12 research outputs found

    The frequency of occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in milk on the territory of Vojvodina

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    Aflatoxin is one of the most common mycotoxins which can be found in milk. It represents a natural metabolite of aflatoxin B1 that occurs as a result of animal metabolism and the body's attempt to detoxificate it. It is excreted in milk, feces and urine of animals that consumed contaminated feed with aflatoxin B1. The carry-over from feed to milk depends on many factors, ranging from 0.3 to 6.2%. Aflatoxin M1 is in the first group of carcinogens according to the IRAC classification from 2002, but it is considered to have only 10% of carcinogenicity from its precursor aflatoxin B1. Legislation in member countries of European Union for this mycotoxin in milk intended for people is 0.05 Ī¼g/l, while the rest of the countries that also have legislation for this mycotoxin allow the concentration that is ten times higher, and that is 0.5 Ī¼g/l. In this paper, we have tried to provide on insight into the quality of milk, food often consumed by children, from the standpoint of mycotoxicology, and to compare the obtained data with data available from literature, from countries in the region that have similar climatic and agricultural conditions. From a total of 65 samples of processed milk, aflatoxin M1 was found in 18 samples and none of the samples exceeded the level of 0.05 Ī¼g/l, which is allowed by the legislation of the European Union

    Prisustvo deoksinivalenola u uzorcima strnih žita u žetvenoj 2009/10. godini

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    Fusarium head blight (FHB) is present in all growing regions of small grains and causes significant losses in yield and grain quality. In our environmental conditions, dominant species is Fusarium graminearum Group 2. During 2009/10 there was a significant Fusarium infestation on wheat, barley and triticale. The aim of this study was to examine the contents of deoxynivalenol (DON) in cereal samples taken after 2009/10 harvest season. We analyzed 22 NS varieties of small grains from Rimski Å ančevi, including 16 varieties of winter wheat, one facultative wheat variety, four varieties of winter barley and one variety of triticale. Analytical methods based on clean-up by solid-phase extraction (SPE) columns and detection by liquid chromatography were used. Fifteen out the 22 analyzed samples were positive for the presence of DON at a mean level of 0.537 mg/kg. The highest concentration was 1.952 mg/kg. These findings were in correlation with percentage of the Fusarium damaged kernels.Patogeni iz roda Fusarium su prisutni u svim rejonima gajenja strnih žita i nanose značajne gubitke u prinosu i kvalitetu zrna. Fuzariozu klasa pÅ”enice prouzrokuje veći broj vrsta iz roda Fusarium. U naÅ”im uslovima gajenja dominantna je vrsta Fusarium graminearum Grupa 2. U toku 2009/10. godine doÅ”lo je do značajne pojave fuzarioza na pÅ”enici, ječmu i tritikaleu. Cilj rada je bio da se ispita sadržaj DON-a na uzorcima strnih žita uzetih posle žetve iz uslova prirodne zaraze. Analizirane su 22 novosadske sorte strnih žita iz lokaliteta Rimski Å ančevi, od čega: 16 sorti ozime pÅ”enice, jedna fakultativna sorta pÅ”enice, četiri sorte ozimog ječma i jedna sorta tritikalea. Uzorci su uzeti sa parcela različitih povrÅ”ina u zavisnosti od značaja i rasprostranjenosti gajene sorte. Analitičko određivanje je zasnovano na prečiŔćavanju sirovog ekstrakta analiziranih uzoraka pomoću tzv. Mucosep kolona, a zatim je sadržaj DON-a kvantitativno određen tečnom hromatografijom. Od 22 analizirana uzorka strnih žita čak 15 (68,2%) je bilo pozitivno na prisustvo DON-a. JoÅ” veći procenat zaraženosti DON-om je utvrđen kada je u pitanju samo pÅ”enica (82,4%). Prosečan sadržaj DON-a je iznosio 0,537 mg/kg a najveća koncentracija je utvrđena u uzorku tritikalea i iznosila je visokih 1,952 mg/kg. Od svih uzoraka koji su bili pozitivni na prisustvo ovog mikotoksina, 2 su prevazilazila koncentracije koje su propisane od strane Evropske komisije. Sve ovo ukazuje na visoku zaraženost strnih žita sa naÅ”ih polja iz žetve 2010. Procenat fuzarioznih zrna kod 16 ispitivanih sorti pÅ”enice kretao se od 1 do 11,5%, a gubici u masi 1000 zrna od 1,2 do 5,7%. Između jačine zaraze u polju i sadržaja mikotoksina DON ustanovljena je potpuna pozitivna korelacija kod pojedinih sorti. Fakultativna sorta pÅ”enice NataÅ”a je imala visoku koncentraciju DON od 1,572 mg/kg, pri stepenu zaraze u polju od 33,3% zaraženih klasova po 1 m2. Sorta Zvezdana imala je najniži procenat zaraze u polju od 1% i kod nje nije determinisano prisustvo mikotoksina DON

