11 research outputs found

    Morteros aligerados con residuos de espumas r铆gidas de poliuretano: obtenci贸n, caracterizaci贸n y puesta en obra

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    La utilizaci贸n de residuos de espumas r铆gidas de poliuretano generados en la industria, como sustitutivo de la arena en los morteros para alba帽iler铆a, tiene un doble efecto beneficioso para la preservaci贸n del medio ambiente. Por un lado se reciclan unos desechos que generalmente acaban en vertederos y por otro se disminuye el consumo de 谩ridos que se extraen de la naturaleza. La caracterizaci贸n f铆sica y qu铆mica de los morteros confeccionados con los residuos de espuma de poliuretano, nos muestra que las mezclas obtenidas tienen propiedades que los pueden hacer aptos para su utilizaci贸n en obras de construcci贸n. Por ello se han dise帽ado distintas mezclas con varias clases de cemento, arena y dos tipos de espuma, empleando diferentes dosificaciones con el objeto de comprobar la viabilidad de los morteros. Para la fase experimental del estudio de las propiedades de los morteros se han seguido las normas UNE-EN aplicables a los morteros para alba帽iler铆a, y a falta de normativa concreta, se han utilizado aqu茅llas que se refieren a materiales similares como la piedra natural. La consistencia, densidad y aire ocluido en estado fresco y la densidad y resistencias mec谩nicas a flexi贸n y compresi贸n en estado endurecido han indicado que la mayor铆a de los morteros estudiados cumplen con las especificaciones de la normativa de aplicaci贸n. El principal inconveniente encontrado ha sido la elevada cantidad de cemento por metro c煤bico de mortero en las mezclas con resistencias mec谩nicas altas, lo que ha obligado a seleccionar las dosificaciones con mejor ratio de resistencia por cantidad de cemento, primando especialmente los morteros con mayor contenido de espuma. Se han estudiado las modificaciones que producen el empleo de dos tipos de aditivos en los morteros seleccionados y adem谩s se ha profundizado en el conocimiento de otras propiedades tales como la trabajabilidad y retenci贸n de agua, resistencia a la adhesi贸n y a la abrasi贸n, realizando por 煤ltimo, ensayos de envejecimiento acelerado para comprobar la durabilidad. Los resultados obtenidos en la fase de experimentaci贸n han sido similares a los de los morteros de uso habitual en alba帽iler铆a, destacando fundamentalmente la mejor trabajabilidad, menor densidad del mortero endurecido, mayor elasticidad y un importante incremento de la permeabilidad al vapor en todas las dosificaciones estudiadas

    Applied research to new construction materials subject

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    [EN] The degree in Building Engineering at the University of Burgos has been included the Bologna System 10 years ago, implemented simultaneously in the 2010-2011 academic year the entire degree - four courses. According with the initial strategies, the acquisition of competences through project research work in the construction materials subjects has been one of the elements developed and consolidated, especially in the elective subjects of higher courses where training of the student already allows this type of resources. However, the work begins the first year with specific classes to introduce the investigation within the subjects of construction materials, with agenda reflected in the educational guide. One of them, for example, is an intensive course of advanced searches in international scientific databases, which must be used in a practical way to test what has been learned, and which can be extrapolated to the rest of the subjects of the degree.[ES] El grado en Arquitectura T茅cnica de la Universidad de Burgos lleva un recorrido de 10 a帽os en el Plan Bolonia, que implant贸 de manera simult谩nea en el curso 2010-2011 para los cuatro cursos del grado. Dentro de las estrategias iniciales del Grado, la adquisici贸n de competencias a trav茅s del trabajo por proyectos en las asignaturas de materiales de construcci贸n ha sido uno de los factores que se ha desarrollado y afianzado, especialmente en la asignaturas optativas de cursos m谩s altos donde la formaci贸n del estudiante ya permite este tipo de recursos. No obstante, se comienza desde primer curso con clases espec铆ficas de introducci贸n a la investigaci贸n dentro de las asignaturas de materiales de construcci贸n, con temario contemplado en la gu铆a docente. Una de ellas, por ejemplo, es un curso intensivo de b煤squedas avanzadas en bases de datos cient铆ficas internacionales, que debe ser utilizado de manera pr谩ctica para poner a prueba lo aprendido, y que puede ser extrapolado al resto de asignaturas de la titulaci贸n.Gadea S谩inz, J.; Calder贸n Carpintero, V.; Junco Petrement, C.; Guti茅rrez-Gonz谩lez, S.; Rodr铆guez Saiz, 脕.; Garabito L贸pez, J. (2021). Investigaci贸n aplicada a la formaci贸n en nuevos materiales de construcci贸n. Editorial Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. 37-43. https://doi.org/10.4995/EDIFICATE2021.2021.13531OCS374

