17 research outputs found

    Production of light particles suspension in a mixer without baffles and with the inclined shaft of impeller

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    W pracy wytwarzano zawiesin臋 lekkich cz膮stek w mieszalniku bez przegr贸d z mieszad艂em pracuj膮cym na wale pochylonym wzgl臋dem osi zbiornika. Testowano dwa klasyczne mieszad艂a dwu艂opatkowe o 艣rednicy d= 0,175 m z prostok膮tnymi 艂opatkami pochylonymi pod k膮tem a = 45掳 (pompuj膮ce w g贸r臋) i a = 135掳 (pompuj膮ce w d贸艂). U偶ycie mieszade艂 pompuj膮cych w g贸r臋 pozwala znacz膮co obni偶y膰 minimalne cz臋sto艣ci obrot贸w, przy kt贸rych w mieszalniku wyst臋puj膮 zar贸wno pierwsze objawy dyspersji (ruch wszystkich rozpraszanych cz膮stek), jak i po偶膮dany stan dobrej dyspersji (w miar臋 jednorodne st臋偶enie zawiesiny). Stosuj膮c do wytwarzania zawiesiny lekkich cz膮stek mieszad艂a dwu艂opatkowe z pochylonymi 艂opatkami korzystnie jest zawiesza膰 je bli偶ej powierzchni cieczy, na kt贸rej zalega granulat, gdy偶 zmniejsza si臋 w贸wczas wymagan膮 cz臋sto艣膰 obrot贸w mieszad艂a, a tym samym moment skr臋caj膮cy wa艂 mieszad艂a i w konsekwencji nak艂ady energetyczne ponoszone na realizacj臋 procesu.In this work the production of light particles suspension in a mixer without baffles and with inclined shaft of impeller was carried out. Two types of classical paddle impellers of the diameter d- 0.175 m with rectangular biades inclined at angles a = 45掳 (pumping up) and a = 135掳 (pumping down) were tested. Starting point of dispersion and complete suspension was observed in the mixer for lower critical impeller speeds when the pumping- up impeller was used. Finally, it was found that the critical impeller speed decreased when the distance between impeller and tank bottom increased. In this case the torque on the shaft also decreased and consequently power consumption went down

    Modeling of enzymatic hydrolysis of substrate with a wide distribution of molecular mass

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    W pracy podj臋to pr贸b臋 opracowania uproszczonego analitycznego modelu opisuj膮cego enzymatyczny rozk艂ad preparat贸w o szerokiej dystrybucji masy cz膮steczkowej. Za艂o偶ono rozk艂ad masy cz膮steczkowej w skrobi, aktywno艣膰 i specyfik臋 dzia艂ania enzymu. Otrzymano model b臋d膮cy funkcj膮 dw贸ch zmiennych. Wyniki otrzymane z modelowania zestawiono z wynikami bada艅 eksperymentalnych.An analytic model of enzymatic hydrolysis of substrate with wide distribution of molecular mass was developed. Distribution of molecular mass and enzyme activity were assumed. The analytic model based on two values was developed. The simulation results were compared with the experiments

    Study of mixing and mass transfer in a liquid - liquid flow system using CFD techniques

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    W pracy zbadano transport masy w przep艂ywie segmentowym generowanym w mikroreaktorze typu T. Przebieg reakcji 艣ledzono dzi臋ki zmianie barwy b艂臋kitu bromotymolowego podczas neutralizacji wodnego roztworu NaOH za pomoc膮 CH3COOH. Na podstawie analizy zdj臋膰 zaobserwowano niejednolito艣膰 w rozk艂adzie st臋偶e艅 oraz obecno艣膰 stref o s艂abym mieszaniu. Ich obecno艣膰 potwierdzono za pomoc膮 CFD. Wykazano r贸wnie偶 zale偶no艣膰 mi臋dzy szybko艣ci膮 reakcji a warto艣ci膮 dyssypacji energii.The work involved the mass transfer in the segmented flow generated in a T-type microreactor. The reaction course was monitored by changing a color of bromothymol blue while neutralizing NaOH with CH3COOH. The heterogeneity in distribution of concentrations and the presence of poor mixing zones were observed during the analysis of photos. The presence of these zones was confirmed usinf CFD techniques. The relationship between the reaction rate and a value of energy dissipation was also shown

