27 research outputs found

    Tumour risk associated with use of cellular telephones or cordless desktop telephones

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    BACKGROUND: The use of cellular and cordless telephones has increased dramatically during the last decade. There is concern of health problems such as malignant diseases due to microwave exposure during the use of these devices. The brain is the main target organ. METHODS: Since the second part of the 1990's we have performed six case-control studies on this topic encompassing use of both cellular and cordless phones as well as other exposures. Three of the studies concerned brain tumours, one salivary gland tumours, one non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and one testicular cancer. Exposure was assessed by self-administered questionnaires. RESULTS: Regarding acoustic neuroma analogue cellular phones yielded odds ratio (OR) = 2.9, 95 % confidence interval (CI) = 2.0–4.3, digital cellular phones OR = 1.5, 95 % CI = 1.1–2.1 and cordless phones OR = 1.5, 95 % CI = 1.04–2.0. The corresponding results were for astrocytoma grade III-IV OR = 1.7, 95 % CI = 1.3–2.3; OR = 1.5, 95 % CI = 1.2–1.9 and OR = 1.5, 95 % CI = 1.1–1.9, respectively. The ORs increased with latency period with highest estimates using > 10 years time period from first use of these phone types. Lower ORs were calculated for astrocytoma grade I-II. No association was found with salivary gland tumours, NHL or testicular cancer although an association with NHL of T-cell type could not be ruled out. CONCLUSION: We found for all studied phone types an increased risk for brain tumours, mainly acoustic neuroma and malignant brain tumours. OR increased with latency period, especially for astrocytoma grade III-IV. No consistent pattern of an increased risk was found for salivary gland tumours, NHL, or testicular cancer

    Do TETRA (Airwave) base station signals have a short-term impact on health and well-being? A randomized double-blind provocation study

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    Background: "Airwave" is the new communication system currently being rolled out across the United Kingdom for the police and emergency services, based on the Terrestrial Trunked Radio Telecommunications System (TETRA). Some police officers have complained about skin rashes, nausea, headaches, and depression as a consequence of using their Airwave handsets. In addition, a small subgroup in the population self-report being sensitive to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in general. Objectives: We conducted a randomized double-blind provocation study to establish whether short-term exposure to a TETRA base station signal has an impact on the health and well-being of individuals with self-reported "electrosensitivity" and of participants who served as controls.Methods: Fifty-one individuals with self-reported electrosensitivity and 132 age and sex-matched controls participated in an open provocation test; 48 sensitive and 132 control participants went on to complete double-blind tests in a fully screened semianechoic chamber. Heart rate, skin conductance, and blood pressure readings provided objective indices of short-term physiological response. Visual analog scales and symptom scales provided subjective indices of well-being.Results: We found no differences on any measure between TETRA and sham (no signal) under double-blind conditions for either controls or electrosensitive participants, and neither group could detect the presence of a TETRA signal at rates greater than chance (50%). When conditions were not double blind, however, the self-reported electrosensitive individuals did report feeling worse and experienced more severe symptoms during TETRA compared with sham.Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the adverse symptoms experienced by electrosensitive individuals are due to the belief of harm from TETRA base stations rather than to the low-level EMF exposure itself

    Mobile phones and head tumours. The discrepancies in cause-effect relationships in the epidemiological studies - how do they arise?

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    The uncertainty about the relationship between the use of mobile phones (MPs: analogue and digital cellulars, and cordless) and the increase of head tumour risk can be solved by a critical analysis of the methodological elements of both the positive and the negative studies. Results by Hardell indicate a cause/effect relationship: exposures for or latencies from 65 10 years to MPs increase by up to 100% the risk of tumour on the same side of the head preferred for phone use (ipsilateral tumours) - which is the only one significantly irradiated - with statistical significance for brain gliomas, meningiomas and acoustic neuromas. On the contrary, studies published under the Interphone project and others produced negative results and are characterised by the substantial underestimation of the risk of tumour. However, also in the Interphone studies a clear and statistically significant increase of ipsilateral head tumours (gliomas, neuromas and parotid gland tumours) is quite common in people having used MPs since or for 65 10 years. And also the metaanalyses by Hardell and other Authors, including only the literature data on ipsilateral tumours in people having used MPs since or for 65 10 years - and so also part of the Interphone data - still show statistically significant increases of head tumours

    Elektromagnetiska fÀlt, elöverkÀnslighet och neurologisk sjukdom en kunskapsöversikt