    Sustainable Polyurethane Plasterboard for Construction

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    The introduction of polyurethane waste from the production of cars into gypsum plasterboards in its matrix is studied. This new plasterboard is compared to commercial gypsum plasterboard; therefore, the doses and the uses of both materials are the same. The prefabricated material is entirely characterized under the Standard EN 520:2005+A1 by the following tests: bulk density, maximum breaking load under flexion stress, total water absorption and surface hardness. The results indicate that the use of polyurethane waste makes the plasterboard lighter as the density of the polyurethane is lower than the gypsum one. The water absorption increased when the amount of residue increased. The lower density leads to a higher porosity, what permits a higher absorption of water and much better thermal isolation. It also reduces its mechanical performance while preventing the board from breaking since only small cracks appear. Besides, the elastic properties of the polyurethane make the surface hardness decrease. With respect to mechanical properties, plasterboard is susceptible to the mechanical impact damage. Although the flexural strength of the plaster specimens decrease as the amount of the waste increase, it remains within the minimum reference value required by standard. Non-combustibility test is determinate on the basis of experimental data obtained according to Standard EN 13501-1. Turning waste into a resource is one key to a circular economy, the employ of this polyurethane waste for the fabrication of plasterboards could contribute to maximize the reuse of this kind of waste. 漏 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Lightweight structural eco-mortars made with polyurethane wastes and non-Ionic surfactants

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    The properties of structural lightweight mortars obtained with recovered foam polyurethane wastes have been studied, containing a low fraction of soluble non-ionic surfactant. The characterisation of mechanical properties, bulk density, microstructure and porosity highlights two types of behaviour according to the composition (e.g. hydrolysis grade) of the non-ionic surfactants. By using additives with low hydrophilic鈥搇ipophilic balance (HLB) values, the lightweight mortars show more and more high mechanical properties according to the increase of the substitution rate of sand by PU wastes. These non-ionic surfactants seem to promote a homogeneous microstructure and improve the adhesion between PU wastes and cement paste. On the other hand, the mortars mixed with additives showing high HLB values, are more lightweight and macroporous, due to the increase of air entrained driven by the substitution rate of sand by PU wastes. 漏 2018 Elsevier Lt

    Study of the expansion of cement mortars manufactured with Ladle Furnace Slag LFS

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    Industrial by-products generated in the steel manufacturing are successfully used as raw materials in the production of construction materials. However, steel slags, due to their nature and composition, can cause undesirable side-effects in mortars and concretes. The reactive components of LFS and EAFS can affect the stability of the cement matrix. This situation may be prevented by an adequate pre-treatment of slag stabilization and a study of the possible reactions within its mineralogical components, to ensure the stability of the slag over time. In this work, an experimental process is shown to evaluate the behaviour of LFS under adverse environmental conditions when used as aggregates in the manufacture of cement mortars for masonry, such as the presence of humidity, high temperatures (80掳C) and possible alkali-silica and alkali-silicate reactions. The results show an acceptable behaviour under normal environmental conditions (20掳C). However, the formation crystalline acicular structures were observed under high temperatures (80掳C) and in the presence of humidity, which degraded the internal structure of the mortars manufactured with LFS. Copyright: 漏 2019 CSIC. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License

    Precast gypsum lightened with polyurethane foam from industrial waste, in suspended ceiling plate form, comprises commercial plaster or plaster, shredded polyurethane foam of industrial origin, reinforcing fibers, additives, and water

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    NOVELTY - A precast gypsum lightened with polyurethane foam from industrial waste, in the form of a suspended ceiling plate, comprises commercial plaster or plaster; shredded polyurethane foam of industrial origin, with a particle size of less than or equal to 2 mm; 1 wt.% reinforcing fibers, which improve the mechanical properties of the precast; 0.5 wt.% additives to improve physical characteristics/performance of the product; and water, where plaster:polyurethane foam residue ratio is 1:1.5 by volume. USE - A precast gypsum lightened with polyurethane foam from industrial waste, in the form of a suspended ceiling plate. ADVANTAGE - The use of polyurethane foam from industrial residues in the gypsum or plaster matrix of a gypsum precast in the form of a suspended ceiling plate allows to increase the recycling rates of this residue. In addition, it provides improvements in the physical characteristics of the precast, with weight reductions of up to 25% compared to standard plates and an increase in the insulating capacity of the manufactured material, with the final cost of the material being 12% less than a material of similar benefits already known

