237 research outputs found


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    A business process based view of inter-firm relationship is proposed and discussed in this paper. The authors define inter-firm relationships as a broad range of relationships including strategic alliances, joint ventures, and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) or other equity-based relationships in this paper. Inter-firm relationships are some of the most important strategic activities in the present business environment. In addition, the formation and selection of a partner is the most essential issue for managers when arranging inter-firm relationships, and also very important for scholars when conducting researches. Resource-based views and transaction cost theories are the most utilized methodologies for analyzing inter-firm relationships, but they seem to face constraints when discussing the formation of inter-firm relationships. Therefore, the authors propose to introduce a business process-based view for discussing the formation of inter-firm relationships. The authors also examine the existence of a correlation between the characteristics of the business processes of an industry and the preferred formation of inter-firm relationships using an analysis of several business areas

    The Power to Activate a Creative Core in Enterprise

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    A wide range of products and services has been commoditized as a result of globalization, and a lot of companies have been progressively working to draw on the knowledge creation of their employees to be more competitive. In this respect, some would argue that a Creative Class of employees determines the business results of a company. Social networking among employees is a platform for creativity, so when management supports such social networks, the strength of the organization increases. In this paper, we present a quantitative association from our previous research and a theoretical contemplation to provide a management method between the communication of employees and organizational collaboration. Further, we take the case of a company, which is an ICT (Information and Communication Technology) system integrator, using an RFID system, and confirm whether there are causal relationships through a multiple regression analysis of Bayesian statistics. As a result, we found that the egocentric collaboration networks of the Creative Core grew by activating communications (sending emails) among employees. Further, we propose some implications that allow control of collaboration within a company by encouraging communication of the Creative Core, that is, the central members of the Creative Class by considering the results of this and previous research. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol2/iss2/6


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    As internet and smartphones have become more accessible in Thailand, a growth of social networking service (SNS) has been continuously increased. Twitter has ranked as one of the top SNS among other services for several years. With unique feathers of Twitter, it is worthy to investigate how Twitter is used by Thai users. Since politics in Thailand has always been one of the most discussed topic due to its instability, Thai politics was focused in this study. Here, the author aimed to determine a role of Twitter in Thai political communication. Furthermore, factors that influenced the role of Twitter were listed. Four data sets of tweets were collected during the time political incidents occurred. Three analyses were conducted, i.e., format of communication, distribution of user activity and content analysis. Results from the analyses showed that Twitter acted as an information disseminating tool. Most information was informative and it was spread widely among the users. Scale of event, reoccurrence of event and censorship were found to be the factors that affected the role of Twitter. The first two factors influenced size of data set and sentiments in tweets. The last factor affected sources of information and was likely to decrease the size of data set

    A Dynamic Knowledge Approach for Dynamic Business Rules Modeling

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    Business Rules are formal statements about the data and processes of an enterprise. In an enterprise, business rules are used to represent certain aspects of a business domain (static rules) or business policy (dynamic rules). Hence, regarding problem domains in the organization, business rules are classified into two groups: static and dynamic business rules. The paper introduces a new concept of business rules, Extended Dynamic Business Rule which contains the results of the occurrence of business rule\u27s action. In this paper, we focus on such business rules and use Mineau’s approach for modeling them. Mineau’s approach is an extension of Conceptual Graph theory by John Sowa


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    Now that a wide range of products and services are being commoditized globally, corporations are increasingly seeking to derive their competitiveness from the knowledge work of their staff. They are considering various measures, such as ways of management focusing on the organization of the company; among them is an approach in which knowledge born in the workplace is turned into organizational strength. More recently, indications are growing that social networks are also important. In reality, however, it is often the case that only information sharing is encouraged, and that the perspective of actually understanding a situation and thereby taking control of it is missing. This paper uses the example of company Y, which has been evaluated highly for its management utilizing ICT, and provides a quantitative association between communication and collaboration, thereby clarifying causal relationships. Based on the acquired results, we propose a management method, which allows the management of collaboration within a company by encouraging the networks of communication

