49 research outputs found

    An adaptive discretization method solving semi-infinite optimization problems with quadratic rate of convergence

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    Semi-infinite programming can be used to model a large variety of complex optimization problems. The simple description of such problems comes at a price: semi-infinite problems are often harder to solve than finite nonlinear problems. In this paper we combine a classical adaptive discretization method developed by Blankenship and Falk and techniques regarding a semi-infinite optimization problem as a bi-level optimization problem. We develop a new adaptive discretization method which combines the advantages of both techniques and exhibits a quadratic rate of convergence. We further show that a limit of the iterates is a stationary point, if the iterates are stationary points of the approximate problems

    A generalized projection-based scheme for solving convex constrained optimization problems

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    In this paper we present a new algorithmic realization of a projection-based scheme for general convex constrained optimization problem. The general idea is to transform the original optimization problem to a sequence of feasibility problems by iteratively constraining the objective function from above until the feasibility problem is inconsistent. For each of the feasibility problems one may apply any of the existing projection methods for solving it. In particular, the scheme allows the use of subgradient projections and does not require exact projections onto the constraints sets as in existing similar methods. We also apply the newly introduced concept of superiorization to optimization formulation and compare its performance to our scheme. We provide some numerical results for convex quadratic test problems as well as for real-life optimization problems coming from medical treatment planning.Comment: Accepted to publication in Computational Optimization and Application

    An improved asymptotic analysis of the expected number of pivot steps required by the simplex algorithm

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    Let a1,…,ama_1,\dots,a_m be i.i .d. vectors uniform on the unit sphere in Rn\mathbb{R}^n, m≥n≥3m\ge n\ge3 and let XX:= {x∈Rn∣aiTx≤1x \in \mathbb{R}^n \mid a ^T_i x\leq 1} be the random polyhedron generated by. Furthermore, for linearly independent vectors uu, uˉ\bar u in Rn\mathbb{R}^n, let Su,uˉ(X)S_{u, \bar u}(X) be the number of shadow vertices of XX in span(u,uˉspan (u, \bar u). The paper provides an asymptotic expansion of the expectation value E(Su,uˉ)E (S_{u, \bar u}) for fixed nn and m→∞m\to\infty. The first terms of the expansion are given explicitly. Our investigation of E(Su,uˉ)E (S_{u, \bar u}) is closely connected to Borgwardt's probabilistic analysis of the shadow vertex algorithm - a parametric variant of the simplex algorithm. We obtain an improved asymptotic upper bound for the number of pivot steps required by the shadow vertex algorithm for uniformly on the sphere distributed data

    A Simple Integral Representation for the Second Moments of Additive Random Variables on Stochastic Polyhedra

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    Let a1,i:=1,…,ma_1, i:=1,\dots,m, be an i.i.d. sequence taking values in Rn\mathbb{R}^n, whose convex hull is interpreted as a stochastic polyhedron PP. For a special class of random variables, which decompose additively relative to their boundary simplices, eg. the volume of PP, simple integral representations of its first two moments are given in case of rotationally symmetric distributions in order to facilitate estimations of variances or to quantify large deviations from the mean

    A comparison method for expectations of a class of continuous polytope functionals

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    Let a1,…,ana_1,\dots,a_n be independent random points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d spherically symmetrically but not necessarily identically distributed. Let XX be the random polytope generated as the convex hull of a1,…,ana_1,\dots,a_n and for any kk-dimensional subspace L⊆RdL\subseteq \mathbb{R}^d let VolL(X):=λk(L∩X)Vol_L(X) :=\lambda_k(L\cap X) be the volume of X∩LX\cap L with respect to the kk-dimensional Lebesgue measure λk,k=1,…,d\lambda_k, k=1,\dots,d. Furthermore, let F(i)F^{(i)}(t):= Pr\bf{Pr} \)(\(\Vert a_i \|_2\leq t), t∈R0+t \in \mathbb{R}^+_0 , be the radial distribution function of aia_i. We prove that the expectation functional ΦL\Phi_L(F(1),F(2),…,F(n))F^{(1)}, F^{(2)},\dots, F^{(n)}) := E(VolL(X)E(Vol_L(X)) is strictly decreasing in each argument, i.e. if F(i)(t)≤G(i)(t)tF^{(i)}(t) \le G^{(i)}(t)t, t∈R0+t \in {R}^+_0, but F(i)≢G(i)F^{(i)} \not\equiv G^{(i)}, we show Φ\Phi (…,F(i),…(\dots, F^{(i)}, \dots) > Φ(…,G(i),…\Phi(\dots,G^{(i)},\dots). The proof is clone in the more general framework of continuous and ff- additive polytope functionals

    On the Variance of Additive Random Variables on Stochastic Polyhedra

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    Let aii:=1,…,m.a_i i:= 1,\dots,m. be an i.i.d. sequence taking values in Rn\mathbb{R}^n. Whose convex hull is interpreted as a stochastic polyhedron PP. For a special class of random variables which decompose additively relative to their boundary simplices, eg. the volume of PP, integral representations of their first two moments are given which lead to asymptotic estimations of variances for special "additive variables" known from stochastic approximation theory in case of rotationally symmetric distributions

    On the Approximation of a Ball by Random Polytopes

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    Let (ai)i∈Na_i)_{i\in \bf{N}} be a sequence of identically and independently distributed random vectors drawn from the dd-dimensional unit ball BdB^dand let XnX_n:= convhull (a1,…,an(a_1,\dots,a_n) be the random polytope generated by (a1,… an)(a_1,\dots\,a_n). Furthermore, let Δ(Xn)\Delta (X_n) : = (Vol BdB^d \ XnX_n) be the deviation of the polytope's volume from the volume of the ball. For uniformly distributed aia_i and d≥2d\ge2, we prove that tbe limiting distribution of Δ(Xn)E(Δ(Xn))\frac{\Delta (X_n)} {E(\Delta (X_n))} for n→∞n\to\infty satisfies a 0-1-law. Especially, we provide precise information about the asymptotic behaviour of the variance of Δ(Xn\Delta (X_n). We deliver analogous results for spherically symmetric distributions in BdB^d with regularly varying tail

    On the expected number of shadow vertices of the convex hull of random points

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    Let a1,…,ama_1,\dots,a_m be independent random points in Rn\mathbb{R}^n that are independent and identically distributed spherically symmetrical in Rn\mathbb{R}^n. Moreover, let XX be the random polytope generated as the convex hull of a1,…,ama_1,\dots,a_m and let LkL_k be an arbitrary kk-dimensional subspace of Rn\mathbb{R}^n with 2≤k≤n−12\le k\le n-1. Let XkX_k be the orthogonal projection image of XX in LkL_k. We call those vertices of XX, whose projection images in LkL_k are vertices of XkX_kas well shadow vertices of XX with respect to the subspace LkL_k . We derive a distribution independent sharp upper bound for the expected number of shadow vertices of XX in LkL_k