    Separation of 1,3-propanediol from fermentation broth by ion exclusion

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    W pracy przedstawiono mo偶liwo艣膰 zastosowania ekskluzji jon贸w w procesie oczyszczania 1,3-propanodiolu z brzeczki fermentacyjnej. Badania przeprowadzono na kationicie w formie sodowej. Wst臋pnie odsolon膮 frakcj臋 produktu uzyskano z ok. 50% wydajno艣ci膮 separacji 1,3-propanodiolu. Stopie艅 odsolenia brzeczki wyni贸s艂 80梅90%, a ko艅cowe oczyszczenie i odbarwienie 1,3-propanodiolu przeprowadzono stosuj膮c wymian臋 jonow膮. W wyniku procesu otrzymano oczyszczony roztw贸r 1,3-propanodiolu o st臋偶eniu 16,5 g/L.Application of ion exclusion for the separation of 1,3-propanediol from fermentation broth was examined. The study was carried out on a cation exchange resin in the sodium form. The product fraction with the desalination degree of 80-90% and 50% separation yield of 1,3-propanediol we obtained. The final purification of 1,3-propanediol was carried out using the ion exchange. As a result of this process the purified solution of 1,3-propanediol (16.5 g/L) was obtained

    Analysis of a central vortex formation in a mixer with the rotor-stator system used as a stirrer

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    W pracy badano proces powstawania leja wok贸艂 wa艂u wysokoobrotowego uk艂adu typu stator-rotor, pracuj膮cego jako mechaniczne mieszad艂o w osi zbiornika pozbawionego przegr贸d. Analizowano wp艂yw cz臋sto艣ci obrot贸w rotora oraz wysoko艣ci zawieszenia mieszad艂a nad dnem zbiornika na g艂臋boko艣膰 powstaj膮cego leja w trzech mieszalnikach o r贸偶nych stosunkach 艣rednicy zbiornika do 艣rednicy mieszad艂a D/d. Mieszanym medium by艂a woda destylowana (t = 20掳C), wype艂niaj膮ca ka偶dy z testowanych zbiornik贸w do wysoko艣ci H - 2D. Stwierdzono, 偶e wzgl臋dna g艂臋boko艣膰 leja wyra藕nie wzrasta zar贸wno ze wzrostem cz臋sto艣ci obrot贸w rotora jak i ze wzrostem wzgl臋dnej wysoko艣ci zawieszenia mieszad艂a nad dnem zbiornika.Creation of a central vortex around the high speed shaft in rotor-stator type system, working as mechanical stirrer in the axis of tank without baffles was studied. Influence of rotor speed and the distance between agitator and tank bottom on the depth of a central vortex in three mixers with various geometric ratios Did (tank diameter to impeller diameter) was analyzed. Tested medium was distilled water (t - 20掳C) filling each of the examined tanks to the level H = 2D. The relative depth of central vortex increased significantly with the increase of both the rotor speed and the relative distance between agitator and tank bottom

    Separation of 1,3-Propanediol from Aqueous Solutions by Ion Exchange Chromatography

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    1,3-propanediol is a promising monomer with many applications and can be produced by bioconversion of renewable resources. The separation of this product from fermentation broth is a difficult task. In this work, the application of cation exchange resin for the separation of 1,3-propanediol from model aqueous solution was examined. The best effect of separation of 1,3-propanediol from glycerol using sorption method was obtained for H+ resin form, although the observed partition coefficient of 1,3-propanediol was low. On the basis of the results of the sorption of 1,3-propanediol, the ionic forms of the resin were selected and used in the next experiments (H+, Ca2+, Ag+, Na+, Pb2+, Zn2+). The best results in ion exchange chromatography were obtained for cation exchange resin in H+ and Ca2+ form. The use of smaller particle size of resin and a longer length of the column allows to obtain better separation of mixtures

