170 research outputs found

    Multiple Consecutive Recapture of Rigid Nanoparticles Using a Solid-State Nanopore Sensor

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    Solid‐state nanopore sensors have been used to measure the size of a nanoparticle by applying a resistive pulse sensing technique. Previously, the size distribution of the population pool could be investigated utilizing data from a single translocation, however, the accuracy of the distribution is limited due to the lack of repeated data. In this study, we characterized polystyrene nanobeads utilizing single particle recapture techniques, which provide a better statistical estimate of the size distribution than that of single sampling techniques. The pulses and translocation times of two different sized nanobeads (80 nm and 125 nm in diameter) were acquired repeatedly as nanobeads were recaptured multiple times using an automated system controlled by custom‐built scripts. The drift‐diffusion equation was solved to find good estimates for the configuration parameters of the recapture system. The results of the experiment indicated enhancement of measurement precision and accuracy as nanobeads were recaptured multiple times. Reciprocity of the recapture and capacitive effects in solid state nanopores are discussed. Our findings suggest that solid‐state nanopores and an automated recapture system can also be applied to soft nanoparticles, such as liposomes, exosomes, or viruses, to analyze their mechanical properties in single‐particle resolution

    Optimization of Diesel Engine with Dual-Loop EGR by Using DOE Method

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    Improving Scene Text Recognition for Character-Level Long-Tailed Distribution

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    Despite the recent remarkable improvements in scene text recognition (STR), the majority of the studies focused mainly on the English language, which only includes few number of characters. However, STR models show a large performance degradation on languages with a numerous number of characters (e.g., Chinese and Korean), especially on characters that rarely appear due to the long-tailed distribution of characters in such languages. To address such an issue, we conducted an empirical analysis using synthetic datasets with different character-level distributions (e.g., balanced and long-tailed distributions). While increasing a substantial number of tail classes without considering the context helps the model to correctly recognize characters individually, training with such a synthetic dataset interferes the model with learning the contextual information (i.e., relation among characters), which is also important for predicting the whole word. Based on this motivation, we propose a novel Context-Aware and Free Experts Network (CAFE-Net) using two experts: 1) context-aware expert learns the contextual representation trained with a long-tailed dataset composed of common words used in everyday life and 2) context-free expert focuses on correctly predicting individual characters by utilizing a dataset with a balanced number of characters. By training two experts to focus on learning contextual and visual representations, respectively, we propose a novel confidence ensemble method to compensate the limitation of each expert. Through the experiments, we demonstrate that CAFE-Net improves the STR performance on languages containing numerous number of characters. Moreover, we show that CAFE-Net is easily applicable to various STR models.Comment: 17 page

    Towards Open-Set Test-Time Adaptation Utilizing the Wisdom of Crowds in Entropy Minimization

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    Test-time adaptation (TTA) methods, which generally rely on the model's predictions (e.g., entropy minimization) to adapt the source pretrained model to the unlabeled target domain, suffer from noisy signals originating from 1) incorrect or 2) open-set predictions. Long-term stable adaptation is hampered by such noisy signals, so training models without such error accumulation is crucial for practical TTA. To address these issues, including open-set TTA, we propose a simple yet effective sample selection method inspired by the following crucial empirical finding. While entropy minimization compels the model to increase the probability of its predicted label (i.e., confidence values), we found that noisy samples rather show decreased confidence values. To be more specific, entropy minimization attempts to raise the confidence values of an individual sample's prediction, but individual confidence values may rise or fall due to the influence of signals from numerous other predictions (i.e., wisdom of crowds). Due to this fact, noisy signals misaligned with such 'wisdom of crowds', generally found in the correct signals, fail to raise the individual confidence values of wrong samples, despite attempts to increase them. Based on such findings, we filter out the samples whose confidence values are lower in the adapted model than in the original model, as they are likely to be noisy. Our method is widely applicable to existing TTA methods and improves their long-term adaptation performance in both image classification (e.g., 49.4% reduced error rates with TENT) and semantic segmentation (e.g., 11.7% gain in mIoU with TENT).Comment: Accepted to ICCV 202

    CAFA: Class-Aware Feature Alignment for Test-Time Adaptation

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    Despite recent advancements in deep learning, deep neural networks continue to suffer from performance degradation when applied to new data that differs from training data. Test-time adaptation (TTA) aims to address this challenge by adapting a model to unlabeled data at test time. TTA can be applied to pretrained networks without modifying their training procedures, enabling them to utilize a well-formed source distribution for adaptation. One possible approach is to align the representation space of test samples to the source distribution (\textit{i.e.,} feature alignment). However, performing feature alignment in TTA is especially challenging in that access to labeled source data is restricted during adaptation. That is, a model does not have a chance to learn test data in a class-discriminative manner, which was feasible in other adaptation tasks (\textit{e.g.,} unsupervised domain adaptation) via supervised losses on the source data. Based on this observation, we propose a simple yet effective feature alignment loss, termed as Class-Aware Feature Alignment (CAFA), which simultaneously 1) encourages a model to learn target representations in a class-discriminative manner and 2) effectively mitigates the distribution shifts at test time. Our method does not require any hyper-parameters or additional losses, which are required in previous approaches. We conduct extensive experiments on 6 different datasets and show our proposed method consistently outperforms existing baselines

    Deep Imbalanced Time-series Forecasting via Local Discrepancy Density

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    Time-series forecasting models often encounter abrupt changes in a given period of time which generally occur due to unexpected or unknown events. Despite their scarce occurrences in the training set, abrupt changes incur loss that significantly contributes to the total loss. Therefore, they act as noisy training samples and prevent the model from learning generalizable patterns, namely the normal states. Based on our findings, we propose a reweighting framework that down-weights the losses incurred by abrupt changes and up-weights those by normal states. For the reweighting framework, we first define a measurement termed Local Discrepancy (LD) which measures the degree of abruptness of a change in a given period of time. Since a training set is mostly composed of normal states, we then consider how frequently the temporal changes appear in the training set based on LD. Our reweighting framework is applicable to existing time-series forecasting models regardless of the architectures. Through extensive experiments on 12 time-series forecasting models over eight datasets with various in-output sequence lengths, we demonstrate that applying our reweighting framework reduces MSE by 10.1% on average and by up to 18.6% in the state-of-the-art model.Comment: Accepted at European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD) 202