19 research outputs found
Implementasi Perlindungan Hak-hak Masyarakat Miskin sebagai Hak Konstitusional dalam Memdapatkan Pelayanan Kesehatan di Kabupaten Rokan Hilir
Constitutional development has shifted from centralized to decentralized marked with the enactment of the Local Government Act, resulting in the shift of some tasks of the central government becomes the burden of responsibility in the area of managing. The Act contains a provision stating that the health sector is fully submitted to the Local Government with authority to manage and administer all aspects of health. Accordingly, Act No. 32 of 1992 on Health necessary adjustments with the spirit of regional autonomy. In this case I will focus on research in the area Rokan Hilir Government in the implementation of health services to the poor are classified continue to face problems in implementation.This type of research can be classified in socio-juridical research, because in this study the authors directly conduct research on the location or place under study in order to give a complete and clear picture of the problem under study. This research was conducted in jurisdictions Government Rokan Hilir, while the population and the sample is a whole party relating to the issues examined in this study, the data sources used, the primary data, secondary data, and the data tertiary data collection techniques in this study with observation, interview and literature study.From the research, there are three main issues that can be inferred: first, the implementation of health services for the poor in Rokan Hilir the form of Community Health Insurance (Jamkesmas) and the Regional Health Insurance (Jamkesda); second, inhibiting factor in the implementation of health services include internal factors such as lack of medical personnel, limited medical facilities, and Abuse of authority medical personnel, and external factors such as infrastructure constraints of non-medical and Geographic Conditions; Third, efforts made by the Government yanng Rokan Hilir in meeting the implementation of health care for the poor in Rokan Hilir include monitoring, coaching and training actions. Suggestions author, first, should have been the implementation of the provision of health care and social programs, also supported by the human resources as a medical team in providing good service and is responsible not only to patients, but also to God, because it is a social work community , Second, Rokan Hilir government should also consider the factors supporting each program, particularly in health services in poor communities, to meminimallisir constraints in the implementation of the provision of health services, third, efforts taken by the government should continue to pay attention to the various needs based kendala- constraints faced by the government in implementing health care programs, not just focus on the things that are technical health services it is of also matters is the formation of character and social
Parameter Hidrologi dan Hidrogeologis Pada Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Sebagai Landasan Dalam Perencanaan Ruang
Indonesia mulai merasakan dampak pemanasan global (global warming) yang telah dibuktikan dengan terjadinya perubahan musim, di mana musim kemarau menjadi lebih panjang serta bencana alam yang terjadi. Hal tersebut seiring dengan banyaknya Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) di Indonesia dengan kondisi kritis. Beberapa bencana yang terjadi di Indonesia telah memberikan dorongan perencanaan ruang yang memperhatikan kaidah-kaidah konservasi, baik konservasi tanah maupun konservasi air yang bertujuan agar terwujudnya keseimbangan lingkungan, sehingga pertumbuhannya tidak menyebabkan bencana. Tujuan dari kajian ini yaitu mendapatkan prosedur penataan ruang berdasar parameter hidrologi dan hidrogeologis suatu DAS.Pengetahuan tentang hubungan siklus hidrologi dalam suatu DAS dijadikan sebagai landasan dalam perencanaan ruang. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai rekomendasi dalam merancang pola perencanaan ruang serta dapat dijadikan sistem pendukung dalam pengambilan keputusan (decision support systems) untuk perencanaan RTRW yang mengacu pada konservasi tanah dan air
Penerapan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dalam menentukan Alternatif Pengelolaan Limbah Masker di Kecamatan Sukolilo
Saat ini masker sudah membudaya pada masyarakat Indonesia untuk digunakan aktivitas sehari-hari. Pengelolaan limbah masker perlu mendapat perhatian khusus oleh masyarakat Sukolilo, baik dari pihak pemerintah maupun masyarakat terutama terkait dengan pengelolaan sebelum limbah masker dibuang langsung ke lingkungan. Limbah masker yang menumpuk di Kecamatan Sukolilo dapat menjadi pencemaaran lingkungan karena bahan dari masker yaitu mikroplastik yang sulit terurai. Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan alternatif pengelolaan limbah masker di Kecamatan Sukolilo, ada tiga alternatif yang dapat dipilih dalam pengelolaan limbah masker antara lain merobek masker sebelum dibuang, membuang limbah masker di tempat sampah/dropbox khusus masker, mencuci limbah masker dengan sabun sebelum dibuang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk menarik kesimpulan tentang pemilihan alternatif pengelolaan limbah masker yaitu menggunakan pembobotan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) yang melibatkan responden ahli dalam bidang lingkungan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis AHP, alternatif pengelolaan merobek limbah masker sebelum dibuang ke tempat sampah mendapat nilai bobot paling tinggi karena pelaksanaan lebih mudah dan efisien untuk dilakukan oleh masyarakat
