2 research outputs found

    Barroco prepĂłstumo: cuerpo y temporalidad en NĂ©stor Perlongher y Severo Sarduy

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    This article examines how the baroque is theorized in texts written by Néstor Perlongher and Severo Sarduy during the global HIV crisis. I propose that by taking illness as a starting point, these writers develop the notion of the baroque as resistance –conceived as temporality and as a practice more than as an aesthetic–. Specifically, I focus on Néstor Perlongher´s proposal of a “transhistoric” baroque and on Sarduy’s notion of a “funeral” baroque.Este artículo examina cómo se teoriza el barroco en textos escritos por Néstor Perlongher y Severo Sarduy durante los años de la crisis global del HIV. Propongo que a partir de la enfermedad, tanto ajena como propia, se desarrolla una noción de un barroco resistente, que se concibe más que como estética, como temporalidad y como práctica. Específicamente, elaboro sobre como Néstor Perlongher propone la idea de un barroco “transhistórico” mientras que Sarduy trabaja con la noción de un barroco “funerario”

    Preposterous baroque: body and temporality in NĂ©stor Perlongher and Severo Sarduy

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    This article examines how the baroque is theorized in texts written by Néstor Perlongher and Severo Sarduy during the global HIV crisis. I propose that by taking illness as a starting point, these writers develop the notion of the baroque as resistance –conceived as temporality and as a practice more than as an aesthetic–. Specifically, I focus on Néstor Perlongher´s proposal of a “transhistoric” baroque and on Sarduy’s notion of a “funeral” baroque