361 research outputs found

    Execution/Simulation of Context/Constraint-aware Composite Services using GIPSY

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    For fulfilling a complex requirement comprising of several sub-tasks, a composition of simple web services, each of which is dedicated to performing a specific sub-task involved, proves to be a more competent solution in comparison to an equivalent atomic web service. Owing to advantages such as re-usability of components, broader options for composition requesters and liberty to specialize for component providers, for over two decades now, composite services have been extensively researched to the point of being perfected in many aspects. Yet, most of the studies undertaken in this field fail to acknowledge that every web service has a limited context in which it can successfully perform its tasks, the boundaries of which are defined by the internal constraints placed on the service by its providers. When used as part of a composition, the restricted context-spaces of all such component services together define the contextual boundaries of the composite service as a unit, which makes internal constraints an influential factor for composite service functionality. However, due to the limited exposure received by them, no systems have yet been proposed to cater to the specific verification of internal constraints imposed on components of a composite service. In an attempt to address this gap in service composition research, in this thesis, we propose a multi-faceted solution capable of not only automatically constructing context-aware composite web services with their internal constraints positioned for optimum resource-utilization but also of validating the generated compositions using the General Intensional Programming SYstem (GIPSY) as a time- and cost-efficient simulation/execution environment

    Styles of underplating in the Marin Headlands Terrane, Franciscan Complex, California

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    This is a pre-copy-editing, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in The Geological Society of America Special Papers following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version: "Regalla, C., Rowe, C., Harrichhausen, N., Tarling, M. and Singh, J., 2018. Styles of underplating in the Marin Headlands Terrane, Franciscan Complex, California. GSA Special Publications no. 534" is available online at: http://rock.geosociety.org/Store/detail.aspx?id=spe534.Geophysical images and structural cross-sections of accretionary wedges are usually aligned orthogonal to the subduction trench axis. These sections often reveal underplated duplexes of subducted oceanic sediment and igneous crust that record trench-normal shortening and wedge thickening facilitated by down-stepping of the décollement. However, this approach may under-recognize trench-parallel strain and the effects of faulting associated with flexure of the downgoing plate. New mapping of a recently exposed transect across a portion of the Marin Headlands terrane, California, USA documents evidence for structural complexity over short spatio-temporal scales within an underplated system. We document the geometry, kinematics, vergence and internal architecture of faults and folds along ~2.5 km of section, and identify six previously unmapped intra-formational imbricate thrusts and thirteen high-angle faults that accommodate shortening and flattening of the underthrust section. Thrust faults occur within nearly every lithology without clear preference for any stratigraphic horizon, and fold vergence varies between imbricate sheets by ~10-40°. In our map area, imbricate bounding thrusts have relatively narrow damage zones (≤5-10 m), sharp, discrete fault cores, and lack veining, in contrast to the wide, highly-veined fault zones previously documented in the Marin Headlands terrane. The spacing of imbricate thrusts combined with paleo-convergence rates indicates relatively rapid generation of new fault surfaces on ~10-100 ka timescales, a process which may contribute to strain hardening and locking within the seismogenic zone. The structural and kinematic complexity documented in the Marin Headlands are an example of the short spatial and temporal scales of heterogeneity that may characterize regions of active underplating. Such features are smaller than the typical spatial resolution of geophysical data from active subduction thrusts, and may not be readily resolved, thus highlighting the need for cross-comparison of geophysical data with field analogues when evaluating the kinematic and mechanical processes of underplating

    Use of Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulator (TENS) for localized Pain relief ? A REVIEW

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    The term Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation (TENS) was coined to depict a method used by medical professionals to treat patients with chronic and acute conditions which causes the patient to be in pain and has become popular among healthcare professionals.TENS is popularly used by healthcare professionals for treatment of pain, as a ?rst line-treatment most often. TENS equipment is manufactured by a large number of manufacturers and can be bought by patients suffering from chronic pain from retail outlets or online stores. However, despite of its wide use, the analgesic effectiveness of the TENS equipment remains uncertain. There?s insuf?cient evidence to conclude how effective TENS really is when it comes down to the treatment of any kind of agony. Better designs and new trials on new models are required to be made so as to give any recommendations to patients and doctors

    Pliensbachian nannofossils from Kachchh: Implications on the earliest Jurassic transgressive event on the western Indian margin

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    The oldest rocks within the Kachchh Basin belong to the sediments of Kaladongar Formation exposed in Kuar Bet, Pachchham Island (western India). The Formation’s lowest unit, the Dingi Hill Member has yielded a moderately diversified calcareous nannofossil assemblage that includes the marker species of Lotharingius contractus and Triscutum sullivanii of late Early Aalenian age associated with reworked species of Biscutum finchii, Bussonius prinsii, Crucirhabdus primulus, Crepidolithus pliensbachensis, Discorhabdus criotus and D. striatus suggesting an age spanning NJ4a to NJ7 Zones (Early Pliensbachian, Tethyan ammonite Jamesoni Zone to Middle Toarcian, Variabilis Zone). Additionally, samples from four other Kachchh domal localities (Kachchh Mainland: Jara, Jumara and Habo and the Island belt, Waagad) have also yielded reworked Pliensbachian-Toarcian age (~183 Ma) nannotaxa viz. Crepidolithus granulatus, Diductius constans, Mazaganella protensa, Mitrolithus elegans, Parhabdolithus liasicus, Similiscutum orbiculus, and Triscutum tiziense. This nannotaxa age is much earlier than the ammonite-based Earliest Bajocian date (~171.6 Ma) based on the presence of ammonite Calliphylloceras heterophylloides (Oppel). Additional reworked assemblages have been studied from the Callovian sediments at Jara, the Bathonian-Callovian sediments at Jumara, the Callovian sediments at Habo and the Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian sediments at Wagad. The present data, thus, indicates the presence of a marine connection at least since the Pliensbachian in Kachchh. It is proposed that both global eustatic rise and local tectonics were responsible for this Pliensbachian inundation of the Kachchh Basin. Similar record of Late Pliensbachian age reworked nannofossils have also come from the Masirah Island of the Sultanate of Oman and of ?Aalenian-Bajocian age nannofossils from Kuwait, lending credence to our findings and of the presence of at least Pliensbachian-Toarcian age sediments in Kachchh.Die ältesten Sedimente des Kachchh Beckens gehören zur Kaladongar Formation und sind in Kuar Bet, Pachchham (West-Indien), aufgeschlossen. Aus der untersten Einheit dieser Formation (Dingi Hill Member) konnte eine relativ diverse Vergesellschaftung kalkiger Nannofossilien gewonnen werden, die u.A. die Marker-Taxa Lotharingius contractus und Triscutum sullivanii (oberes unteres Aalenium) enthält sowie umgearbeitete Exemplare von Biscutum finchii, Bussonius prinsii, Crucirhabdus primulus, Crepidolithus pliensbachensis, Discorhabdus criotus und D. striatus, welche eine Zuordnung der Sedimente zwischen NJ4a und NJ7 indizieren (unteres Pliensbachium, Tethys Ammoniten Jamesoni Zone bis mittleres Toarcium, Variabilis Zone). Darüber hinaus wurden in vier andere Lokalitäten des Kachchh Beckens (Kachchh Festland: Jara, Jumara und Habo sowie Inselgürtel, Waagad) ebenfalls umgearbeitete Nannofossilien aus dem Pliensbachium-Toarcium (~183 Ma) gefunden, nämlich Crepidolithus granulatus, Diductius constans, Mazaganella protensa, Mitrolithus elegans, Parhabdolithus liasicus, Similiscutum orbiculus, und Triscutum tiziense. Die Nannofossilien indizieren ein höheres Alter der Sedimente, als die Datierung mit Ammoniten, welche auf der Basis des Vorkommens von Calliphylloceras heterophylloides (Oppel) die Sedimente in das unterste Bajocium (~171.6 Ma) stellt. Um das ungewöhnliche Vorkommen von Nannotaxa aus dem Pliensbachium-Toarcium in Kachchh zu überprüfen, wurden fünf weitere Lokalitäten erfolgreich auf Nannofossilien hin untersucht. Diese Proben stammen aus Sedimenten des Calloviums von Jara und des Bathoniums-Calloviums von Jumara, aus dem Callovium von Habo sowie aus dem Oxfordium-Kimmeridgium von Wagad. Unsere Ergebnisse lassen den Schluss zu, dass in Kachchh mindestens seit dem Pliensbachium eine marine Verbindung existierte. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass sowohl der weltweite eustatische Anstieg des Meeresspiegels als auch lokale tektonische Aktivitäten für die Überflutung des Kachchh Beckens im Pliensbachium verwantwortlich waren. Ähnliche Vorkommen von umgearbeiteten Nannofossilien aus jungen Pliensbachium sind auch vonder Insel Masirah, Sultanat Oman bekannt. Nannofossilien aus dem ?Aalenium-Bajocium kennt man aus Kuwait. Beide Vorkommen stützen unsere Ergebnisse und bestätigen das Vorkommen von Sedimenten mindestens aus dem Pliensbachium-Toarcium im Kachchh Becken

    A study on Social Maturity, School Adjustment and Academic achievement among residential school girls

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    The present study is aimed at studying the relationship between Social Maturity, School Adjustment and levels of Academic achievement among residential school girl students. The study was conducted on a sample of 347 girls from class ix –xii at an all girls residential school of North India. Dr. Nalini Rao’s Social Maturity Scale (RSMS) was used to measure social maturity, Sinha & Singh’s Adjustment Inventory for School Students (AISS) was used to measure school adjustment and   aggregate score of the students in the year end final examination was taken to assess level of their academic achievement. The results indicated a significant relationship between social maturity and school adjustment. Also, significant difference existed between the school adjustments of the three groups i.e. low, high and average levels of academic achievement. Key words: Residential school, Social maturity, School Adjustment, Academic achievement

    Promoting Anti-Racism and Critical Consciousness through a Critical Counseling Theories Course

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    Racism is alive and well in the United States. To promote critical consciousness and anti-racism in counselors-in-training, the counseling theories course, typically a student’s introduction to the profession, requires revision. Thus, we propose a critical counseling theories course. In this course we argue critical theories (multicultural theory, social constructivism, feminist theory, and critical race theory) and neurocounseling theory should be centered; introducing theories that are relevant to our current sociopolitical reality and that promote the values of anti-racism in the counseling profession. In this article we describe the critical counseling theories course structure, instructional approach, and assignments. Data from student evaluations, instructor reflections, and student focus groups add to the justification that a critical counseling theories course could successfully instill critical consciousness in counselors-in-training and in turn promote anti-racism in counseling theory and practice

    Knowledge, attitude and practices of contraception amongst married women

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    Background: Aim of current study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of contraceptives amongst married women of reproductive age group.Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in obstetrics and gynaecology out door patient department (OPD) of SMGS hospital Jammu. 100 married women aged between 15-45 years were included in this study. Along with the sociodemographic characteristics of the women, their knowledge, attitude /86*and practices on contraception were evaluated with the help of predesigned questionnaire.Results: It was observed that out of 100 women, majority of them were Hindu (58%), higher secondary educated (21%), housewives (45%) and belonged to low socio economic status (36%). 88% females had knowledge about contraceptive methods that was mainly obtained from health workers (59%) followed by media (23.8%) and social circle (14,7%). 38% women were practicing contraceptive methods, out of which most of them were using condom (39.4%) followed by Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCPs) (21.05%), intra uterine contraceptive device (15.7%) etc. Though most of the women had knowledge about contraceptive methods majority (62%) had negative attitude towards family planning.Conclusions: In spite of having good knowledge, utilization of contraceptives was less because of religious myths and beliefs, fear of side effects, cultural and political barriers

    Managing dyspnea in pregnancy-an errand uphill: an experience from the critical care obstetric unit of a tertiary care facility in India

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    Background: The occurrence of dyspnea in a gravid woman induces the query in the treating obstetrician regarding its root cause being either underlying or new cardiac or pulmonary disease, or due to the pregnancy itself. Attainment to this conclusion requires grasp of the cardiopulmonary changes befalling during normal pregnancy, as well as detection of the ailment of dyspnea during antenatal period. Objective of present study was to find out the incidence and feto-maternal outcome of patients presenting with dyspnea in pregnancy and puerperium.Methods: This study was conducted in Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Vardhaman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung hospital over a period of one year, wherein review of all women who had presented with a diagnosis of dyspnea in pregnancy and puerperium, and admitted and treated in the Critical care obstetric unit of the department was done. Thorough evaluation was done and case files were exhaustively reviewed, data was anonymously extracted, and outcomes analyzed. All causes of mortality were also recorded. The primary outcome was incidence of dyspnea in pregnancy. Secondary outcomes measured were socio-demographic variables, timing of presentation-antepartum=first trimester, second trimester, third trimester/postpartum7 days, causative factors for dyspnea, any other obstetric complications, mode of delivery, fetal outcome (fetus weight, Apgar score, need for NICU admission), need for ICU/HDU admission, duration and course in the hospital, mortality, and cause of death in case of mortality. Data recording was done on a predesigned proforma and deciphered at the end of study and analyzed.Results: Incidence of dyspnea was 1.97% of all admissions. Pulmonary edema following hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, was the leading cause. 28.5 % women succumbed to their illness. Majority were preterm births (88/112), requiring NICU admission.Conclusions: The clinician should be able to determine the underlying cause of dyspnea, differentiating it from physiologic progesterone-induced hyperventilation. Strategy of expeditious delivery during the third trimester is often warranted after weighing fetal outcome and maternal risk in such women

    Study of maternal and perinatal outcome of referred patients in tertiary health centre

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    Background: Referral services for identification and referral of high risk pregnancies are an integral part of maternal and child health services. The aim of this study was to review the pattern of obstetric cases referred to tertiary care center, to identify their clinical course, mode of delivery, maternal and perinatal outcomes.Methods: It is a prospective observational study carried out from January 2017 to July 2017. Study population was all Obstetrics patients referred to Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of B.J Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India a tertiary care center during the study period.Results: The total number of referred cases in above study period was 100. Mode of transport used by the referred patients was by 108 ambulances (75%) and private vehicles (25%). Most common diagnosis at the time of referral was hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (31%). Out of the total referred cases, 57% had vaginal delivery, 42% had caesarean section. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy constitute the leading cause of maternal deaths amongst the referred cases.Conclusions: The present study has shown that inadequate antenatal and intra-natal care at the periphery level is responsible for increased maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Even today, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are the leading cause of maternal mortality. Health education to the community will definitely reduce maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality
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