151 research outputs found

    The Application of AHP Model to Guide Decision Makers: A Case Study of E-banking Security

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    Changes in technology have resulted in new ways for bankers to deliver their services to costumers. Electronic banking systems in various forms are the evidence of such advancement. However, information security threats also evolving along this trend. This paper proposes the application of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology to guide decision makers in banking industries to deal with information security policy. The model is structured according aspects of information security policy in conjunction with information security elements. We found that cultural aspect is valued on the top priority among other security aspects, while confidentiality is considered as the most important factor in terms of information security elements.Comment: 5 page

    A New Fuzzy MCDM Framework to Evaluate E-Government Security Strategy

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    Ensuring security of e-government applications and infrastructures is crucial to maintain trust among stakeholders to store, process and exchange information over the e-government systems. Due to dynamic and continuous threats on e-government information security, policy makers need to perform evaluation on existing information security strategy as to deliver trusted e-government services. This paper presents an information security evaluation framework based on new fuzzy multi criteria decision making (MCDM) to help policy makers conduct comprehensive assessment of e-government security strategy.Comment: IEEE 4th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies AICT201

    Business Models for Peer to Peer Initiatives

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    How do we keep proper level of content diversity: The influence of the gigantic platform on content diversity

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    This paper aims to study the origin of the role of diversity in the new ICT ecosystem, and show how the gigantic platform influences on the level of diversity of content. Using genetic algorithm, it makes possible to reflect the new ICT ecosystem and experiment how the system is changing content diversity. The novelty of this method is introducing the new measurement of content diversity which is from the genotype diversity in artificial evolution area. The result of the experiments shows that the exposed diversity of content seems to be maintained, but the genuine diversity of content is decreased gradually and disappeared in the end. In addition, the average performance is also decreased in the long run. This clearly shows that decreasing diversity of content is not perceived as much of problem for the present; however, it will generate a big problem if the regulator does nothing to solve this problem. Therefore, this paper insists that diversity, which is reservoir of creativity and the power of sustainable growth in the new ICT ecosystem, must be kept properly and this is the very first step for settling the new standard. This might contribute for policy makers to give them wisdom by which criteria they can look at the reality in this rapidly changed technology and business environment and we hope more empirical studies are coming with it

    Analysis on switching cost versus bundling price under consumer adoption for choosing smart TV over pay TV

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    The emergence of smart TV device encourages the reconsideration of the customer's subscription on the pay TV so that the phenomenon of cord-cutting evokes the other dimension of MVPD (Multi-Channel Video Programming Distribution) industry itself. Two major paths to adopt the new platform in MVPD market cover the switching cost and effect for the new platform such as smart TV and restrain the discount price by bundling triple-play which is one provision over a single broadband connection of two bandwidth-intensive services such as high-speed Internet access and television, and the latency-sensitive telephone. The research question over this simultaneous equation model exhibits that rate of customer subscription affects with more attention from demand-pull phenomenon by the high switching cost versus bundling price for multiple play service in behavioral economics way. Behavioral economics can explain the way of consumer's choice by providing it with more realistic psychological foundations. The hypothesis investigates the incentive mechanism has positive effect from the discount rate by tying the product bundling within MVPD service provision. Shapiro and Varian (1998) examine some of the business strategy implications of switching costs at a lay reader level. The switching cost results in the lock-in effect and takes scale economies of demand side. Farrell and Shapiro (1989) mention that once they are locked in, they can be a substantial source of profit whether it is substation or not. Also customer left the current service due to that cost. The prerequisite for switching cost investigate the product complexity (Gatignon and Robertson, 1992; Klemperer, 1995), heterogeneity of supplier in market (Schmalensee, 1982), the product diversity from the supplier side (Blattberg and Deighton, 1996; Klemperer, 1995; Ram and Jung, 1990), the level of modification in consideration of customer demand (Bhardawaj et al., 1993), the experience of alternatives (Bhattachary et al., 1995), the experience of switching choice (Bhattacharya et al.,1995; Nilssen, 1992), and time limitation of selection pressure or individual characteristic of risk aversion could be the factor to reorganization of switching cost by customer. Previous literature tries to explore the path and find out the factors which effect on the customer's switching behavior

