8 research outputs found

    Detection of closed sharp feature lines in points cloud for reverse engineering applications. Le problematiche relative al post-processamento delle nuvole di punti

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    L'intervento effettuato congiuntamente dal Prof. M. Campi e dalla Dott.ssa Kris Demarsein, dell'Università di Leuven, Belgio, ha affrontato in maniera critica le problematiche derivanti dal post-processamento dei dati raccolti con tecnologie scanner laser 3D. In particolare, sono stati presentati alcuni case histories e uno specifico algoritmo elaborato per l'estrazione dei bordi dalle nuvole di punti


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    Avoiding to face the challenges of visual place recognition

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    Through this paper, bottlenecks of conventional place recognition techniques are studied, and a replacement strategy is proposed for each item. Conventional place recognition algorithms are extensions of object recognition techniques applied to larger scale targets known as the place landmarks. The discussion presented in this paper aims to address the challenges of detection and recognition of the places, which make this topic distinctive from detection and recognition of the objects and landmarks. The challenges are listed under related categories. The table of challenges, reasons, and the recommendations to avoid these situations is presented as the guideline for selection of proper tools for place recognition purpose.Accepted versio