91 research outputs found

    Recurrence and transience for the frog model on trees

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    The frog model is a growing system of random walks where a particle is added whenever a new site is visited. A longstanding open question is how often the root is visited on the infinite dd-ary tree. We prove the model undergoes a phase transition, finding it recurrent for d=2d=2 and transient for d5d\geq 5. Simulations suggest strong recurrence for d=2d=2, weak recurrence for d=3d=3, and transience for d4d\geq 4. Additionally, we prove a 0-1 law for all dd-ary trees, and we exhibit a graph on which a 0-1 law does not hold. To prove recurrence when d=2d=2, we construct a recursive distributional equation for the number of visits to the root in a smaller process and show the unique solution must be infinity a.s. The proof of transience when d=5d=5 relies on computer calculations for the transition probabilities of a large Markov chain. We also include the proof for d6d \geq 6, which uses similar techniques but does not require computer assistance.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures to appear in Annals of Probabilit

    Choices, intervals and equidistribution

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    We give a sufficient condition for a random sequence in [0,1] generated by a Ψ\Psi-process to be equidistributed. The condition is met by the canonical example -- the max\max-2 process -- where the nnth term is whichever of two uniformly placed points falls in the larger gap formed by the previous n1n-1 points. This solves an open problem from Itai Benjamini, Pascal Maillard and Elliot Paquette. We also deduce equidistribution for more general Ψ\Psi-processes. This includes an interpolation of the min\min-2 and max\max-2 processes that is biased towards min\min-2.Comment: 18 pages, main theorem more general than previous versio