    Zearalenone endocrine system catch

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    This paper deals with the contamination of our environment with thousands of both natural and man-made chemicals which affect the endocrine system of humans and animals. These so-called endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are thought to mimic or block the action of hormones and therefore disrupt sexual development in utero. EDCs are organochlorine pesticides, dioxin compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls, alkylpolyethoxylates, plastic additives and phytoestrogens (occurring naturally in foods: isoflavones coumenestans and zearalenone). The structure of zearalenone is similar to the structure of estrogens and it enables binding to the estrogenic receptors. DNA laddering on gel electrophoresis was present 12 h after dosing thus indicating a conclusion that there was apoptosis. Apoptosis is the principal mechanism contributing to germ cell depletion and testicular atrophy following zearalenone exposure

    Wheat safety in relation to presence and content of deoxynivalenol

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    HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) is a concept which identifies, evaluates, and controls hazards, significant for food safety. It is applicable to the entire food chain, "from farm to table". Prevention of a food borne mycotoxin contamination of commodities is the most rational and cost-effective method for preventing adverse effects of fungal metabolites on human and animal health. Deoxynivalenol (DON) belongs to the group of mycotoxins produced by certain Fusarium species, which can damage several vital organs, or demonstrate immunotoxic effect, when ingested in small amounts for a longer period of time. Of particular concern is exposure of children to this mycotoxin through cereals, which are believed to lead to reduced weight gain and decreased liver weights. For that reason, we tried to present HACCP concept for preventing wheat contamination with deoxynivalenol. To be able to apply this system, hazards must be identified and risks assessed, and for that purpose a real picture of area (region) in which preventive measures shall be applied, need to be established. According to the results of the study conducted in the laboratory at our department, DON contaminated wheat samples in the region of Vojvodina accounted for 41,6% in 2004 and 2005, whereas amounts of deoxynivalenol ranged from 57 to 1840 Ī¼g/kg

    Evaluation of feed components contamination with ochratoxin in Vojvodina

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    Ochratoxin A is cancerogenic, teratogenetic, immunotoxic and nephrotoxic The mentioned order stresses the importance of this toxin concerning its harm to human health. The harmful effects of ochratoxin A include the effects at molecular level, such as DNA fragmentation, protein synthesis inhibition gluconeogenesis, lipid peroxidation, disorder of oxydative phosphorization in mitochondria, inhibition of blood coagulation and apoptosis. The presence of ochratoxin A in a great number of food samples, both of plant and animal origin, is the obvious risk to human health, which is confirmed by the high incidence of this toxin in samples of human serum and milk. It could be stated, with certainty, that the above - mentioned facts are the reason for which the EU has paid great attention to this mycotoxin in recent years. This paper deals with the results of the analysis of the animal feed component samples for the period 2000-2003 concerning the ochratoxin A content. The analysed feed components were taken from the farms with significant health problems of animals (not monitoring). The samples were analysed by chromatography on a thin layer and with a limited detection method for ochratoxin A of 40 ppb. The analysis was carried out on 108 maize samples, 11 barley samples, 21 wheat samples, 42 sunflower pellets samples and 47 soybean pellets samples (Table 1). The samples of sunflower pellets were contaminated in the greatest percentage, which indicates the inadequate storage of this feed component

    Assessment of toxic elements' content in swine kidneys: Pathomorphological analysis

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    Background: In order to ensure the safety of consumers in Serbia, the toxic elements' (Cd, Hg, As, Pb) content in swine kidneys collected from three different sites in Serbia (n=90), were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Also, in order to find information on the effects of accumulation of toxic elements in swine kidneys, histopathological examination of kidneys was carried out. Methods: Determination of toxic elements (Cd, Hg, As, Pb) in swine kidneys was performed by atomic absorption spectrometry. For microscopic examination, kidney samples were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and absolute alcohol for 5 to 7 days, processed by routine methods, sectioned at 5-8 Ī¼m, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) for light microscopy. Results: The presence of mercury was found in 33.3% of kidney samples in the range of 0.005-0.055 mg/kg, while presence of cadmium was found in less degree (27.7%) but in higher content (0.05-1,23 mg/kg). The presence of arsenic was found only in one sample, while presence of lead was not found. The metal-to-metal correlation analysis supported the theory that there were different sources of contamination. Histopathological examination of kidneys confirms tubulopathies with edema and cell vacuolization. In addition, hemorrhages and necrosis of proximal kidney tubules' cells were found. Conclusion: This study shows the presence of toxic elements in pigs butchered in Serbia at levels comparable to those reported in other countries., and consequently do not represent any concern from a consumer safety point of view. The lack of strong correlation between histopathological changes and incidence of toxic elements found in our trial may explain the possible synergism among toxic elements and other nephrotoxic compounds, which enhances the toxicity, especially in cases of low contamination

