12 research outputs found
Neuromobilization and kinesiotaping as modern methods used in physiotherapy
Kinesiotaping and neuromobilization techniques are classified as physiotherapy methods in other words, these are the methods used to treat a patient with the use of movement. Both kinesiotaping and neuromobilization can be used as a separate form of therapy or may be complementary to other methods of physical therapy. It is true to say that positive effects are likely to appear after the very first therapy sessions
Niebezpieczne zwierzęta lądowe i morskie będące zagrożeniem dla nurków rekreacyjnych w klimacie tropikalnym
Due to intensively growing international tourism, increasing numbers of people leave for countries with hot climates, where various threats for human health and life exist. Besides climatic and sanitary conditions, a rich fauna, represented by predators and venomous animals, can be included. Based on available world literature and their own observations, the authors present the threats that a tourist can possibly encounter whilst relaxing on the beach or during recreational diving in tropical waters. When staying in water, a large threat is posed by marine fish of prey (sharks, barracuda, muraena), Cnidaria (jellyfish, corals, anemones) and venomous animals (fish, sea snakes). On land, on the other hand, a threat can be posed by venomous arthropoda (scorpions, spiders) and Hymenoptera insects. The study presents the most important representatives of fauna present in coastal areas frequently visited by diving enthusiasts. Also, clinical image and conduct in the case of body injures are discussed.W związku z intensywnie rozwijającą sie turystyką miedzynarodową, coraz więcej osób wyjeżdża do krajów strefy klimatu goracego, gdzie wystepują różnorodne czynniki stwarzające realne zagrożenie dla zdrowia i życia człowieka. Oprócz warunków klimatycznych i sanitarnych zalicza sie do nich także bogatą faunę reprezentowaną przez drapieżniki i zwierzeta jadowite. Autorzy pracy na podstawie piśmiennictwa światowego oraz własnych obserwacji przedstawiają zagrożenia, z jakimi może spotkać się potencjalny turysta podczas wypoczynku na plaży oraz nurkowań rekreacyjnych w wodach tropikalnych. W czasie pobytu w wodzie duże niebezpieczeństwo dla człowieka stwarza spotkanie z drapieżnymi rybami morskimi (rekiny, barakudy, mureny), parzydełkowcami (meduzy, koralowce, ukwiały) oraz zwierzętami jadowitymi (ryby, weże morskie). Z kolei na lądzie zagrożeniem sa jadowite stawonogi (skorpiony, pająki) oraz owady błonkoskrzydłe. W pracy przedstawiono głównych reprezentantów fauny występujacej w rejonach nadmorskich, często odwiedzanych przez amatorów nurkowania. Omówiono również obraz kliniczny i postępowanie w przypadku doznanych obrażen ciała
Awareness of risk factors of malaria as an element of primary prophylaxis
Introduction: Malaria is the most common tropical infectious disease caused by parasitic protozoa, affecting every year about 220 million of people with about 1-3 million deaths. It is known that every 30 seconds one African child dies from malaria. Moreover, malaria as the most common imported tropical disease is the most frequent cause of deaths. Currently, in African countries, every year, about 300-500 million people have malaria, and more than a million die from malaria. A high percentage of deaths refers to children under 5 years old, pregnant women and susceptible individuals. Materials and methods: The examination was carried out from July to September, 2011 year in 60 peoplepatients of the Out-patients Clinic f St. Francis Hospital, in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, using the questionnaire created by author.Results: As many as 96.7% of respondents answered that the best method was avoiding mosquitoes via using bed mosquito nets and protective clothing. A total of 51.7% indicated chemical substances as an effective protective method against malaria. The surveyed named repellents such as liquids, aerosols, creams and sticks. Thirty two people (53.7%) wrote that an effective protective method against malaria was to avoid mosquitoes’ incubation sites, to remove garbage frequently and to clear regularly ponds round the houses.Conclusion: Ugandan patients identified the risk factors and groups, non-key symptoms and prophylaxis against malaria. The majority of Ugandan patients indicated there was vaccine against malaria. More than half of Ugandan patients (65%) declared that a mosquito bite is the route of malaria infection, however, more than 50% of those living in rural areas thought on other routes such as, e.g. unboiled water
Stigma of people living with HIV/AIDS
