189 research outputs found

    Electroweak phase transition in the MSSM with four generations

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    By assuming the existence of the sequential fourth generation to the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), we study the possibility of a strongly first-order electroweak phase transition. We find that there is a parameter region of the MSSM where the electroweak phase transition is strongly first order. In that parameter region, the mass of the lighter scalar Higgs boson is calculated to be above the experimental lower bound, and the scalar quarks of the third and the fourth generations are heavier than the corresponding quarks.Comment: 12 pages, 2 tables, 2 figure

    Scattering with Baryon Number Violation -- The Case of Higgs Particle Production --

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    \noindent A formalism based on path-integral expression of time-evolution operator during tunneling at a finite energy proposed by the authors is applied to SU(2)SU(2) gauge-Higgs system to produce Higgs particles with ΔB=1\Delta B=1. Instead of starting from instanton tunneling at the zero energy, a classical bounce solution giving sphaleron (instanton) action at high (low) energies is used as the tunneling configuration. Fourier transform of the bounce configuration in coherent state expression at the entrance and exit of the tunneling plays an important role. Numerical results at various energies for MH/MW=1∌2M_H/M_W=1 \sim 2 are given. Though the cross section with ΔB=1\Delta B=1 results from a severe cancellation of several large quantities in the leading order as occured in the instanton calculus, it seems unlikely that the cross section grows as largely as to reach unitarity bound at energies E≀EsphE \leq E_{sph}. It is pointed out that the actual value g2=0.418g^2=0.418 of the SU(2)SU(2) gauge coupling constant may be too large to take the weak coupling limit.}Comment: modified PHYZZX(included), 4 Figures (not included), SAGA-HE-46 : KYUSHU-HET-

    Phase Transitions in the NMSSM

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    We study phase transitions in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) with the weak scale vacuum expectation values of the singlet scalar, constrained by Higgs spectrum and vacuum stability. We find four different types of phase transitions, three of which have two-stage nature. In particular, one of the two-stage transitions admits strongly first order electroweak phase transition, even with heavy squarks. We introduce a tree-level explicit CP violation in the Higgs sector, which does not affect the neutron electric dipole moment. In contrast to the MSSM with the CP violation in the squark sector, a strongly first order phase transition is not so weakened by this CP violation.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    CP Violation in the Higgs Sector and Phase Transition in the MSSM

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    We investigate the electroweak phase transition in the presence of a large CP violation in the squark sector of the MSSM. When the CP violation is large, scalar-pseudoscalar mixing of the Higgs bosons occurs and a large CP violation in the Higgs sector is induced. It, however, weakens first-order phase transition before the mixing reaches the maximal. Even when the CP violation in the squark sector is not so large that the phase transition is strongly first order, the phase difference between the broken and symmetric phase regions grows to O(1), which leads to successful baryogenesis, when the charged Higgs bosons is light.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX2

    Charge Generation in the Oscillating Background

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    The preheating after the inflation, which can be interpreted as particle creation in the oscillating inflaton background, provides a state far from thermal equilibrium. We extend the field theoretical treatment of the preheating by Linde et al. to the case of multicomponent complex scalars to show that some charges are created in this process, if C and CP are violated. A new possibility of baryogenesis based on this mechanism is also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX 2e, 3 eps figure

    Chiral Charge Flux and Electroweak Baryogenesis

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    By treating CP-violating interaction of the electroweak bubble wall as a perturbative term, chiral charge flux through the bubble wall is estimated. It is found that the absolute value of the flux FQF_Q has a sharp peak at m0∌a∌Tm_0 \sim a \sim T with FQ/(uT3)∌10−3 (QL−QR) ΔξF_Q/(u T^3) \sim 10^{-3}\, (Q_L-Q_R)\,\Delta \theta. Here m0m_0 is the fermion mass, 1/a1/a is the wall thickness, TT is the temperature at which the bubbles are growing, uu is the wall velocity, QL(R)Q_{L(R)} is the chiral charge of the relevant left(right)-handed fermion and Δξ\Delta\theta is the measure of CP violation.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures ( not included, hard copies are available upon request ), plain TeX with phyzzx

    Numerical Approach to CP-Violating Dirac Equation

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    We propose a new method to evaluate the chiral charge flux, which is converted into baryon number in the framework of the charge transport scenario of electroweak baryogenesis. By the new method, one can calculate the flux in the background of any type of bubble wall with any desired accuracy.Comment: 14 pages, epsf.sty is needed, 3 figures appende

    CP Violating Bubble Wall and Electroweak Baryogenesis

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    The electroweak baryogenesis depends on the profile of the CP-violating bubble wall created at the first order phase transition. We attempt to determine it by solving the coupled equations of motion for the moduli and phases of the two Higgs doublets at the transition temperature. A variety of CP-violating bubble walls are classified by boundary conditions. We point out that a sufficiently small explicit CP violation gives nonperturbative effects to yield the baryon asymmetry of the universe.Comment: 19 pages, 6 EPS figures, uses epsf.st

    Spontaneous CP Violation at Finite Temperature in the MSSM

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    By studying the effective potential of the MSSM at finite temperature, we find that CP can be spontaneously broken in the intermediate region between the symmetric and broken phases separated by the bubble wall created at the phase transition. This type of CP violation is necessary to have a bubble wall profile connecting CP conserving vacua, while violating CP halfway and generating sufficient baryon number without contradiction to the experimantal bounds on CP violations. Several conditions on the parameters in the MSSM are found for CP to be broken in this manner.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX, 16 eps figures (epsf.sty is needed

    CP-violating profile of the electroweak bubble wall

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    In any scenario of the electroweak baryogenesis, the profile of the CP violating bubble wall, created at the first-order phase transition, plays an essential role. We attempt to determine it by solving the equations of motion for the scalars in the two-Higgs-doublet model at the transition temperature. According to the parameters in the potential, we found three solutions. Two of them smoothly connect the CP-violating broken phase and the symmetric phase, while the other connects CP-conserving vacua but violates CP in the intermediate region. We also estimate the chiral charge flux, which will be turned into the baryon density in the symmetric phase by the sphaleron process
