456 research outputs found

    Magnetic field splitting of the spin-resonance in CeCoIn5

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    Neutron scattering in strong magnetic fields is used to show the spin-resonance in superconducting CeCoIn5 (Tc=2.3 K) is a doublet. The underdamped resonance (\hbar \Gamma=0.069 \pm 0.019 meV) Zeeman splits into two modes at E_{\pm}=\hbar \Omega_{0}\pm g\mu_{B} \mu_{0}H with g=0.96 \pm 0.05. A linear extrapolation of the lower peak reaches zero energy at 11.2 \pm 0.5 T, near the critical field for the incommensurate "Q-phase" indicating that the Q-phase is a bose condensate of spin excitons.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The Lorenz number in CeCoIn5_5 inferred from the thermal and charge Hall currents

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    The thermal Hall conductivity κxy\kappa_{xy} and Hall conductivity σxy\sigma_{xy} in CeCoIn5_5 are used to determine the Lorenz number LH{\cal L}_H at low temperature TT. This enables the separation of the observed thermal conductivity into its electronic and non-electronic parts. We uncover evidence for a charge-neutral, field-dependent thermal conductivity, which we identify with spin excitations. At low TT, these excitations dominate the scattering of charge carriers. We show that suppression of the spin excitations in high fields leads to a steep enhancement of the electron mean-free-path, which leads to an interesting scaling relation between the magnetoresistance, thermal conductivity and σxy\sigma_{xy}.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures Intro para slightly lengthened. Added 2 new re

    Antiferromagnetic and Orbital Ordering on a Diamond Lattice Near Quantum Criticality

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    We present neutron scattering measurements on powder samples of the spinel FeSc2S4 that reveal a previously unobserved magnetic ordering transition occurring at 11.8(2)~K. Magnetic ordering occurs subsequent to a subtle cubic-to-tetragonal structural transition which distorts Fe coordinating sulfur tetrahedra lifting the orbital degeneracy. The application of 1~GPa hydrostatic pressure appears to destabilize this N\'eel state, reducing the transition temperature to 8.6(8)~K and redistributing magnetic spectral weight to higher energies. The relative magnitudes of ordered m2 ⁣= ⁣3.1(2)\langle m \rangle^2\!=\!3.1(2) and fluctuating moments δm2 ⁣= ⁣13(1)\langle \delta m \rangle^2\!=\!13(1) show that the magnetically ordered ground state of FeSc2S4 is drastically renormalized and in proximity to criticality.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Strict limit on in-plane ordered magnetic dipole moment in URu2Si2

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    Neutron diffraction is used to examine the polarization of weak static antiferromagnetism in high quality single crystalline URu2Si2. As previously documented, elastic Bragg-like diffraction develops for temperature T<T_{HO}= 17.5 K at q=(100) but not at wave vector transfer q=(001). The peak width indicates correlation lengths \xi_c=230(12) \AA \ and \xi_a=240(15) \AA. The integrated intensity of the T-dependent peaks corresponds to a sample averaged c-oriented staggered moment of \mu_{c}=0.022(1) \mu_B at T=1.7 K. The absence of T-dependent diffraction at q=(001) places a limit \mu_{\perp}<0.0011 \mu_B on an f- or d-orbital based in-plane staggered magnetic dipole moment, which is associated with multipolar orders proposed for URu_2Si_2.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure