5 research outputs found

    DNA vaccines elicit durable protective immunity against individual or simultaneous infections with Lassa and Ebola viruses in guinea pigs

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    We previously developed optimized DNA vaccines against both Lassa fever and Ebola hemorrhagic fever viruses and demonstrated that they were protective individually in guinea pig and nonhuman primate models. In this study, we vaccinated groups of strain 13 guinea pigs two times, four weeks apart with 50 µg of each DNA vaccine or a mock vaccine at discrete sites by intradermal electroporation. Five weeks following the second vaccinations, guinea pigs were exposed to lethal doses of Lassa virus, Ebola virus, or a combination of both viruses simultaneously. None of the vaccinated guinea pigs, regardless of challenge virus and including the coinfected group, displayed weight loss, fever or other disease signs, and all survived to the study endpoint. All of the mock-vaccinated guinea pigs that were infected with Lassa virus, and all but one of the EBOV-infected mock-vaccinated guinea pigs succumbed. In order to determine if the dual-agent vaccination strategy could protect against both viruses if exposures were temporally separated, we held the surviving vaccinates in BSL-4 for approximately 120 days to perform a cross-challenge experiment in which guinea pigs originally infected with Lassa virus received a lethal dose of Ebola virus and those originally infected with Ebola virus were infected with a lethal dose of Lassa virus. All guinea pigs remained healthy and survived to the study endpoint. This study clearly demonstrates that DNA vaccines against Lassa and Ebola viruses can elicit protective immunity against both individual virus exposures as well as in a mixed-infection environment

    Low potential for mechanical transmission of Ebola virus via house flies (Musca domestica)

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    Abstract Background Ebola virus (EBOV) infection results in high morbidity and mortality and is primarily transmitted in communities by contact with infectious bodily fluids. While clinical and experimental evidence indicates that EBOV is transmitted via mucosal exposure, the ability of non-biting muscid flies to mechanically transmit EBOV following exposure to the face had not been assessed. Results To investigate this transmission route, house flies (Musca domestica Linnaeus) were used to deliver an EBOV/blood mixture to the ocular/nasal/oral facial mucosa of four cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis Raffles). Following exposure, macaques were monitored for evidence of infection through the conclusion of the study, days 57 and 58. We found no evidence of systemic infection in any of the exposed macaques. Conclusions The results of this study indicate that there is a low potential for the mechanical transmission of EBOV via house flies - the conditions in this study were not sufficient to initiate infection

    Persistent Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus infection in the testes and within granulomas of non-human primates with latent tuberculosis.

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    Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is the most medically important tick-borne viral disease of humans and tuberculosis is the leading cause of death worldwide by a bacterial pathogen. These two diseases overlap geographically, however, concurrent infection of CCHF virus (CCHFV) with mycobacterial infection has not been assessed nor has the ability of virus to persist and cause long-term sequela in a primate model. In this study, we compared the disease progression of two diverse strains of CCHFV in the recently described cynomolgus macaque model. All animals demonstrated signs of clinical illness, viremia, significant changes in clinical chemistry and hematology values, and serum cytokine profiles consistent with CCHF in humans. The European and Asian CCHFV strains caused very similar disease profiles in monkeys, which demonstrates that medical countermeasures can be evaluated in this animal model against multiple CCHFV strains. We identified evidence of CCHFV persistence in the testes of three male monkeys that survived infection. Furthermore, the histopathology unexpectedly revealed that six additional animals had evidence of a latent mycobacterial infection with granulomatous lesions. Interestingly, CCHFV persisted within the granulomas of two animals. This study is the first to demonstrate the persistence of CCHFV in the testes and within the granulomas of non-human primates with concurrent latent tuberculosis. Our results have important public health implications in overlapping endemic regions for these emerging pathogens

    Virus-encoded miRNAs in Ebola virus disease

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    Abstract Ebola virus (EBOV) is a negative-strand RNA virus that replicates in the cytoplasm and causes an often-fatal hemorrhagic fever. EBOV, like other viruses, can reportedly encode its own microRNAs (miRNAs) to subvert host immune defenses. miRNAs are short noncoding RNAs that can regulate gene expression by hybridizing to multiple mRNAs, and viral miRNAs can enhance viral replication and infectivity by regulating host or viral genes. To date, only one EBOV miRNA has been examined in human infection. Here, we assayed mouse, rhesus macaque, cynomolgus macaque, and human samples infected with three EBOV variants for twelve computationally predicted viral miRNAs using RT-qPCR. Ten miRNAs aligned to EBOV variants and were detectable in the four species during disease with several viral miRNAs showing presymptomatic amplification in animal models. miRNA abundances in both the mouse and nonhuman primate models mirrored the human cohort, with miR-1-5p, miR-1-3p, and miR-T3-3p consistently at the highest levels. These striking similarities in the most abundant miRNAs during infection with different EBOV variants and hosts indicate that these miRNAs are potential valuable diagnostic markers and key effectors of EBOV pathogenesis

    Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals Host miRNAs Correlated with Immune Gene Dysregulation during Fatal Disease Progression in the Ebola Virus Cynomolgus Macaque Disease Model

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    Ebola virus is a continuing threat to human populations, causing a virulent hemorrhagic fever disease characterized by dysregulation of both the innate and adaptive host immune responses. Severe cases are distinguished by an early, elevated pro-inflammatory response followed by a pronounced lymphopenia with B and T cells unable to mount an effective anti-viral response. The precise mechanisms underlying the dysregulation of the host immune system are poorly understood. In recent years, focus on host-derived miRNAs showed these molecules to play an important role in the host gene regulation arsenal. Here, we describe an investigation of RNA biomarkers in the fatal Ebola virus disease (EVD) cynomolgus macaque model. We monitored both host mRNA and miRNA responses in whole blood longitudinally over the disease course in these non-human primates (NHPs). Analysis of the interactions between these classes of RNAs revealed several miRNA markers significantly correlated with downregulation of genes; specifically, the analysis revealed those involved in dysregulated immune pathways associated with EVD. In particular, we noted strong interactions between the miRNAs hsa-miR-122-5p and hsa-miR-125b-5p with immunological genes regulating both B and T-cell activation. This promising set of biomarkers will be useful in future studies of severe EVD pathogenesis in both NHPs and humans and may serve as potential prognostic targets