8 research outputs found

    Revitalization of Coal Brownfields in Solving Environmental Problems and Structural Development of Kuzbass Economy

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    The life cycle of mines lasts from several years to several decades. The closure of the mine occurs when its recourses are completely extracted, or mining is no longer profitable within its leasehold. Most regulatory authorities all around the world require the plan of mines and open-pits closure even before the mining begins, as it must be determined that the site would not pose a threat to the environment or society in future. Depending on the location, the site of mine or open-pit may be used in alternative way after closure or restored to the pre-operational condition. Local authorities increasingly require financial assurance that the funds needed to close mining enterprises will also be available in emergency situations. Special attention is paid to the environmental insurance intended to limit liability related to pollution elimination after mining activities at abandoned fields are over. In close connection with environmental insurance is post-mining – the development of alternative use of mining sites after the closure of mines and open-pits

    The influence of the coal mining process on the state of the earth’s surface in the district of the block

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    This article considers the prerequisites to the development of technologies and a method of computer analysis of the influence of the coal mining process on the state of the earth’s surface in the district of the breakage face. The paper presents an algorithm for the implementation of preparatory works for analysis of the influence of coal mining on the state of the earth’s surface in the district of the block in the form of activity diagram, as well as the tools that are necessary for this analysis are considered. The technologies of 3D modeling of massif by means of FreeCAD are considered, and the analysis of solids formation methods, characterizing rock formation, is carried out. For more accurate calculations and analysis, the finite element model of massif must be built with detail, that is, to break down solids into smaller elements. The article represents a technology, the application of which will be implemented in cooperation with rock geographic information systems, which be capable of a detail analysis and assessment of the impact of coal mining on the surface within the second working

    Histogram Method for Determining the Location of the Internal Dump in Coal Open Pits

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    With the deepening of open pit mining, the volume of worked out space increases and, along with it, the potential capacity for storing overburden. At the same time, the pits completely allocated for the internal dumps are used only by the end of the period of the open pit operation. The known theoretical approaches to determining the location of the internal dump are little implemented in the practice of surface mining, which is explained by two reasons. First, standard design solutions are based on wellknown theoretical provisions; secondly, a formalized template approach to substantiating certain design developments in the field of dumping of internal dumps prevails, which pushes them towards their fragmentary rather than integrated implementation. With regard to the conditions of the Kuzbass open-pit mines, the article proposes a modernized interpretation for the formation of structural schemes of the sequence of quarry fields on the basis of constructive-and-parametric studies of a multivariate adaptation of the internal dumping mode

    Digitalization of Economic Evaluation of Mineral Deposits

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    The issue of mineral deposit evaluation is very topical and the aim of the present article is to fill a gap, which with far has been empty. The presented results of research are aimed to describe these issues in a comprehensive way. After the changes to the economic systems in many European countries the criteria of assessment and evaluation of mineral deposits have changed significantly, and authors of these “recomputations and calculations” use various methods. In these methods the main provisions are built upon geological and industrial values, specifications and indicators, so the economic trends are not completely considered. Therefore, in coming post-industrial era the structure of mineral resources use has been changed, and the leading methods of mineral deposits evaluation must include sufficient economic values, with a new codification

    Reproduction Forms of Sustainable Development Policy in Russia

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    The objective meaning of the sustainable development process in relation to the neo-industrialization of the economy is to create conditions for the restoration of the ecological identity of the national economy as a multi-industry production complex. We consider the neo-industrial development of the economy as the re-establishment of a competitive manufacturing complex in it, capable of saturating the domestic market avoiding increasing the burden on the environment with the innovative development of raw materials production, creating the material basis of national competitiveness in the environmental plan. From sustainable development point of view, neo-industrialization means conducting a comprehensive structural policy, the object of which should be national reproduction, and the subject is deep transformations of the processes that form the complex of human impact on nature, its institutional and technological structure, increasing the reproductive role of the green economy based on the potential of the internal market. At the same time, the history of greening industry, which dates back to the 1990s, testifies to the positive experience of replacing global production chains of raw materials, in particular, energy carriers, with the benefits of a fundamentally new type – alternative energy sources, biomaterials. Therefore, the development of technologically advanced manufacturing industry based on technologies of the green economy is possible as a result of the formation of production of goods and services that are maximally focused on meeting the environmental needs of society

    Environmental Economic Security Management of a Coal Mining Enterprise

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    The structure of the mining environmental economic system, where the key role is played by a coal mining enterprise or a set of enterprises, combined, among other things, with a coal-processing infrastructure, is studied in the article. Known approaches to the definition and the features of assessing the regional environmental economic security of a coal mining enterprise are analyzed. The structure of environmental economic security management of an industrial enterprise operating in an industrialized region is considered and a method for achieving the required level of environmental economic security, expressed in the form of a cost estimate of this process, is proposed. The work performed is of practical importance for environmental surveillance of various levels and large industrial enterprises, especially those related to coal mining and processing, in order to predict the required level of environmental economic security