    The Role of IT and Organizational Capabilities on Digital Business Value

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    The opportunities and threats that digital technologies like SMACIT (Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud and Internet of Things) bring to organizations are increasingly being explored by the academia and industry. Organizations face the challenge not only to use new technologies but to gain competitive advantage from such embracement in order to stay relevant in the market. This study aims to provide practical insights on how Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can prepare to embrace Digital Technologies. For this, it proposes that a combination of both IT and Organizational capabilities can be the foundation for achieving Business Value with Digital Technologies or “Digital Business Value”. IT capabilities are evaluated by the IT capability maturity framework (IT-CMF) and Organizational Intelligence Quotient (Mendelson and Pillai, 1999) is used to evaluate organizational capabilities. Digital Business Value is defined as the achievement of business objectives using Digital Technologies (Riera & Iijima, 2017). The target population was one hundred Japanese SMEs which were awarded by The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry due to their effective utilization of IT supporting business performance in the list of “Competitive IT Strategy SME Selection 100” over the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. Data collection was done with questionnaires sent to all the awarded organizations and collected 34 responses. A quantitative approach was used and the data analysis was done with correlation and regression analysis. Empirical evidence demonstrated that IT and Organizational capabilities are linked to Digital Business Value. A subset of IT capabilities like Risk Management, Business Planning among others was indeed related to Digital Business Value. In addition, Internal Knowledge Dissemination and Continuous Innovation dimensions from Organizational IQ showed relationship with Digital Business Value. This study unveiled that the combination of IT and Organizational capabilities leverage the value from Digital technologies. The outcomes from this study may be of reference to SMEs that look to embrace Digital Technologies as it shows which particular capabilities may be of interest for developing. This study extends the Digital Transformation literature in particular how dynamic capabilities work together in order to enable Digital Business Value. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol11/iss2/4

    Value Operation: Linking Value in New Business Model Creation Process

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    Enterprise engineering is a discipline concerning designing and modeling an enterprise system. On creating a new business model, we can start from scratch ideation, or conduct innovation, manipulation, etc. of the current, existing business model. New Business Model Creation Process is a framework to conduct business model manipulation to create a new business. However, one of the seemingly important aspects of business is lost: Value. This research attempts to create a framework of Value Operation and link it into New Business Model Creation Process, using the concept of e3value. This paper will explain the literature review related to this work, the methodology, the demonstration of this framework, discussion of the result and the conclusion of this research

    Exploring Capability Governance Model for Sustainable-Smart Tourism Development

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    There has been an increased initiative to realize smart tourism in the world. However, most attempts have yet to be realized completely. The lack of theoretical discussion and modelling in tourism governance is a major contributing factor. This paper empirically explores the potential of systematic governance in achieving sustainable competitive advantage in smart tourism. We conducted a case study via qualitative interviews with tourism initiators from one of the leading tourism cities in Tokyo, Japan. In the theory building process, we adopted absorptive capacity as the theoretical foundation, and we could synthesize the outcome of our analysis into the proposed framework— Smart tourism dynamic capability governance Model. The model demonstrates how a city could dynamically manage their tourism resource and capabilities in their ecosystem toward sustainable tourism prosperity. Throughout this study, we contribute to the body of knowledge by introducing a successful tourism governance approach to compete with tourism resource rich cities

    A Study of the Effect of Knowledge Creating Capabilities on Corporate Performance

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    In response to the concern regarding the evaluation of knowledge management initiatives, this study introduces the concept of ‘knowledge creating capabilities‘. This concept refers to the balance of the four knowledge creation modes proposed in the SECI Model by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995). The relationship of this concept with corporate financial performance is explored using two financial indicators on small and medium Japanese enterprises from the manufacturing sector. The empirical evidence shows the positive association of knowledge creation capabilities with financial performance

    A Study on Social Overload in SNS: A Perspective of Reactance Theory

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    After a sizeable growth and propagation of social networking sites (SNS), there has been a decline on its usage. Studies have shown that this decline caused by the overinfluence of SNS on people\u27s life. And people were reacting with a variety of discontinuous behaviors in the service. Prior studies termed this as the SNS fatigue phenomenon and clarified potential factors. However, these studies primarily approached the phenomenon with fatigue as the sole manifest factor. Less attention has been paid on the social features of SNS. In this paper, we view SNS as a social platform; emotion perceived from social features of SNS is an important factor for people to continuously use the service. Based on this view, we employed reactance theory and proposed a reactance model by following two variables; existence of persona non grata and a threat to freedom of usage. Our empirical study on Facebook users (n = 210) revealed that encounter to certain unwelcomed subjects (existence of persona non grata) in the service moderates a social overload. And the social overload acts as a potential antecedent to threat on freedom (trigger of reactance status) to the users of Facebook; ultimately harming the intention for continuation of usage. Implications of research and practice are discussed