    Quantitative and qualitative verification of the own algorithm for mixing power computation using CFD method

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki matematycznego modelowania procesu mieszania w zbiorniku w skali technicznej wraz z eksperymentaln膮 weryfikacj膮 uzyskanych wynik贸w. Klasyczny model matematyczny oparty o technik臋 CFD zosta艂 wzbogacony o dodatkowy, w艂asny algorytm liczenia mocy przekazywanej przez mieszad艂o do obj臋to艣ci p艂ynu. Pomiary mocy mieszania wykonane zosta艂y w zbiorniku o 艣rednicy D = 0,575 m wyposa偶onym w cztery przegrody o szeroko艣ci B = O, 1D przy u偶yciu turbiny Rushtona. Obliczenia symulacyjne wykonano za pomoc膮 oprogramowania Ansys i w艂asnych procedur UDF.The paper presents results of mathematical modeling of mixing process in a technical-scale tank together with the experimental validation. The classic mathematical CFD model was extended using the own algorithm for computation of bulk phase mixing power. The measurements of mixing power were performed in the tank of D = 0.575 m in diameter equipped with four baffles of B = 0. 1D width. The Ruathon turbine was used in the experiments. The calculations were performed using Ansys software with the own UDF functions.

    Influence of hydrodynamics on preparation and characteristics of oxyethylation heterogeneous Al-Mg oxide catalysts

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    W niniejszej pracy podj臋to problem okre艣lenia wp艂ywu warunk贸w hydrodynamicznych podczas procesu wsp贸艂str膮cania katalizator贸w, realizowanego w skali wielkolaboratoryjnej oraz zawarto艣ci sodu w otrzymanych katalizatorach na ich w艂a艣ciwo艣ci fizykochemiczne oraz aplikacyjne. Stwierdzono istotny wp艂yw rozpatrywanych parametr贸w. Uzyskane katalizatory charakteryzuj膮 si臋 znaczn膮 aktywno艣ci膮 oraz selektywno艣ci膮a tak偶e pozwalaj膮 na syntez臋 oksyetylenowanego produktu charakteryzuj膮c膮 si臋 brakiem czasu inicjacji.The aim of this work was to examine an influence of mixing hydrodynamics during co-precipitation process and influence of sodium content in catalysts on their activity and physical and chemical properties. The process was carried out in a technical scale. A significant influence of tested parameters was found. Obtained catalysts were characterized by considerable activity and selectivity. They enabled one to form oxyethylated product distinguished by I a lack of inhibition time

    Fatty acids methyl esters oxyethylation on heterogeneous catalyst. Experiments and process modeling

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    W niniejszej pracy podj臋to problem modelowania procesu oksyetylenowa-nia estr贸w metylowych wy偶szych kwas贸w t艂uszczowych na tlenkowym, glinowo-magnezowym katalizatorze heterogenicznym. Proces realizowano w reaktorze p贸艂periodycznym, ze stopniowym dozowaniem tlenku etylenu. Ze wzgl臋du na jego z艂o偶ono艣膰 wynikaj膮c膮 z ilo艣ci przebiegaj膮cych reakcji oraz tr贸jfazowo艣ci uk艂adu zaproponowano uproszczony model matematyczny rozwi膮zywany numerycznie. Pozwala on na analiz臋 przebiegu procesu.Modelling of fatty acids methyl esters oxyethylation process on heterogeneous aluminum and magnesium oxide catalyst is discussed in the paper. The process was carried out in a semi-batch reactor with successive dosing of ethylene oxide. Because of its complexity resulting from a three-phase system and number of consecutive reactions a simplified mathematical model of the process was proposed. Numerical methods were used to find the solution of model equations. The proposed approach can be used in process analysis