    Residue of ochratoxin A in swine tissues: Risk assessment

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    Background: Samples of blood, kidney, and liver per animal were randomly selected from slaughtered pigs (n=60) and analyzed for ochratoxin A. Methods: Determination of ochratoxin A concentration in samples of kidney and liver was performed by high-performance thinlayer chromatography after immunoaffnity column clean up, while for plasma samples, a spectrofluorometric procedure was used. Results: Of the 60 plasma samples, 60% contained ochratoxin A in the range of 2.5-33.3 ng/mL (mean 3.05Ā±5.0 ng/mL), while the incidence of ochratoxin A in kidneys and liver were very similar (70% and 65%). The average ochratoxin A concentration in liver was 3.2Ā±4.35 ng/g (1.2-19.5 ng/g) and in kidneys was 3.97Ā±4.47 ng/g (1.3-22.0 ng/g). A statistically significant difference (p<0.01) was found between region Bačka Topola and Kovilj for both liver and kidney samples. In kidney samples originating from region Kovilj and Senta, a statistically significant difference (p<0.01) was found. Mean distribution followed the pattern: kidney>liver>serum (100>80.8>77%). The results from this survey indicated that there was a strong correlation between the ochratoxin A level in serum and liver as well as in the ochratoxin A serum in kidney (r=0.884 and r=0.896, respectively) while the strongest correlation was found between the ochratoxin A level in liver and in kidney (r=0.970). Conclusion: The results of present study show that pork tissues as well as pork products are considered an important source of ochratoxin A in humans

    Mycotoxic porcine nephropathy and spontaneous occurrence of ochratoxin A residues in kidneys of slaughtered swine

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    In order to find information on the occurrence of mycotoxic porcine nephropathy in Serbia, during a six month period (2006/2007) samples of kidney from individual healthy slaughtered pigs were collected (n=90) and analyzed by HPLC for ochratoxin A. In addition, histological examinations were carried out. The incidence of OTA in kidney was 33,3% and varied between 0.17-52.5 ng/g. Histopathological examination of kidneys confirmed tubulopathies with oedema and cell vacuolization. In addition, hemorrhages and necrosis of proximal kidney tubules cells were found. These findings indicate that it is likely that most of the kidney injury is related to ochratoxin A and other nephrotoxic compounds which enhance the toxicity of OTA

    Articles Assessment of toxic elements ā€™ content in swine kidneys: pathomorphological analysis

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    Background: In order to ensure the safety of consumers in Serbia, the toxic elements ā€™ (Cd, Hg, As, Pb) content in swine kidneys collected from three different sites in Serbia (n=90), were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Also, in order to find information on the effects of accumulation of toxic elements in swine kidneys, histopathological examination of kidneys was carried out. Methods: Determination of toxic elements (Cd, Hg, As, Pb) in swine kidneys was performed by atomic absorption spectrometry. For microscopic examination, kidney samples were fixed in 10 % neutral buffered formalin and absolute alcohol for 5 to 7 days, processed by routine methods, sectioned at 5-8 Ī¼m, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) for light microscopy. Results: The presence of mercury was found in 33.3 % of kidney samples in the range of 0.005-0.055 mg/kg, while presence of cadmium was found in less degree (27.7%) but in higher content (0.05-1,23 mg/kg). The presence of arsenic was found only in one sample, while presence of lead was not found. The metal-to-metal correlation analysis supported the theory that there were different sources of contamination. Histopathological examination of kidneys confirms tubulopathies with edema and cell vacuolization. In addition, hemorrhages and necrosis of proximal kidney tubules ā€™ cells were found. Conclusion: This study shows the presence of toxic elements in pigs butchered in Serbia at levels comparable to those reported in other countries., and consequently do not represent any concern from a consumer safety point of view. The lack of strong correlation between histopathological changes and incidence of toxic elements found in our trial may explain th