Rapid Visual Screening of Building for Potential Ground Movement in Kalirejo, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta
Landslides are the biggest threat in the Kalirejo area. The dynamics of land movements in the mountains often cause cracks and potentially collapse. Landslides due to land fractures caused building damage. This study aimed to analyze the condition of a simple building on the influence of land fracture. The method used was conducting a field survey of existing buildings in the Kalirejo area. The data of the surveys were the percentage of building damage and building categorization. From the results of the analysis, the percentages of buildings in the safe category were 78 buildings or 54.17%, the buildings of the unsafe category were 51 buildings or 35.42%, and buildings with the unsafe category were 15 buildings out of 144 surveyed building with the percentage of 10.42%. Based on the results of the analysis using the Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) method, 15 buildings with unsafe conditions need to be relocated because they do not use the minimum structure required for simple buildings while the 51 buildings with unsafe conditions, repairs must be made to the structure according to the minimum requirements of simple building
Analisis Routing Reservoir dalam Pengembangan Sumber Daya Air Kawasan Karst
Pengembangan sumberdaya air adalah upaya peningkatan kemanfaatan fungsi sumber daya air tanpa merusak keseimbangan lingkungan. Pengembangan Sumber Daya Air didalam Hukum Tata Lingkungan tercakup pada azas ke 13 yaitu azas penyelenggaraan kepentingan umum (principle of public service). Adapun Pengembangan Sumber Daya Air didalam Ilmu Lingkungan tercakup pada azas ke tiga atau Hukum Termodinamika ke tiga ialah menyangkut sumber alam, meliputi materi, ruang, waktu, dan keanekaragaman (Tresna, 2000). Kawasan karst memiliki karakteristik relief dan drainase yang khas, terutama disebabkan oleh larutnya batuan yang tinggi di dalam air, jika dibandingkan dengan daerah lain. Pada kawasan ini dapat diketahui yaitu relief pada bentang alam ini berada pada kawasan yang berbatuan yang mudah larut, juga dapat diketahui dengan adanya aliran sungai yang secara tiba tiba masuk tanah meninggalkan lembah kering dan muncul sebagai mata air yang besar. Pada kawasan ini pola pengaliran tidak sempurna, kadang tampak, kadang hilang, yang disebut sebagai sungai bawah tanah. Kawasan karst terbentuk dari tanah karst yang didominasi oleh batu gamping. Menurut Bowles (1989), klasifikasi batu gamping termasuk batuan sedimentasi kimiawi terdiri dari kalsit (CaCO3), yang mempunyai sifat cepat bereaksi dengan cairan asam (hydroclorida). Tanah karst termasuk kategori tanah yang tidak mendukung keberadaan air permukaan, karena tanah tersebut tersusun dari batuan karbonat terutama CaCO3 dan dolomit CaMg (CO3)2. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, yang bertujuan memberikan gambaran sistematis terhadap obyek penelitian. Sistem pendistribusian air direncanakan dalam sistem jaringan dengan cara gravitasi. Sistem gravitasi bertujuan akan memperlancar pendistribusian air ke konsumen dengan dampak biaya operasional relatif ringan. Metode perhitungan yang digunakan dengan analisis routing reservoir. Dari hasil analisis, untuk dapat melayani semua konsumen +75.000 orang maka RB-2 memerlukan debit inflow minimum 86 l/dt. Bila debit minimum ke RB-2 65 l/dt baru dapat melayani 65% dari kebutuhan air total. Sedangkan untuk debit inflow minimum 82 l/dt baru dapat melayani 91 % kebutuhan air total
Determining the arm's motion angle using inverse kinematics models and adaptive neuro-fuzzy interface system
Robotics technology is known as a great technology demand to be developed continuesly. One of the important things that need to be considered is the control of the motion of the robot. Movement predictions can be modeled in mathematical equations. Prediction based on learning logic is also very supportive of motion control systems, especially arm motion. In this study, the authors combined the two methods as the main study. The working principle of the arm is to take colored objects detected by the camera. In this study, we made arm four DOFs (Degree of Freedom), but only one DOF is controlled by ANFIS because the other three DOFs only move at two fixed angles. Two methods of determining the arm angle of motion used are inverse kinematics and ANFIS methods. The angle of motion and the position of the red object can be observed in real-time on the monitor with the interface in the MATLAB GUI. The angular output that appears in the MATLAB GUI is sent to Arduino in the form of characters, then, Arduino translates it into servo motion to the coordinates of the object detected by the camera. The results showed that the ANFIS method was more effective than the inverse kinematics model