    Investigaci贸n aplicada a la formaci贸n en nuevos materiales de construcci贸n

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    El grado en Arquitectura T茅cnica de la Universidad de Burgos lleva un recorrido de 10 a帽os en el Plan Bolonia, que implant贸 de manera simult谩nea en el curso 2010-2011 para los cuatro cursos del grado. Dentro de las estrategias iniciales del Grado, la adquisici贸n de competencias a trav茅s del trabajo por proyectos en las asignaturas de materiales de construcci贸n ha sido uno de los factores que se ha desarrollado y afianzado, especialmente en la asignaturas optativas de cursos m谩s altos donde la formaci贸n del estudiante ya permite este tipo de recursos. No obstante, se comienza desde primer curso con clases espec铆ficas de introducci贸n a la investigaci贸n dentro de las asignaturas de materiales de construcci贸n, con temario contemplado en la gu铆a docente. Una de ellas, por ejemplo, es un curso intensivo de b煤squedas avanzadas en bases de datos cient铆ficas internacionales, que debe ser utilizado de manera pr谩ctica para poner a prueba lo aprendido, y que puede ser extrapolado al resto de asignaturas de la titulaci贸n.The degree in Building Engineering at the University of Burgos has been included the Bologna System 10 years ago, implemented simultaneously in the 2010-2011 academic year the entire degree - four courses. According with the initial strategies, the acquisition of competences through project research work in the construction materials subjects has been one of the elements developed and consolidated, especially in the elective subjects of higher courses where training of the student already allows this type of resources. However, the work begins the first year with specific classes to introduce the investigation within the subjects of construction materials, with agenda reflected in the educational guide. One of them, for example, is an intensive course of advanced searches in international scientific databases, which must be used in a practical way to test what has been learned, and which can be extrapolated to the rest of the subjects of the degree.Escuela T茅cnica Superior de Ingenier铆a de Edificaci贸nCODATIE鈥揅onferencia de Directores de Arquitectura T茅cnica e Ingenier铆a de Edificaci贸nConsejo General de la Arquitectura T茅cnica de Espa帽aUniversitat Polit猫cnica de Val茅nci

    Sembrar para el futuro: Una experiencia docente innovadora de educaci贸n infantil-universidad = Sowing for the future. An innovative teaching experience between school-university

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    Resumen聽Este trabajo recoge una experiencia colaborativa docente entre el Grupo de Innovaci贸n Docente en Ingenier铆a de la Edificaci贸n de la Universidad de Burgos y el Equipo Docente del 3潞 Curso del Segundo Ciclo de Educaci贸n Infantil del Colegio P煤blico Fernando de Rojas de Burgos.El Grupo de Innovaci贸n Docente en Ingenier铆a de la Edificaci贸n de la Universidad de Burgos ha querido establecer sinergias de colaboraci贸n con Equipos Docentes de Educaci贸n Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria, al ser los alumnos de estas etapas educativas los futuros protagonistas del desarrollo social y cient铆fico.En una primera fase, las actividades de difusi贸n se han realizado con alumnos de Educaci贸n Infantil, mediante la organizaci贸n de talleres en los que se muestran las actividades docentes e investigadoras que se desarrollan en la Universidad, con el objetivo de que los peque帽os alumnos establezcan relaciones entre los objetos que les rodean y el fundamento cient铆fico y tecnol贸gico que los fundamentan.Como las actividades de los miembros del Grupo de Innovaci贸n en Ingenier铆a de la Edificaci贸n de la Universidad de Burgos se orientan al 谩mbito de los materiales reciclados y de la construcci贸n de edificios sostenibles, se organizaron talleres en los que los alumnos pudieron sentirse protagonistas directos del proceso de fabricaci贸n de materiales de construcci贸n sostenibles innovadores, como tejas, ladrillos, piedra natural, yeso, cemento o pintura, dise帽ados a partir de residuos industriales, para su colocaci贸n en casas construidas a escala.El trabajo conjunto entre los Grupos de Innovaci贸n Educativa del 谩mbito universitario y de educaci贸n infantil es muy positivo para orientar adecuadamente los objetivos del proceso de ense帽anza y aprendizaje, desde las primeras etapas de la educaci贸n y formaci贸n de los alumnos.AbstractThis work explains a collaborative teaching experience between the Teaching Innovation Group in Building Engineering of the University of Burgos and the Teaching Team of Third of Early Childhood Education of the Public School Fernando de Rojas in Burgos.The Teaching Innovation Group has established collaborative synergies with Teaching Teams for Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education, as the students of these educational stages will be the future protagonists of social and scientific development.In a first phase, the dissemination activities were carried out with students of Early Childhood Education, through the organization of workshops that show the teaching and research activities that are developed in the University.The activities of the members of the Group of Innovation in Building Engineering of the University of Burgos are oriented to the field of recycled materials and the sustainable construction. This is why workshops were organized in order to do to the students protagonists of the process of process of manufacture of sustainable building materials such as tiles, bricks, natural stone, plaster, cement or paint designed from industrial waste and which then positioned in small scale models.The work between the Educational Innovation Group of the University and Early Childhood Education is very positive to guide the objectives of the teaching and learning process, from the early stages of education of students

    Experiencia en el uso del aprendizaje cooperativo en la signatura de Construcci贸n Sostenible del Grado de Arquitectura T茅cnica

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    P贸ster presentado en: VIII Jornadas de Innovaci贸n Docente de la UBU, Burgos, 5 de abril de 2016, organizadas por el Instituto de Formaci贸n e Innovaci贸n Educativa-IFIE de la Universidad de Burgo