9 research outputs found

    Wybór metod szacowania kosztów modyfikacji na wstępnych etapach cyklu życia oprogramowania ERP

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    W pracy poruszono problem doboru metod szacowania kosztów modyfikacji systemu ERP podczas wdrożenia. Przeprowadzono przegląd dostępnych metod opisanych w literaturze oraz scharakteryzowano etapy fazy strategicznej procesu wdrożenia. Na podstawie analizy zakresu danych wymaganych przez poszczególne metody oraz danych uzyskiwanych na różnych etapach, zaproponowano algorytmy doboru metod do tychże etapów.The work discusses the problem of selecting methods for valuing the costs of modifying ERP systems during implementation process. The methods presented in literature have been reviewed and the stages of strategic phase of implementation have been characterised. On the basis of the analysis of data required by each method and the data obtained at different stages, algorithms of method selection for each stage ware proposed

    Personality in project management methods

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    High work efficiency is required by today’s organizations. Besides of other factors it depends on the right allocation of employed workers to their duties. Assigning employees to the right activities isn’t an easy task, because the job efficiency and differences in human nature have to be considered simultaneously. Usually, the decision undertaken by the human resource (HR) manager is based on his subjective experience. In several cases, such solution results in negative reactions of employees, and may lead to conflicts occurrence. In order to avoid them the problem of allocation of the properly selected team (taking into account workers’ personality) to the project’s activity is of crucial importance. Its right solution can decrease risk of activity execution delay. So, it is assumed the project’s completion time depends both on physical and psychological features of employed workers. Experimental results presented illustrate this approach

    CP-based decision support package for production flow planning - an SME perspective

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    Solving complex, decision-making problems requires application of decision support systems. The best solving strategy can be defined for each particular problem. The strategy refers to a sequence solving elementary subproblems. The aim of the paper is to present the evaluating criterion to estimate the efficiency of searching strategies. The criterion proposed offers a possibility to estimate the time needed to solve a constraint satisfaction problem. An illustrative example is provided

    Integrated approach to selection, docking and routing planning of multi mobile robot inspection system: declarative modeling perspective

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    Rozważany problem doboru, alokacji i planowania działań grupy robotów mobilnych w środowisku pomieszczeń zamkniętych sformułowany został w modelu deklaratywnym języka OZ Mozart. Dla zadanego zbioru zmiennych decyzyjnych charakteryzujących środowisko pomieszczeń zamkniętych i przemieszczające się w nim roboty oraz zbioru ograniczeń wiążących te zmienne, poszukiwana jest strategia planowania struktury i alokacji elementów umożliwiająca w określonym horyzoncie czasu inspekcję zadanej liczby pomieszczeń. Proponowane podejście zilustrowane zostało na załączonych przykładach.Declarative modeling provides attractive perspective for integrated approach to selection, docking and routing planning of multi mobile robot inspection system problem formulation. For given set decision variables describing indoor environment and acting robots as well as the set of constraints limiting these variables robots' navigation strategy is sought out. The solution should respond to the question: what kind and how many and in which way initially docked robots enable to inspect a given indoor environment within a given time horizon? The approach proposed is illustrated on multiple examples

    Towards automated synthesis of concurrent control programs

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    One of the key problems in the area of automatic synthesis of real-time concurrent control programs is a problem of automated modeling of systems comprising multiple activities or processes that proceed concurrently. In that context, the discrete-event systems framework enabling to predict the modeled objects performance and then to design of assumed quality control program on the basis of the given specification of the processes controlled, plays a crucial role. From that point of view, the Petri nets can be seen as a most widely recognized tool aimed at modeling system’s concurrency. So, the main objective of our contribution is to illustrate the Petri nets based approach from both: IF…THEN… rules system’s behavior specification and its Turing machine like representation points of view

    Cyclic scheduling and diophantine problems

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    Cyclic scheduling concerns both kinds of questions following the deductive and inductive ways of reasoning. First class of problems concentrates on rules aimed at resources assignment as to minimize a given objective function, e.g. the cycle time, the flow time of a job. In turn, the second class focuses on a system structure designing as to guarantee the assumed qualitative and/or quantitative measures of objective functions can be achieved. The third class of problems can be seen, however as integration of earlier mentioned, i.e. treating design and scheduling or design and planning simultaneously. The complexity of these problems stems from the fact that system configuration must be determined for the purpose of processes scheduling, yet scheduling must be done to devise the system configuration. In that context, the contribution provides discussion of some Diophantine problems solubility issues, taking into

    Towards CLP-based task-oriented DSS for SME

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    Decision making supported by task-oriented software tools plays a pivotal role in a modern enterprises. That is because commercially available ERP systems are not able to respond in an interactive on-line/real-time mode. It means a new generation of DSS that enable a fast prototyping of production flows in multiproject environment as well as an integrated approach to a layout planning, production routing, batch-sizing and scheduling problems is needed. In that context, the constraint logic programming techniques allowing declarative representation of a decision making problem provide a quite attractive alternative. So, some issues regarding modelling of decision making and searching strategies development are discussed in the contribution. The results obtained are implemented in a software package supporting production flow planning in the SMEs. Illustrative example of the ILOG-based software application is provided