A specific character of HIV/AIDS has caused numerous complications either medical, legal or social. HIV infection exposes its carriers to frequent acts of intolerance or stigma by the healthy part of the population. Negative social consequences found after detection and disclosure of HIV perfectly match the theory of stigma by Goffman. This theory elucidates mechanisms of stigma or self – stigma affecting these members of the society that via their behavior or life style break the basic social, moral and religious norms. Despite numerous achievements, this disease cannot be overcome completely. People living with HIV/AIDS are still stigmatized and discriminated in the society. They suffer being rejected and isolated by a family, partners and friends. The results demonstrated in the present review, obtained from the examinations conducted among people with HIV/AIDS, in Poland and abroad, attesting stigma, discrimination, low evaluation of the quality of life are the basis for further in-depth studies concerning this issue. This must reinforce educational efforts which will constrain inequality of people with HIV/AIDS, in Poland and abroad. The aim of this study is to inform and sensitize a recipient about stigma among people with HIV/AIDS
Badania morfometryczne zmian w ścianie oskrzeli u szczurów w hiperbarii tlenowej
Clinical observations and experimental research results prove the toxic effect of oxygen on the respiratory tract both in normo- and hyperbaria. The majority of available studies concern changes in the lung parenchyma, only some of them refer to the impact of hyperbaric oxygen on the respiratory tract. The objective of the study based on an animal model was to provide an evaluation of the effect of overpressure of exhaled oxygen (oxygen hyperbaria) and the time of its duration on morphological changes in the mucous and submucous membranes of the trachea. Oxygen hyperbaria corresponding to the depth of 5 – 7 metres induces temporary motor agitation and increased aggression in rats lasting from 3 to 20 minutes. Further rises of oxygen pressure cause a reduction of the agitation, whereas at the depth of 40 m it results in extreme weakening of the breathing activity and leads to the animals’ death.Growing oxygen hyperbaria causes thickening of both the mucous and submucous membranes of the rats’ trachea accompanied by narrowing of its lumen. The changes are intensified with prolonged duration of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The most serious morphological changes were observed in the submucous membrane of the trachea. The dominant lesion consisted of an interstitial oedema with the widening of the vascular bed. Progressing hyperbaria caused thickening of the mucous and submucous membranes with a simultaneous reduction of the trachea lumen. Similar tendencies persisted with prolonged duration of hyperbaria.Obserwacje kliniczne oraz wyniki badań doświadczalnych dowodzą toksycznego działania tlenu na drogi oddechowe zarówno w normo - jak i hiperbarii. Większość dotychczasowych opracowań dotyczy zmian w miąższu płucnym, tylko pojedyncze odnoszą się do wpływu hiperbarii tlenowej na drogi oddechowe. Celem badań własnych na modelu zwierzęcym, była ocena wpływu nadciśnienia tlenu wdychanego (hiperbarii tlenowej) i czasu stosowania tego nadciśnienia na zmiany morfologiczne w błonie śluzowej i włóknistej tchawicy. Hiperbaria tlenowa odpowiadająca głębokości do 5 - 7 metrów wywołuje u szczurów przejściowe, trwające od 3 do 20 minut pobudzenie ruchowe i zwiększenie agresywności. Dalsze zwiększanie ciśnienia tlenu powoduje zmniejszenie ich ruchliwości, a na głębokości do 40 m doprowadza do ekstremalnego osłabienia oddychania i padania zwierząt. Narastanie hiperbarii tlenowej powoduje u szczurów pogrubienie zarówno błony śluzowej jak i włóknistej tchawicy, przy równoczesnym zwężeniu jej światła. Zmiany te narastają wraz z wydłużaniem czasu działania hiperbarii tlenowej. Wśród tych zmian dominował obrzęk śródmiąższowy z poszerzeniem łożyska naczyniowego. W miarę narastania hiperbarii obserwowano pogrubienie błony śluzowej i włóknistej, przy równoczesnym zmniejszaniu się światła tchawicy. Podobne tendencje utrzymywały się wraz z narastaniem czasu działania hiperbarii
The perception of violence in children’s drawings
The aim of the paper is to evaluate the perception of violence held by children and adolescents aged 8 to 16 years based on their artworks. 163 children’s drawings submitted from across Poland on "Children against violence." were analyzed. These pictures were analysed according to their contents. The artworks were made using various techniques: torn paper collage, collage, wax scratch, coloring pages, painting using poster paints and watercolors. Drawings have been classified in twelve thematic groups: "aggression against things", "peer violence","violence and addiction", "family violence", "workplace violence", "on-line violence," verbal violence", the continuity of violence", difficult choices" ,and " help ". Children and adolescents are good observers and they see various forms of violence, especially signs of bullying, and the impact of addictions on their development. Children know how to avoid and reduce violence