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    In the fall of 1995 an expert group was appointed by the Criteria Group for Physical Risk Factors at the National Institute for Working Life with the mandate to investigate the state of knowledge concerning risk indicators and causal factors for electromagnetic hypersensitivity, and whether exposure to electric or magnetic fields (EMFs) caused electromagnetic hypersensitivity or similar health problems. Furthermore, the task was also to investigate the possibility that certain neurological disorders could be related to exposure to electric or magnetic fields. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is described in this report as discomforts and adverse health afflicting certain individuals in the vicinity of electrical appliances. The consequences for the individual vary, but for some this condition leads to serious consequences for work and life quality. The health problems of these individuals are the primary motives for the current investigation : the compilation of research results is ultimately intended to improve the possibility of adequate and effective counteractions. Description of electromagnetic hypersensitivity The symptoms described by electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals include both symptoms from the skin and a more divergent symptomatology with items such as headache, tiredness, difficulty in concentration, memory problems and dizziness. To a varying degree also other symptoms such as eye discomforts are described. The symptoms are seldom specific, however, since they occur also in other groups of individuals. Due to this and to other reasons, there are currently no established criteria for a diagnosis of electromagnetic hypersensitivity. There are good reasons to separate individuals with skin problems during work with visual display units (VDUs) and electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals, where neurasthenic problems are more prevalent, and where the problems are attributed to several different Òelectrical" situations. The most common result of mild skin symptoms during VDU work is that these disappear with time, not that they develop to more serious cases of electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Today, there are no clear distinctions between electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals and others concerning individual related factors, although some indications of such differences have appeared; among other things concerning gender, personality traits and certain dermatological findings. One possibility supported by some findings is that electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals could have an instability in the autonomic nervous system, but a definite verification of this is currently lacking. Skin problems during VDU work are commonly occurring. The number of electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals having serious problems with major consequences is, on the other hand, most likely limited. A possible tendency for a decreasing number of new cases can be seen, but it must be emphasised that this evaluation is somewhat uncertain. Individuals with electromagnetic hypersensitivity often attribute the problems to proximity to VDUs or extensive VDU work, and proximity to fluorescent tubes. Electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals with neurasthenic symptoms, however, often have a wider attribution than only to VDU- and fluorescent tube situations. This wide range of attributed situations includes both a large variety of EMF sources and other factors such as sunlight. International comparisons indicate that both symptom and attributions differ between those countries where electromagnetic hypersensitive exists. External risk indicators and causal factors The appearance of skin symptoms is associated with the extent of VDU work (and a similar relationship is often described by electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals). This work situation does, however, include a large number of different factors; physical and ergonomic as well as organisational and psycho-social. Some studies point to a role for thermal factors such as low relative humidity and/or high room temperature, and to work related stress factors for the appearance of skin problems during VDU work. Concerning EMF, it can be pointed out that VDU work situations do not constitute a high exposure situation in terms of fields of net frequencies compared to situations close to heavy electrical equipments. For fields of higher frequencies or other measures of the field strength than the amplitude, such a general statement can not be given. Experimental and observational studies do currently not give any support for the hypothesis that low frequency fields similar to those encountered