16 research outputs found

    Modele przewodu pokarmowego in vitro do badan nad biodostepnoscia skladnikow odzywczych

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    Biodost臋pno艣膰 sk艂adnik贸w pokarmowych jest wa偶nym wska藕nikiem przy ocenie wp艂ywu 偶ywienia cz艂owieka na jego zdrowie. Z uwagi na trudno艣ci w dost臋pie do tre艣ci jelitowych in vivo rozwini臋to modele umo偶liwiaj膮ce badanie trawienia i wch艂aniania sk艂adnik贸w pokarmowych w warunkach in vitro. W pracy opisano budow臋 przewodu pokarmowego i jego fizjologi臋. Przedstawiono dane dotycz膮ce st臋偶enia aktywnych sk艂adnik贸w p艂yn贸w w uk艂adzie pokarmowym, kinetyk臋 zmian kwasowo艣ci p艂yn贸w jelitowych oraz szybko艣膰 pasa偶u i trawienie pokarmu przez uk艂ad. Om贸wiono tak偶e podstawowe modele in vitro do badania trawienia jelitowego i wch艂aniania. Wi臋kszo艣膰 stosowanych modeli jest dwu- lub tr贸jstopniowa i obejmuje uk艂ady: 偶o艂膮dek - jelito cienkie, jama ustna - 偶o艂膮dek - jelito cienkie lub 偶o艂膮dek - jelito cienkie - jelito grube. W modelach przewodu pokarmowego in vitro mo偶na zaleca膰 nast臋puj膮ce proporcje obj臋to艣ciowe (wagowe) mi臋dzy p艂ynami jelitowymi: pokarm/艣lina/p艂yn 偶o艂膮dkowy/偶贸艂膰/sok trzustkowy, jak 1,5/1/2/1/2. Jako modele do badania wch艂aniania sk艂adnik贸w pokarmowych wykorzystuje si臋 b膮d藕 uk艂ady dializacyjne lub ultrafiltracyjne, b膮d藕 modele kultur kom贸rek nab艂onka jelitowego in vitro. Najpopularniejsz膮 lini膮 kom贸rkow膮 wykorzystywan膮 do badania wch艂aniania pokarm贸w jest Caco-2. Jej morfologia i fizjologia jest bardzo zbli偶ona do naturalnych ludzkich enterocyt贸w in vivo. Model Caco-2 zosta艂 zastosowany do badania wch艂aniania bia艂ek, lipid贸w, cukr贸w, jon贸w metali, witamin, przeciwutleniaczy, mikotoksyn i innych sk艂adnik贸w 偶ywno艣ci. (abstrakt oryginalny)Bioavailability of alimentary components is an important indicator at the estimation of the influence of the nutrition on the human health. Taking into account the difficulty in accessing to intestinal contents in vivo, some artificial models enabling research on the intestinal digestion and absorption in vitro were elaborated. This paper also presents structure and physiology of gastrointestinal tract in vivo. Many detailed data on composition and concentration of active substances in alimentary canal, kinetics of pH changes of intestinal fluids as well as the rate of passage and digestion of food in gastrointestinal tract are discussed. Basic models of gastrointestinal tract in vitro used for the investigation of the intestinal digestion and the absorption are also described. The majority of GI models consist of two - or three-stage systems including: stomach - small intestine, mouth - stomach - small intestine or stomach - small intestine - large intestine. The optimal weight (volume) ratio between different components of intestinal fluids: food/saliva/gastric juice/bile/pancreatic juice is 1.5/1/2/1/2. To study the transport of food compound across intestinal epithelium, two types of in vitro models are used: dialysis or ultrafiltration membranes and cell cultures of intestinal epithelium in vitro. The most commonly used cell line to study intestinal absorption is human intestine cell line Caco-2. Its morphology and physiology is very similar to the human small intestine enterocyte cells in vivo. The Caco-2 model was applied to study absorption of protein, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, metal ions, antioxidants, mycotoxins and other food ingredients. (original abstract

    Antagonistic impact of Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079 and DSM 20242 strains on pathogenic bacteria isolated from people

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki dotycz膮ce antagonistycznego dzia艂ania Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079 i DSM 20242 w stosunku do szczep贸w bakterii Helicobacter pylori, Escherichia coli i Salmonella enteritidis izolowanych od pacjent贸w. Najwi臋ksze strefy zahamowania wzrostu obserwowano we wszystkich testowanych szczepach H. pylori - wynosi艂y one ponad 20 mm. Testowane szczepy L. acidophilus hamowa艂y r贸wnie偶 rozw贸j wszystkich szczep贸w S. enteritidis, a wielko艣膰 stref wynosi艂a powy偶ej 12 mm. Spo艣r贸d szczep贸w E. coli by艂y takie, kt贸rych wzrost nie by艂 hamowany przez testowane szczepy L. acidophilus. Wielko艣膰 stref zahamowania wzrostu pozosta艂ych testowanych szczep贸w E. coli wynosi艂a od 11 do 16 mm.The paper presents the results of a study on the antagonistic activity of L. acidophilus DSM 20079 and DSM 20242 strains towards H. pylori, E. coli, and S. enteritidis strains isolated from patients. The largest zones of inhibited growth were found in all the H. pylori strains analyzed; those zones were larger than 20 mm. The L. acidophilus strains also inhibited the development of all the S. enteritidis strains and the size of the inhibition zones was larger than 12 mm. Amidst the E. coli strains, there were some strains that grew uninhibited by the selected L. acidophilus strains analyzed. The size of inhibited growth zones of other E. coli strains was between 11 and 16 mm

    Acid, bile, and heat tolerance of free and microencapsulated probiotic bacteria

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    Eight strains of probiotic bacteria, including Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium longum, L. salivarius, L. plantarum, L. acidophilus, L. paracasei, B. lactis type Bl-O4, and B. lactis type Bi-07, were studied for their acid, bile, and heat tolerance. Microencapsulation in alginate matrix was used to enhance survival of the bacteria in acid and bile as well as a brief exposure to heat. Free probiotic organisms were used as a control. The acid tolerance of probiotic organisms was tested using HCl in MRS broth over a 2-h incubation period. Bile tolerance was tested using 2 types of bile salts, oxgall and taurocholic acid, over an 8-h incubation period. Heat tolerance was tested by exposing the probiotic organisms to 65掳C for up to 1 h. Results indicated microencapsulated probiotic bacteria survived better (P < 0.05) than free probiotic bacteria in MRS containing HCl. When free probiotic bacteria were exposed to oxgall, viability was reduced by 6.51-log CFU/mL, whereas only 3.36-log CFU/mL was lost in microencapsulated strains. At 30 min of heat treatment, microencapsulated probiotic bacteria survived with an average loss of only 4.17-log CFU/mL, compared to 6.74-log CFU/mL loss with free probiotic bacteria. However, after 1 h of heating both free and microencapsulated probiotic strains showed similar losses in viability. Overall microencapsulation improved the survival of probiotic bacteria when exposed to acidic conditions, bile salts, and mild heat treatment. 漏 2007 Institute of Food Technologists.link_to_subscribed_fulltex