5 research outputs found

    Svojstva biljnog materijala upotrijebljenog za paniranje pilećih medaljona

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    In this study, chicken nuggets were predusted with zein or soy protein isolate (SPI) as the first coating. Next they were coated with 0.1, 0.2 or 0.3 % carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) batters as the second coating, and then breaded with bread crumbs. Finally, they were fried at 190 °C for 2, 4 or 6 min. Predusting materials were found to enhance some physical, chemical and sensorial properties of nuggets after frying. In particular, using SPI was more advantageous than zein. It increased penetrometer values and sensorial scores as it decreased moisture loss. The performance values of batter materials were improved compared to the control. Also, the yield, moisture rate, penetrometer and general appearance values decreased as the frying time increased. During this period, frying loss and fat absorption increased. Results showed that the best coating process was using SPI as predusting material, 0.1 % CMC for batter, and 2 to 4 min of frying time.Pileći su medaljoni posipani zeinom ili izolatom sojinog proteina, zatim umočeni u tijesto s 0,1; 0,2 ili 0,3 % karboksimetil celuloze, te naposljetku uvaljani u krušne mrvice. Medaljoni su prženi 2, 4 ili 6 minuta na 190 °C i tako su im poboljšana fizikalna, kemijska i senzorska svojstva. Bolji rezultati dobiveni su primjenom izolata sojinog proteina, nego pomoću zeina. Izolat je sojinog proteina poboljšao rezultate mjerenja tvrdoće penetrometrom i senzorske ocjene, jer je smanjio gubitak vlage tijekom pečenja. Tako pripremljeni medaljoni bili su puno bolje ocijenjeni od kontrolnih uzoraka. Produljenjem vremena prženja smanjeni su prinos, postotak vlažnosti i vrijednosti dobivene penetrometrom, a slabiji je bio izgled proizvoda. Također su povećani gubitak mase tijekom prženja i upijanje ulja. Najbolji su rezultati postignuti primjenom izolata sojinog proteina i tijesta s 0,1 % karboksimetil celuloze, te s vremenom prženja od 2 do 4 minute

    The Behaviour of Some Vegetable-Based Materials Used as Edible Coating on Chicken Nuggets

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    In this study, chicken nuggets were predusted with zein or soy protein isolate (SPI) as the first coating. Next they were coated with 0.1, 0.2 or 0.3 % carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) batters as the second coating, and then breaded with bread crumbs. Finally, they were fried at 190 °C for 2, 4 or 6 min. Predusting materials were found to enhance some physical, chemical and sensorial properties of nuggets after frying. In particular, using SPI was more advantageous than zein. It increased penetrometer values and sensorial scores as it decreased moisture loss. The performance values of batter materials were improved compared to the control. Also, the yield, moisture rate, penetrometer and general appearance values decreased as the frying time increased. During this period, frying loss and fat absorption increased. Results showed that the best coating process was using SPI as predusting material, 0.1 % CMC for batter, and 2 to 4 min of frying time

    The effects of gelatine solutions as edible coating materials on quality and sensory properties of chicken meat patties

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    Bu çalışmada farklı konsantrasyonlardaki (% 0, %5, %7,5 ve %10) jelatin çözeltilerinin tavuk köfteleri üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Kaplanmış köftelerde kızartma sonrası bazı fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal analizler yapılırken, + 4 °C’de 15 gün depolanan köftelerde pH, TBA ve renk değerleri tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmada % 7,5 oranındaki jelatin çözeltisinin kaplamaların yapışma derecesini, kızartılan örneklerin a değerini ve duyusal özelliklerini artırdığı belirlenmiştir. % 5 ve % 7,5 oranında hazırlanan çözeltilerin örneklerdeki TBA değerini düşürdüğü, depolama sonunda ise ürün kalitesini düşürecek bir sonuç bulunmadığı gözlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, özellikle % 7,5 oranındaki jelatin çözeltisi ile tavuk köftelerinin kaplanmasının kalite ve duyusal özellikler açısından daha olumlu sonuçlar verdiği söylenebilir.In this study, the effects of gelatine solutions prepared with different concentrations (0%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%) on chicken meat patties were determined. Some physical, chemical, and sensorial analyses of coated samples after frying were performed. Also, pH, TBA, and color characteristics of raw patties during storage at +4 °C for 15 days were evaluated. As a result, gelatine solution at level of 7.5 % increased the adhesion degree. It increased a value and enhanced sensory properties of fried samples. Gelatine solutions at level of 5 % and 7.5 % decreased TBA values of raw samples, revealing that there was no any negative effect to decrease product quality. Consequently, the coating with gelatine solution level at 7.5 % was determined to result in better quality and sensory properties than coating with those at 5 % and 10 %