at VDU work places would lead to health problems for electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals. Concerning skin problems during VDU work, some findings weakly suggest a role for various electric fields, but no clear conclusion can be made at present. For fields of higher frequencies, research results are currently not sufficient for any conclusions. Studies of other groups than electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals have, however, indicated that some symptoms of neurasthenic nature (such as sleep problems and depressive symptoms) could be associated with the existence of extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields : but the relevant causal mechanism is unclear, both the possibility of a direct physical/physiological link and an association due to worry about the field can be considered. Concerning low frequency fields and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), some indications of associations have appeared in a few studies, but no conclusions can currently be made : these studies are too few and too uncertain. Interesting suggestions exist for a relationship between amplitude modulated light and symptoms among electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals. There are also some studies that indicate relationships between worry and health problems, but the interpretation of these latter relationships is unclear; both the possibility that worry leads to adverse health, and that adverse health creates worry are feasible interpretations of these findings. Taken together, there are a number of reasons to look at electromagnetic hypersensitivity as a condition with a multifactorial genesis, that in principle could include both physical, stress related and psychosomatic mechanisms. The possibility that different combinations of such mechanisms can cause electro-magnetic hypersensitivity must now be kept open. The results of various reported action programmes and follow-up studies suggest that improvements for a large part of the afflicted can be achieved. In those reports, it is, however, not possible to differentiate between the effects of different types of actions, making it difficult to draw conclusions about specific causal factors from these results. Whether action programmes directed towards reduction of electric and magnetic fields constitute an effective handling has not yet been evaluated in a systematic way : a common description of the effects of such actions is often Òbetter but not well". Also when concerning other treatments, there is a current lack of evaluations showing a specific effect of a certain treatment. In general, however, it should be pointed out that early handling, as is also the case in other medical conditions, is recommendable and probably coincides with a better prognoses.Kriteriegruppen för fysikaliska riskfaktorer tillsatte hösten 1995 en expertgrupp med uppdrag att utreda dels kunskapslĂ€get avseende riskindikatorer och orsaks-faktorer för elöverkĂ€nslighet, dels huruvida exponering för elektro-magnetiska fĂ€lt leder till elöverkĂ€nslighet eller liknande hĂ€lsoproblem. Vidare ingick i uppdraget att utreda möjligheten att vissa neurologiska sjukdomar kan bero pĂ„ exponering för elektromagnetiska fĂ€lt. ElöverkĂ€nslighet beskrivs i denna rapport som besvĂ€r och ohĂ€lsa som drabbar vissa individer i nĂ€rhet av elektrisk utrustning. Konsekvenserna för individen varierar, men för en del leder tillstĂ„ndet till allvarliga konsekvenser för arbete och livskvalitet. Dessa individers hĂ€lsoproblem utgör huvudmotivet för den aktuella utredningen : sammanstĂ€llningen av forskningsresultat syftar ytterst till att förbĂ€ttra möjlig-heten till adekvata och effektiva Ă„tgĂ€rder. Beskrivning av elöverkĂ€nslighet De symtom som beskrivs av elöverkĂ€nsliga innefattar bĂ„de symtom frĂ„n huden och en mer divergent symtombild som huvudvĂ€rk, trötthet, koncentrations- och minnessvĂ„righeter samt yrsel. I varierande omfattning beskrivs Ă€ven andra symptom som ögonbesvĂ€r. Symtomen Ă€r dock sĂ€llan specifika, i det att de förekommer Ă€ven i andra grupper. Av denna och andra anledningar finns idag inga vedertagna kriterier för diagnossĂ€ttning elöverkĂ€nslighet. Det finns goda skĂ€l att skilja pĂ„ individer med hudbesvĂ€r vid bild-skĂ€rmsarbete och elöverkĂ€nsliga, dĂ€r problem av neurovegetativ natur oftare förekommer, och besvĂ€ren Ă€ven tillskrivs olika "elektriska" situationer. Det vanligaste utfallet av lĂ€tta hudbesvĂ€r vid bildskĂ€rmsarbete tycks vara att dessa försvinner med tiden, inte att de utvecklas till svĂ„rare fall av elöverkĂ€nslighet. Man har idag inte nĂ„gon klar bild av eventuella skillnader mellan elöverkĂ€ns-liga och andra vad gĂ€ller individbundna faktorer, Ă€ven om vissa indikationer pĂ„ sĂ„dana skillnader finns; bland annat avseende kön, personlighetsdrag och vissa