8 research outputs found

    Analysis of role performance of women in farm activities

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    Clinico-epidemiological profile of early cases of Covid-19 in state of Haryana, India

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    Background: Covid -19 disease is caused by novel coronavirus known as SARS CoV 2. Coronaviruses are known to cause disease in humans which can be a common cold or a serious pneumonia. SARS Cov 2 is a new variant of coronavirus which was never reported in humans before detection of cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan on 31st December, 2019.Objective: The study was conducted with the objective to find out clinico- epidemiological profiles of early Covid-19 patients in state of Haryana, India and to find out knowledge about covid appropriate behaviors among covid 19 patients. Methods: All the covid-19 cases in the five districts of Haryana were enumerated from March 2020 to May 2020. These Covid-19 cases were contacted telephonically and those who gave their consent to participate in the study were asked to fill interview schedule. Observations: There were 356 covid cases reported in five districts attached to PGIMS, Rohtak. Out of total,254 subjects participated in the study, there were 60.6 % males and 39.4% females who participated in the study. Blood groups of all the participants were also enquired and it was observed that B +ve was most common (19.7%) blood group followed by A+ve (16.5%) and O +ve (15.7%). Conclusion: It can be concluded by the study that majority of the subjects were males, overweight and blood group A & B were the most common blood groups. It was observed that 75.2 % participants were aware about the use of mask, social distancing, hand hygiene and cough etiquettes

    Husband’s involvement in utilization of maternal health services by their spouse in district Rohtak, Haryana

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    Introduction: Husband and wife as a couple are fully responsible for their current and future. In our society, the husband is mostly responsible for making the decision regarding any expenses. In India, there is a need to reduce the maternal mortality rate, and Husband’s involvement in antenatal care could be a key to success as it will enable them to support their partner in adequate preparation for birth and to utilize emergency obstetric care early if complications arise. Aim and Objectives: To find out about male involvement in the utilization of maternal healthcare services by their spouse and various factors affecting male involvement in the utilization of maternal healthcare services. Methods: This study was conducted in urban and rural field practice areas attached to the Department of Community Medicine, PGIMS, Rohtak. The study included 400 couples where 200 each were recruited from rural and urban areas. Out of 17 subcenters under CHC Chiri eight, subcenters were selected randomly by lottery method. A line list of these couples was prepared at each subcenter using ANC and birth register. Couples were enrolled from this line list till a sample size of 25 was reached at each of these eight subcenters. In this way, a total of 200 couples were enrolled from rural areas in which women delivered and availed maternal health services in the last 6 months. In urban areas, an equal number of couples were enrolled from each of these three urban health posts till the sample size of 200 was reached in an urban area. Results: The majority of the husbands (73%) reported that they participated in their wives’ utilization of maternal health services. Twenty-seven percent did not participate in their wives’ utilization of maternal health services. It also showed that 71.0% of the husbands did not know about the investigations that needed to be performed during a woman’s pregnancy. Only 29% were aware of it. On analysis, it was observed that 73% of the husbands had good participation in their spouses’ maternal and child health (MCH) care, while the rest had poor participation (27%). It also showed that as the education level of the participants’ husbands increased, their participation in their spouses’ MCH care increased, with the highest being observed among graduates (91.3%) and the lowest among those with primary schooling level education (66.7%) which were statistically significant