237 research outputs found

    pH-responsive aqueous/LC interfaces using SGLCP-b-polyacrylic acid block copolymers

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    Block copolymers that combine a side-group liquid crystalline polymer (SGLCP) block and a pH-responsivehydrophilic block, poly(acrylic acid) (PAA), are shown to confer pH-dependent anchoring of the director orientation at the aqueous/LC interface. The SGLCP block, poly(4-cyanobiphenyl-4-oxyundecylacrylate), was chosen based on its ability to influence the director field of the 5CB (4-cyano-4'-pentylbiphenyl). At low pH the PAA block collapses and the inherent, planar alignment tendency of 5CB at a water interface prevails. As pH increases, the polyelectrolyte block becomes increasingly charged and expands, producing a change to homeotropic anchoring. The change in anchoring occurs as quickly as the buffer can be changed (within ~2 s) and is reversible, with a response that is repeatable over as many cycles as were tested (approximately 20 cycles). The polymer-mediated anchoring persists for 6 days, indicating that the SGLCP block secures the self-assembled layer on the 5CB, even under conditions that cause repulsive interactions among the PAA blocks. Thus, SGLCP blocks can translate conformational changes of a responsive hydrophilic block into rapid, reversible changes in the director fiel

    Surgical management of pilon fractures with large segmental bone defects using fibular strut allografts: a report of two cases

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    We present two patients with open pilon fractures with large bone defects treated successfully with fibular strut allografts. The patients were initially treated by massive irrigation, wound debridement, and temporary external fixation. After complete wound healing, the bone defects were managed. Because autologous iliac crest or fibular bone grafts were impossible to be harvested due to multiple fractures, the bone defects were reconstructed with fibular strut allografts. Fixation was performed with a periarticular distal tibia locking plate. At 2 months postoperatively, the patients ambulated with partial weight-bearing; at 6 months, they had full range of motion of the ankle joint and full weight-bearing

    Liquid crystal display using combined fringe and in-plane electric fields

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    A high performance liquid crystal display using combined fringe and in-plane horizontal electric fields is proposed. The strong electric fields cause more liquid crystals to reorient almost in plane above and between the pixel electrodes. As a result, the operation voltage is lower and transmittance is higher than those of fringe field switching and in-plane switching modes, while preserving a wide viewing angle. Such a high performance device is particularly attractive for large panel liquid crystal displays

    Clinical Characteristics of Radiation Oncology in Korea during Past 10 Years

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    To understand trends in the clinical characteristics of radiation oncology over the last 10 yr in Korea, annual survey questionnaires were sent to all of Korean radiation oncology facilities since 1990. Questionnaires addressed basic radiation therapy facilities and the clinical information. Responses were obtained from all facilities, and data collected from 1997 to 2006 was analyzed. The numbers of new patients that have undergone radiation therapy and the numbers of hospitals with a department of radiation oncology have steadily increased over the past 10 yr, and totaled 37,215 patients and 60 hospitals, respectively, in 2006. However, the proportion of patients irradiated among total cancer patients has remained below 30% over the last 10 yr. The numbers of prostate cancer, breast cancer, and hepatoma have increased by more than 3 fold over the past 10 yr. Moreover, the percentage of irradiated patients treated by brachytherapy was 10.3% in 1997, but this gradually fell to only 4.2% in 2006. The information collected described the role played by radiation oncology in Korea. Continuous surveys are required to enable trends to be detected

    Gallbladder pseudolithiasis caused by ceftriaxone in young adult

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    Ceftriaxone is a commonly used antibiotic due to some of its advantages. Reversible gallbladder (GB) sludge or stone has been reported after ceftriaxone therapy. Most of these patients have no symptom, but the GB sludge or stone can sometimes cause cholecystitis. We experienced two patients who had newly developed GB stones after ceftriaxone therapy for diverticulitis and pneumonia, and this resolved spontaneously 1 month after discontinuation of the drug. Awareness of this complication could help to prevent unnecessary cholecystectomy
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