dermatologiska fynd. En möjlighet som stöds av en del fynd Ă€r att elöver-kĂ€ns-liga skulle uppvisa en instabilitet i det autonoma nerv-systemet, men sĂ€kra belĂ€gg för detta saknas f.n. HudbesvĂ€r vid bildskĂ€rmsarbete Ă€r vanligt förekommande. Antalet elöver-kĂ€nsliga individer med allvarliga problem i form av vittgĂ„ende konsekvenser Ă€r Ă„ andra sidan sannolikt begrĂ€nsat. Möjligen finns en tendens att tillströmningen av nya fall av elöverkĂ€nslighet minskar, men osĂ€ker-heten i denna bedömning mĂ„ste pĂ„pekas. Individer med elöverkĂ€nslighet förknippar ofta problemen med nĂ€rhet till bild-skĂ€rm eller omfattande bildskĂ€rmsarbete samt nĂ€rhet till lysrör. Individer med elöverkĂ€nslighet dĂ€r Ă€ven neurovegetativa symtom förekommer uppvisar ofta en bredare attribuering Ă€n enbart nĂ€rhet till bildskĂ€r-mar och lysrör. Denna bredd föreligger dels avseende vilka EMF-kĂ€llor som avses, men ocksĂ„ att Ă€ven andra situationer Ă€n de nĂ€ra EMF-kĂ€llor ger upphov till hĂ€lsoproblem (t. ex. solljus). Internationella jĂ€mförelser indikerar att bĂ„de symtombild och attribuering skiljer sig Ă„t mellan olika lĂ€nder dĂ€r begreppet elöverkĂ€nslighet finns. Externa riskindikatorer och orsaksfaktorer Hudsymtom uppvisar ett samband med omfattningen av bildskĂ€rmsarbete (och motsvarande samband indikeras ofta av elöverkĂ€nsliga). Denna arbetssituation innefattar dock en rad olika faktorer; fysikaliska och ergonomiska liksom organisatoriska och psyko-sociala. NĂ„gra studier pekar bl. a. pĂ„ en roll för termiska faktorer som lĂ„g relativ luftfuktighet och/eller hög temperatur liksom för arbets-relaterade stressfaktorer nĂ€r det gĂ€ller uppkomst av hudbesvĂ€r vid bildskĂ€rms-arbete. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller elektromagnetiska fĂ€lt kan det pĂ„pekas att bildskĂ€rms-situationer ej utgör nĂ„gon hög exponering vad gĂ€ller nĂ€tfrekventa fĂ€lt jĂ€mfört med situationer nĂ€ra tung elektrisk utrustning. För fĂ€lt av högre frekvenser eller andra mĂ„tt pĂ„ fĂ€ltens styrka Ă€n amplituden kan en sĂ„dan generell bedömning inte göras. Experimentella och observationella studier ger för nĂ€rvarande inte nĂ„got stöd för hypotesen att lĂ„gfrekventa fĂ€lt liknande de som förekommer vid bildskĂ€rms-arbetsplatser leder till besvĂ€r hos elöverkĂ€nsli-ga. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller hudbesvĂ€r vid bildskĂ€rmsarbete finns nĂ„gra fynd som antyder en möjlig roll för olika elektriska fĂ€lt, men nĂ„gon klar slutsats kan f.n. inte dras. För fĂ€lt av högre frekvenser Ă€r forsknings-resultaten f.n. ej tillrĂ€ckliga för att nĂ„gra slutsatser ska kunna dras. Studier av andra grupper Ă€n elöverkĂ€nsliga har dock indikerat att vissa sym-tom av neurasten natur (som sömnsvĂ„righeter och depressiva symtom) kan ha ett sam-band med existensen av extremt lĂ„gfrekventa magnetiska fĂ€lt : men den relevanta orsaks-mekanismen Ă€r oklar : bĂ„de möjligheten av en direkt fysikalisk/fysio-logisk koppling och ett samband baserat pĂ„ oro för fĂ€lt kan vara aktuella. Vad gĂ€ller lĂ„gfrekventa fĂ€lt och neurologiska sjukdomar som Alzheimers sjukdom och ALS föreligger osĂ€kra indikationer för samband i nĂ„gra studier, men inga konklusioner kan för nĂ€rvarande göras : dessa studier Ă€r i dagslĂ€get för fĂ„ och för osĂ€kra. Intressanta indikationer pĂ„ ett samband mellan amplitud-modulerat ljus och symtom hos elöverkĂ€nsliga individer föreligger. Det finns Ă€ven nĂ„gra studier som indikerar samband mellan oro för hĂ€lsorisker och hĂ€lsoproblem, men tolk-ningen av sĂ„dana samband Ă€r oklar, bĂ„de möjligheten av att oro leder till ohĂ€lsa, och att ohĂ€lsa orsakar oro Ă€r möjliga. Sammantaget finns det flera skĂ€l att se elöverkĂ€nslighet som ett tillstĂ„nd med multifaktoriell genes, som i princip skulle kunna innefatta bĂ„de fysikaliska, stressrelaterade och psykosomatiska mekanismer. Möjligheten att olika kombinationer av sĂ„dana mekanismer Ă€r orsak till elöverkĂ€nslighet mĂ„ste f.n. stĂ„ öppen. Resultaten av olika rapporterade Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogram och uppföljningsstudier tyder pĂ„ att en förbĂ€ttring för en stor del av de drabbade kan ske. Man har dock i dessa rapporter inte kunnat sĂ€rskilja effekter av olika typer av Ă„tgĂ€rder, vilket gör det svĂ„rt att ur dessa resultat dra slutsatser om specifika orsaksfaktorer. Huruvida Ă„tgĂ€rdsprogram som inriktats pĂ„ elektriska och magnetiska fĂ€lt utgör ett effektivt hanterande har Ă€nnu inte utvĂ€rderats systematiskt : en vanlig beskrivning av effekten av sĂ„dana Ă„tgĂ€rder Ă€r ofta ÒbĂ€ttre men inte bra". Även nĂ€r det gĂ€ller andra behandlingsĂ„tgĂ€rder saknas idag utvĂ€rderingar som har pĂ„visat en specifik effekt av en viss behandling. AllmĂ€nt bör dock pĂ„pekas att ett tidigt omhĂ€ndertagande, pĂ„ samma sĂ€tt som vid andra medicinska tillstĂ„nd, Ă€r önskvĂ€rt och sannolikt förenat med en bĂ€ttre prognos