131 research outputs found
Die deutsche Wirtschaftspolitik in der Globalisierungsfalle?
Die zunehmende Globalisierung führt nach einer heute oft vertretenen Ansicht zwangsläufig dazu, daß die Nationalstaaten immer mehr an wirtschaftspolitischer Kompetenz verlieren. Müssen sich Staat und Gesellschaft entsprechend wandeln? Inwieweit hat tatsächlich eine Globalisierung stattgefunden? Sind Reformen aus anderen Gründen notwendig
From floating to dirigisme
The test case of “flexible versus fixed rates of exchange” has now been running for four months. Experience in this transitional and incipient phase has shown up a number of faults and impediments which are typical not only of the problems created by contemporary multicentric international economic policies but also of the kind of difficulties facing German economic policy in particular
The new protectionism and the Third World
Although there is general agreement on the fact that the new protectionism of the industrialised countries is damaging to developing countries, the majority of the latter show hardly any interest in a return to the classical GATT system. Prof. Körner provides an explanation for this apparently paradoxical attitude on which be bases his case for a reform of the existing system of international trade
Need for modernizing financial institutions
As the flow of financial aid from the industrial countries may be expected to shrink rapidly as a consequence of their economic difficulties, the developing countries will have to find out possibilities of using their own financial resources more effectively. In this connection the task of modernizing their financial institutions should not be neglected
Adjustment to changing international conditions
The structural changes in the world economy have made themselves increasingly felt in the Federal Republic of Germany over the past few years. For the first time since 1965 there is again a current account deficit, since merchandise trade is no longer able, due to the worsened terms of trade, to finance the traditional deficits on services and transfers. What policy should the Federal Government follow in order to help German industry adjust to these changes
Determinants of export performance
Comparative advantage, government incentives and entrepreneurial dynamics as determinants of a country’s export performance are discussed in this article. The author’s particular attention is focussed on the present situation and future perspectives of the less developed countries
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