lub migracji w skałach badanych regionów.Characteristics and results of microthermometric studies of fluid inclusions which occur in the cements of sedimentary rocks of various ages (from Cambrian through Permian to Paleogene) and filled with hydrocarbons (HCFI) are presented. The inclusions are primary and secondary in origin. They display one or two phases and fluorescence in white-blue (oil) or dull blue (methane) colours, sometimes yellow or red. Based on the fluorescence colour in the ultraviolet light a character of hydrocarbons that fill these inclusions and migrate in the rocks of the region can be estimated. The inclusions are filled with palaeofluids of different compositions. The homogenization temperatures, which correspond to the minimum estimation of the trapping temperatures in minerals, show variability with respect to the geological history of the study area. The hydrocarbon inclusions are often accompanied by brine inclusions. Wider interpretation of all microthermometric analyses was enabled due to the combination of studies on hydrocarbon and aqueous inclusions. The presence of hydrocarbons in inclusions is a proof of their occurrence and/or migration in the rocks of the regions studied

    Fluid inclusion analysis of pore space fillings in Rotliegend rocks from selected regions of the Polish Lowlands.

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    Fluid inclusions - tiny portions of palaeofluids trapped in minerals filling pore space in sedimentary rocks - were analysed. The studies covered carbonate, quartz and anhydrite cements in the Rotliegend rocks from several boreholes in north, north-western, central and south-west parts of the Polish Lowlands. They aimed at obtaining characteristics of fluid inclusions in the specific geological material, microthermometric measurements and use of fluid inclusions as geothermometer with reference to main petrological research conducted by A. Maliszewska and M. Kuberska in the above mentioned regions. Fluid inclusion studies comprised microscopic characteristics of these forms, fluorescence and cathodoluminescence observations and microthermometry. Due to different types of cements, different features of these inclusions have been observed. In general, the inclusions are two- or one-phase ones, primary and/or secondary, small, rare and hard to distinguish. Homogenisation temperatures of inclusions obtained in the studied samples lie in different intervals due to inclusion type and position. Generally they are above 100oC. Densities of fluids are differentiated and the systems are found to represent generally NaCl brines of changeable chemical systems. The microthermometric results have been compared with effects of analyses of light isotopes (carbon, oxygen) from the same cements. Data show presence of low-and high-temperature generations of cements

    Methodology and age relations of the fission track and K-Ar methods : the case of the Karkonosze massif and its envelope

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    W kontekście coraz większego znaczenia metod izotopowych w Polsce i zrozumienia ich możliwości interpretacyjnych, przedstawiono porównanie metodyczne i wiekowe analizy trakowej i oznaczeń metodą potasowo-argonową (K-Ar) w odniesieniu do minerałów budujących skały masywu Karkonoszy oraz jego północnej osłony. Prezentowane wyniki stanowią kompilację wcześniejszych oznaczeń trakowych z obszaru karkonosko-izerskiego (Jarmołowicz-Szulc, 1984), oznaczeń K-Ar z tego samego obszaru (Jarmołowicz-Szulc i in., 2009) oraz nowszych metodycznie danych literaturowych z masywu Karkonoszy (Danišik i in., 2010). Wykazano zaletę metody trakowej, którą są przede wszystkim możliwości interpretacyjne związane z datowaniem wypiętrzenia i/lub pogrzebania w historii geologicznej skał. Pokazano również walory metody K-Ar, umożliwiającej m.in. uzyskanie wartości wieku oziębiania np. po wypiętrzeniu plutonu.Isotopic methods have been gaining their importance in Poland in last decades. The understanding on the interpretation potential of isotopic determinations of minerals has been growing up as well. In that context, age relations and methodology of the fission track and K-Ar methods have been presented based on the case of minerals forming rocks of the Karkonosze Massif and its northern metamorphic envelope. The presented results are the compilation of earlier fission track determinations from the Karkonosze-Izera Block (Jarmołowicz-Szulc, 1984), K-Ar data from the same area (Jarmołowicz-Szulc et al., 2009) and newer methodological data from the Karkonosze granitoid (Danišik et al., 2010). Advantages of the fission track method have been shown, i.e., interpretation possibilities of burial and exhumation in geological history of rocks. Importance of the K-Ar method has been presented, in that determination of a cooling age after the pluton uplift

    Etapy badań analitycznych w Karpatach na pograniczu polsko-ukraińskim w ostatnim dwudziestoleciu

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    The area of the Outer Carpathians has been under a permanent research conducted in different aspects. Last twenty years of the analytical studies have been the most effective. Different types of analyses have been performed, the methology of which is presented in the paper, as well as exemplary results in different fields – geochemistry, mineralogy and petrology.Obszar Karpat zewnętrznych od lat jest obiektem badań prowadzonych pod różnym kątem. Ostatnie dwudziestolecie jest najbardziej pod tym względem efektywne. Przeprowadzono analizy różnego typu, których metodykę zaprezentowano w pracy, jak też przykładowe wyniki analiz geochemicznych, mineralogicznych i petrologicznych

    Sandy-rocky Wadi Rum desert in South Jordan

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    The volcanism of the Auckland region, New Zealand

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    New Zealand is situated on the tectonic line between the Indo-Australian and Pacific plates in the subduction zone. Auckland – the New Zealand’s largest city – lies in the Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF) in the North Island. Similarly to the other volcanic fields, the AVF is characterized by volcanism of alkali basalt composition and monogenic formation. The age of volcanism changes from late Miocene to recent times. The AVF comprises about 50 volcanic cones, the activity of which has been dated for the last 25 000 years. The volcanic eruptions displayed a differentiated character – from phreatomagmatic through the Stromboli and Hawaii types to the effusive volcanism

    Hydrocarbon inclusions in vein quartz (the "Marmarosh diamonds") from the Krosno and Dukla zones of the Ukrainian Carpathians

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    Fluid inclusion studies were conducted in the vein quartz known as the "Marmarosh diamonds" of the Krosno and Dukla zones of the Ukrainian Carpathians, which are potentially oil- and gas-bearing. The "Marmarosh diamonds" contain different types of fluid inclusions which record the evolution of the quartz formation. The inclusions were studied by means of gas chromatography, microthermometry and fluorescence. The following sequence has been observed: methane inclusions displaying characteristic features due to crystallography, light hydrocarbons, complex inclusions with a variety of bitumens, and gas-liquid inclusions with two different hydrocarbon phases. The regions where the light hydrocarbon inclusions occur seem to be the most promising as regards oil and gas prospects