23 research outputs found

    High Gradient Superconducting Cavity with Low Surface EM Fields and Well-Suppressed HOMS for the ILC

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    We present an optimized geometry for a 1.3 GHz superconducting cavity in which the surface electromagnetic fields have been minimized and the bandwidth of the fundamental mode has been maximized. We refer to this design as the New Low Surface Field (NLSF) cavity. Earlier work focused on properties of the fundamental mode. Here we additionally study higher order modes (HOMs), means of damping them, and short range wake fields. A two-band circuit model is employed in order to facilitate rapid characterization of cavity HOMs.Comment: Presented at First International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC'10, Kyoto, Japan, from 23 to 28 May 201

    SRF cavity geometry optimization for the ILC with minimized surface e.m. fields and superior bandwidth

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    The main linacs of the ILC consist of nine-cell cavities based on the TESLA design. In order to facilitate reaching higher gradients we have re-designed the cavity shape. This leads to a reduction, comparable to several current designs, in both the ratio of the surface electric field to the accelerating field (Es/Ea) and the magnetic field to the accelerating field (Bs/Ea). The bandwidth of the accelerating mode is also optimized. This new shape, which we refer to as the New Low Surface Field (NLSF) design, bears comparison with the Ichiro, Re-entrant and LSF designs.Comment: Presented at the 23rd Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC09) Vancouver, Canad

    High-gradient SRF Cavity with Minimized Surface E.M. Fields and Superior Bandwidth for the ILC

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    Results are presented on an alternative cavity to the ILC baseline design of TESLA-style SRF main accelerating linacs. This re-optimised shape enhances the bandwidth of the accelerating mode and has reduced surface electric and magnetic fields, compared to the baseline design and some current high gradient designs. Detailed simulations on the e.m. fields for the New Low Surface Field (NLSF) cavity, including end-cell and coupler designs, are reported. The re-distributed dipole modes are also discussed.Comment: Proceedings of 14th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF 2009), 2009, Berlin, German