    Rutas de configuración de innovación organizacional y tecnológica para el desempeño empresarial mediante el análisis fuzzy-set QCA

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    The relationship between organizational and technological innovation and its effect on firm performance have received attention for the literature with divided perspectives. Both modes of innovation are considered as important sources of competitive advantage. Empirical evidence so far indicates two directions regarding the relationship between organizational and technological innovation: those supporting that organizational innovation enables technological innovation, and those with the opposite perspective. Recent evidence suggests a holistic approach to understand the intrinsic relationship between the firm’s innovative activities. This study uses the dynamic capabilities view of the firm and implements a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) for a sample of enterprises in Latin America, to clarify complex causal interactions of the firm’s attributes and different forms of innovation leading to high performance. The results show several equifinal solutions leading to business success. Additionally, the results identify three different archetypes of firms based on innovative behavior. La relación entre la innovación organizacional y tecnológica y su efecto en el desempeño empresarial ha recibido atención por la literatura con perspectivas divididas. Ambos modos de innovación se consideran fuentes importantes de ventaja competitiva. La evidencia empírica hasta ahora indica dos direcciones con respecto a la relación entre la innovación organizacional y tecnológica: aquellos que indican que la innovación organizacional posibilita la innovación tecnológica, y aquellos con una perspectiva opuesta. La evidencia reciente sugiere mantener un enfoque holístico para comprender la relación intrínseca entre las actividades innovadoras de una empresa. Este estudio utiliza la visión de capacidades dinámicas de las organizaciones e implementa un análisis fuzzy-set comparativo cualitativo (fsQCA) para una muestra de empresas en América Latina, con el objetivo de observar interacciones causales complejas entre los atributos de una empresa y diferentes formas de innovación que conducen a un alto desempeño. Los resultados muestran varias soluciones equifinales que conducen al éxito empresarial. Además, los resultados identifican tres arquetipos diferentes de empresas basados ​​en comportamientos de innovación.&nbsp

    Structure of technology evolution: The way on which ICT industry emerged in Korea

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    The role of ICT in the economic growth in Korea is a great attraction to the telecommunication society interested in the relationship among ICT, innovation policy and economic growth. However, prior research concentrates on investigating the effect of policy on innovation and economic growth, but misses the mechanism how a policy affects the technological system which interacts with public institutes, universities and private firms. In this paper, we analyze the structure of technology evolution in Korea with empirical data of patents to understand the prosperity of ICT sector in Korea. To do so, we define a technology network, or a set of nodes and links, representing technology fields and the relations between the fields, respectively, and measure the network topology and position per year between 1970 and 2010. Our results propose that the technology network maintains the scalefree topology, but the entities of the hub positions are gradually replaced emerging entities on the invariant network topology. Our findings are expected to motivate ICT innovation studies to understand the evolutionary mechanism of ICT industry in the systematic perspective of technology, and improve the policy of ICT innovation

    Transaction Management for Sender/Receiver-Payment Schemes in Charging and Accounting Systems for Interconnected Networks

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    In this paper, we present an Internet transaction management system for sender/receiver payment schemes. This system allows an arbitrary split of transaction charges between two communication partners. Using this kind of system, new business models can be implemented on the Internet. The new system provides more flexibility than existing charging schemes. Under these new business models, service providers can pick up a share of the cost for the transaction with any of their customers; offer collect-call type of services; or provide services as the 900 services on the telephone network. This paper describes in detail the transaction management protocol (TMP), its implementation, and the transaction management service platform (TMS). The TMP specifies the protocol state diagram as well as the process of how the costs for resource usage can be allocated to communicating end-users. The TMS platform defines the architecture and the modules, simplifying the implementation of the TMP on the Internet. The TMS provides a module-based transaction management environment, carrying transaction signals such as message schema, accounting policy information, communication reference information, and end-user agreement information. In addition to this, an application of the TMS in the framework of bandwidth broker interconnection networ