6 research outputs found

    日本近世初期における渡来朝鮮人の研究: 加賀藩を中心に

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    1.研究状況の把握 加賀藩はじめ諸藩における「渡来朝鮮人」の研究状況、史料の残存状況を調査・検討し、「日本近世初期渡来朝鮮人一覧稿」を作成した(研究成果報告書に収録)。 2.史料の調査・翻刻 (1)「家伝」の研究及び翻刻を行なった(報告書に収録)。(2)如鉄に関する(1)以外の史料の翻刻を行なった(報告書に収録)。(3)加賀藩における渡来朝鮮人の研究をすすめ、その成果を「加賀藩における渡来朝鮮人」としてまとめた(報告書に収録)。(4)九州地域他の「渡来朝鮮人」関係史料の調査を続行したが、目下整理中である。 3.加賀藩初期『侍塚』の分析 『加賀藩初期の侍帳』(石川県図書館協会)に収録された藩士の石高・役職等を全てパソコンに入力し、家臣団中における「渡来朝鮮人」如鉄の位置づけを明らかにした(報告書に収録)。 4.比較史的研究 東南アジアにおける「渡来朝鮮人」の研究を行ない、その存在形態を明らかにした(報告書に収録)。 5.研究会を月一回のペ-スで開き、研究成果の報告と問題点の整理を行なって、課題の追究に努めた。 6.総括と報告書の作成 上記の研究諸成に立脚し、総論「近世初期渡来朝鮮人冶究序説」をまとめ、諸成果とともに、研究成果報告書『日本近世初期における渡来朝鮮人の研究ー加賀藩を中心にー』に載録して刊行した。 5. Discussion Meeting were held once a month and members of the study team reported on their progress and problems. This helped to facilitate the individual research of team members. 6. Summary and Publication of the Research We summarized the findings of all the members of the study team and this is reported under the heading "Introduction to the Research on the Koreans brought to Japan in the Early Pre-Modern Period". The publication of this research also included the various reports mentioned above.       1. Literature Review Related to This Area of Research We reviewed and examined existing research and documents relating to these Koreans in the Kaga and the other clans and compiled a name list. This name list included such variables as could be determined, example age, rank etc. (Included in this report) 2. The Review and Rewriting of Documents (1) We reviewed and rewrote "Autobiography of Kim Jotetsu". (Included in this report) (2) We rewrote documents related directly to Jotetsu besides 2 (1) above. (Included in this report) (3) We reviewed and researched the history of these koreans in the Kaga clan and the result of this research is reported under the heading "The Koreans in the Kaga Clan". (Included in this report) (4) We expanded this study and included the Koreans brought to the Kyusyu area and other areas and are at the moment finalizing the details. 3. Analysis of the "Soldier\u27s List" of the Early Kaga Clan With the help a personal computer, we analyzed the "Soldier\u27s List" and was able to trace Jotetsu\u27s movement and rise in rank in the Kaga clan. (Included in this report) 4. Comparative Study We also did a comparative study by researching this area in some South-Asian countries and endeavored to clarify the situation of the Koreans at that time. (Included in this report) 5. Discussion Meeting were held once a month and members of the study team reported on their progress and problems. This helped to facilitate the individual research of team members. 6. Summary and Publication of the Research We summarized the findings of all the members of the study team and this is reported under the heading "Introduction to the Research on the Koreans brought to Japan in the Early Pre-Modern Period". The publication of this research also included the various reports mentioned above.1. Literature Review Related to This Area of ResearchWe reviewed and examined existing research and documents relating to these Koreans in the Kaga and the other clans and compiled a name list. This name list included such variables as could be determined, example age, rank etc. (Included in this report)2. The Review and Rewriting of Documents(1) We reviewed and rewrote "Autobiography of Kim Jotetsu". (Included in this report)(2) We rewrote documents related directly to Jotetsu besides 2 (1) above. (Included in this report)(3) We reviewed and researched the history of these koreans in the Kaga clan and the result of this research is reported under the heading "The Koreans in the Kaga Clan". (Included in this report)(4) We expanded this study and included the Koreans brought to the Kyusyu area and other areas and are at the moment finalizing the details.3. Analysis of the "Soldier\u27s List" of the Early Kaga ClanWith the help a personal computer, we analyzed the "Soldier\u27s List" and was able to trace Jotetsu\u27s movement and rise in rank in the Kaga clan. (Included in this report)4. Comparative StudyWe also did a comparative study by researching this area in some South-Asian countries and endeavored to clarify the situation of the Koreans at that time. (Included in this report)5. Discussion Meeting were held once a month and members of the study team reported on their progress and problems. This helped to facilitate the individual research of team members.6. Summary and Publication of the ResearchWe summarized the findings of all the members of the study team and this is reported under the heading "Introduction to the Research on the Koreans brought to Japan in the Early Pre-Modern Period". The publication of this research also included the various reports mentioned above.研究期間: 1989–1990年度, 研究課題/領域番号: 01450051 [近世初期渡来朝鮮人研究序説:「少年捕虜」に関する覚え書き (鶴園 裕), 加賀藩における渡来朝鮮人 (片倉 穣, 笠井 純一), 加賀藩家臣団編成と脇田直賢(如鉄) (中野 節子), 家伝: 金(脇田)如鉄自伝 (笠井 純一), 脇田如鉄関係史料集 (笠井 純一), 東南アジア渡航朝鮮人に関する覚書: 豊臣秀吉の朝鮮侵略により強制連行された朝鮮人と東南アジア (片倉 穣), 黒本稼堂筆『朝鮮李東郭 観文堂額由来記』双巻 (片倉 穣, 笠井 純一), 伊藤莘野著『正徳和漢唱酬録』 (片倉 穣), 日本近世初期渡来朝鮮人一覧稿, 都道府県別アンケートの結果一覧]出典:「日本近世初期における渡来朝鮮人の研究: 加賀藩を中心に」研究成果報告書 課題番号01450051 (KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))   本文データは著者版報告書より作