377 research outputs found

    Lattice-coupled Antiferromagnet on Frustrated Lattices

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    Lattice-coupled antiferromagnetic spin model is analyzed for a number of frustrated lattices: triangular, Kagome, and pyrochlore. In triangular and Kagome lattices where ground state spins are locally ordered, the spin-lattice interaction does not lead to a static deformation of the lattice. In the pyrochlore structure, spin-lattice coupling supports a picture of the hexagon spin cluster proposed in the recent experiment[S. H. Lee et al. Nature, 418, 856 (2002)]. Through spin-lattice interaction a uniform contraction of the individual hexagons in the pyrochlore lattice can take place and reduce the exchange energy. Residual hexagon-hexagon interaction takes the form of a 3-states Potts model where the preferred directions of the spin-loop directors for nearby hexagons are mutually orthogonal

    Chiral magnetoresistance in Pt/Co/Pt zigzag wires

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    The Rashba effect leads to a chiral precession of the spins of moving electrons while the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) generates preference towards a chiral profile of local spins. We predict that the exchange interaction between these two spin systems results in a 'chiral' magnetoresistance depending on the chirality of the local spin texture. We observe this magnetoresistance by measuring the domain wall (DW) resistance in a uniquely designed Pt/Co/Pt zigzag wire, and by changing the chirality of the DW with applying an in-plane magnetic field. A chirality-dependent DW resistance is found, and a quantitative analysis shows a good agreement with a theory based on the Rashba model. Moreover, the DW resistance measurement allows us to independently determine the strength of the Rashba effect and the DMI simultaneously, and the result implies a possible correlation between the Rashba effect, the DMI, and the symmetric Heisenberg exchange

    Effective Vortex Mass from Microscopic Theory

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    We calculate the effective mass of a single quantized vortex in the BCS superconductor at finite temperature. Based on effective action approach, we arrive at the effective mass of a vortex as integral of the spectral function J(ω)J(\omega) divided by ω3\omega^3 over frequency. The spectral function is given in terms of the quantum-mechanical transition elements of the gradient of the Hamiltonian between two Bogoliubov-deGennes (BdG) eigenstates. Based on self-consistent numerical diagonalization of the BdG equation we find that the effective mass per unit length of vortex at zero temperature is of order m(kfξ0)2m (k_f \xi_0)^2 (kfk_f=Fermi momentum, ξ0\xi_0=coherence length), essentially equaling the electron mass displaced within the coherence length from the vortex core. Transitions between the core states are responsible for most of the mass. The mass reaches a maximum value at T0.5TcT\approx 0.5 T_c and decreases continuously to zero at TcT_c.Comment: Supercedes prior version, cond-mat/990312

    Reconstructive challenge of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans in the female breast

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    Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans is an uncommon locally aggressive malignant neoplasm that most frequently appears in the trunk, followed by the extremities, head, and neck. But occurrence in the breast is extremely rare. We present a case of a 28-year-old woman, who had a history of trauma 5 years previously and excision 1 year before presentation at our clinic. We performed wide excision, together with microscopic and immunohistochemical analysis. No postoperative oncologic treatment was used and she remains disease-free 1 year after the surgery without any tumor recurrence. Here, we report a case of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans in the female breast and present a detailed discussion of the diagnosis and treatment with reference to available literatures

    The CoT Collection: Improving Zero-shot and Few-shot Learning of Language Models via Chain-of-Thought Fine-Tuning

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    Language models (LMs) with less than 100B parameters are known to perform poorly on chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning in contrast to large LMs when solving unseen tasks. In this work, we aim to equip smaller LMs with the step-by-step reasoning capability by instruction tuning with CoT rationales. In order to achieve this goal, we first introduce a new instruction-tuning dataset called the CoT Collection, which augments the existing Flan Collection (including only 9 CoT tasks) with additional 1.84 million rationales across 1,060 tasks. We show that CoT fine-tuning Flan-T5 (3B & 11B) with CoT Collection enables smaller LMs to have better CoT capabilities on unseen tasks. On the BIG-Bench-Hard (BBH) benchmark, we report an average improvement of +4.34% (Flan-T5 3B) and +2.60% (Flan-T5 11B), in terms of zero-shot task accuracy. Furthermore, we show that instruction tuning with CoT Collection allows LMs to possess stronger few-shot learning capabilities on 4 domain-specific tasks, resulting in an improvement of +2.24% (Flan-T5 3B) and +2.37% (Flan-T5 11B), even outperforming ChatGPT utilizing demonstrations until the max length by a +13.98% margin. Our code, the CoT Collection data, and model checkpoints are publicly available.Comment: EMNLP 2023 (Main Conference

    Manipulating 1-dimensinal skyrmion motion by external magnetic field gradient

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    We have investigated an analytic formula of the 1-dimensional magnetic skyrmion dynamics under external magnetic field gradient. We find excellent agreement between the analytical model and micromagnetic simulation results for various magnetic parameters such as the magnetic field gradient, Gilbert damping constant. We also observe much faster velocity of the chiral domain wall (DW) motion. The chiral DW is exist with smaller interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction energy density cases. These results provide to develop efficient control of skyrmion for spintronic devices.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Quantitative agreement of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions for domain-wall motion and spin-wave propagation

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    The magnetic exchange interaction is the one of the key factors governing the basic characteristics of magnetic systems. Unlike the symmetric nature of the Heisenberg exchange interaction, the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) generates an antisymmetric exchange interaction which offers challenging opportunities in spintronics with intriguing antisymmetric phenomena. The role of the DMI, however, is still being debated, largely because distinct strengths of DMI have been measured for different magnetic objects, particularly chiral magnetic domain walls (DWs) and non-reciprocal spin waves (SWs). In this paper, we show that, after careful data analysis, both the DWs and SWs experience the same strength of DMI. This was confirmed by spin-torque efficiency measurement for the DWs, and Brillouin light scattering measurement for the SWs. This observation, therefore, indicates the unique role of the DMI on the magnetic DW and SW dynamics and also guarantees the compatibility of several DMI-measurement schemes recently proposed.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Long-Term Reliability of Polyimide Electrode Array in Rabbit Retina

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    Korea Health 21 R&D Project MOHW A050251, NBS-ERC supported by KOSE