Analisis Pengaruh Panas dan Beban terhadap Kerusakan Traveling Grate pada Boiler Di PLTU Tembilahan 2x7 MW
Rack grate is a component composed of rack clip and rack bone arrangement that serves as a dropping cross-section media of coal and as a media of coal burned in the boiler. As part of the main component, the rack grate can be regarded as one of the components that ensure the success of combustion in the boiler. Failure to this component will certainly interfere with the implementation of boiler operations. In addition to require the boiler to be shut down while repaired, in addition to requiring the boiler to be extinguished during repairs, the inoperability of the boiler makes the steam production process at the PLTU impossible and ultimately the electricity generation process cannot be carried out as usual. Damage to the rack grate component has a type of plastic deformation with variable loads and fluctuating heat, which means that the thermal stress in the system has reached the yield stress point. To find out the root cause of this component damage quickly and accurately, an analysis of the results of the implementation of engineering software in this case Ansys Workbench, and a comparison of actual operating data, and data design is the best choice. Lastly, by evaluating the optimum values of temperature, equivalent stress and strain, total deformation, input process parameters value can be controlled to the desired values, resulting in less stress concentration occurs, so that the damage to the workpiece can be reduced or even eliminated
jurnal Rahmad Junaidi ANALISIS KINERJA ANGKUTAN UMUM DI KOTA KUALA SIMPANG PADA MASA NEW NORMAL (Studi Kasus Angkutan Umum Kuala Simpang – Pangkalan Brandan)
Angkutan umum adalah salah satu moda transportasi yang menghubungkan kawasan satu dengan kawasan lain dengan sisitem sewa atau berbayar sesuai jarak dan tujuan yang di kehendaki. Pelayanan pada angkutan umum ini sendiri khususnya pada trayek Kota Kuala Simpang – Pangkalan Brandan hanya untuk melayani aktifiktas perpindahan penduduk dengan trayek yang sangat terbatas. Data yang didapat digunakan untuk melihat kinerja angkutan umum itu sendiri dari tiap tingkat pelayanan load faktor, kecepatan rata-rata serta waktu perjalanan, Dari latar belakang diatas didapat rumusan masalah yaitu Bagaimana Pelayanan angkutan umum di Kota Kuala Simpang rute Kuala Simpang-Pangkalan Brandan dan Apakah Hasil telah memenuhi standar yang telah di rekomendasikan World Bank dan Kementrian Perhubungan Darat. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriftif untuk menggambarkan masalah yangterjadi pada masa sekarang atau sedang berlangsung bertujuan nuntuk medeskripsikan apa-apa yang terjadi. Hasil dari faktor muat tertinggi mencapai 10.15%. Masih tergolong jauh dari nilai faktor muat yang telah direkomedasikan oleh ketetapan kementrian perhubungan darat yaitu 70%. Sedangkan untuk kecepatan 42.5 km/jam dan panjang lintasan mencapai 54 km sudah sesuai dengan Standar pelayanan minimal (SPM) dari peraturan Menteri Perhubungan No.PM.10 tahun 2012 tentang standar minimal angkutan massal berbasis jalan dengan ketentuan yang dinilainya di waktu puncak maksimal 30 km/jam dan waktu non puncak maksimal 50 km/jam. waktu perjalanan sudah sesuai dengan peraturan yang ada dengan waktu tempuh rata-rata 87 menit, standarnya yaitu 60-90 menit.Sedangkan untuk kualitas pelayanan pada angkutan umum dengan hasil tertinggi mencapai 5171 masuk pada kategori kinerja yang baik, dengan rentan jarak 4893 – 589
Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Standar Pertumbuhan WHO 2005 Berbasis Smartphone Android (PSG Balita) terhadap Kualitas Data Gizi
The importance of fulfilling nutritional status information based on individuals can be fulfilled by using an online application system for recording and reporting community-based nutrition. The need for interventions to support nutritional surveillance through nutritional status monitoring activities can be carried out by name by address. The research objective was to make an assessment using a PSG Balita software can improve data and information quality of nutritional status. A quasi-Experimental research design needs to be done with Electronic and manual intervention on two districts involving 24 nutritionists at the public health center. Primary and secondary data was collected through an interview and observations using a questionnaire. The training in the treatment group by using the tool a PSG Balita Software, and the control group used the book Kepmenkes RI No:1995/Menkes/SK/XII/2010. Information quality analysis is dependent on t-test and independent t-test, using the R. Intervention results of each group indicate increase the quality of nutrition information status (p-value<0,05). Group intervention use who anthro showing increased better (p-value<0,05) than manual intervention. Besides, recording and reporting outputs model based on electronics can release more information, and useful in nutrition program planning, monitoring, and evaluation. The use of electronic-based systems is better quality and more data analysis outputs, both for monitoring planning and nutrition program evaluation as well as decision-making support