7,682 research outputs found

    Homogeneous Field and WKB Approximation In Deformed Quantum Mechanics with Minimal Length

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    In the framework of the deformed quantum mechanics with minimal length, we consider the motion of a non-relativistic particle in a homogeneous external field. We find the integral representation for the physically acceptable wave function in the position representation. Using the method of steepest descent, we obtain the asymptotic expansions of the wave function at large positive and negative arguments. We then employ the leading asymptotic expressions to derive the WKB connection formula, which proceeds from classically forbidden region to classically allowed one through a turning point. By the WKB connection formula, we prove the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule up to O(Ξ²)\mathcal{O}(\beta). We also show that, if the slope of the potential at a turning point is too steep, the WKB connection formula fall apart around the turning point.Comment: 31 pages; v2: a new subsection about applications of WKB approximation and references added, published versio

    Testing Holographic Conjectures of Complexity with Born-Infeld Black Holes

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    In this paper, we use Born-Infeld black holes to test two recent holographic conjectures of complexity, the "Complexity = Action" (CA) duality and "Complexity = Volume 2.0" (CV) duality. The complexity of a boundary state is identified with the action of the Wheeler-deWitt patch in CA duality, while this complexity is identified with the spacetime volume of the WdW patch in CV duality. In particular, we check whether the Born-Infeld black holes violate the Lloyd bound: C˙≀2πℏ[(Mβˆ’QΞ¦)βˆ’(Mβˆ’QΞ¦)gs]\mathcal{\dot{C}\leq}\frac{2}{\pi\hbar}\left[ \left( M-Q\Phi\right) -\left( M-Q\Phi\right) _{\text{gs}}\right] , where gs stands for the ground state for a given electrostatic potential. We find that the ground states are either some extremal black hole or regular spacetime with nonvanishing charges. Near extremality, the Lloyd bound is violated in both dualities. Near the charged regular spacetime, this bound is satisfied in CV duality but violated in CA duality. When moving away from the ground state on a constant potential curve, the Lloyd bound tend to be saturated from below in CA duality, while CΛ™\mathcal{\dot{C}} is Ο€/2\pi/2 times as large as the Lloyd bound in CV duality.Comment: 25 papes, 15 figure

    Black Hole Radiation with Modified Dispersion Relation in Tunneling Paradigm: Static Frame

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    Due to the exponential high gravitational red shift near the event horizon of a black hole, it might appears that the Hawking radiation would be highly sensitive to some unknown high energy physics. To study possible deviations from the Hawking's prediction, the dispersive field theory models have been proposed, following the Unruh's hydrodynamic analogue of a black hole radiation. In the dispersive field theory models, the dispersion relations of matter fields are modified at high energies, which leads to modifications of equations of motion. In this paper, we use the Hamilton-Jacobi method to investigate the dispersive field theory models. The preferred frame is the static frame of the black hole. The dispersion relation adopted agrees with the relativistic one at low energies but is modified near the Planck mass mpm_{p}. We calculate the corrections to the Hawking temperature for massive and charged particles to O(mpβˆ’2)\mathcal{O}\left(m_{p}^{-2}\right) and massless and neutral particles to all orders. Our results suggest that the thermal spectrum of radiations near horizon is robust, e.g. corrections to the Hawking temperature are suppressed by mpm_{p}. After the spectrum of radiations near the horizon is obtained, we use the brick wall model to compute the thermal entropy of a massless scalar field near the horizon of a 4D spherically symmetric black hole. We find that the leading term of the entropy depends on how the dispersion relations of matter fields are modified, while the subleading logarithmic term does not. Finally, the luminosities of black holes are computed by using the geometric optics approximation.Comment: 49pages, 2 figures; updated to match journal versio

    Set Representations of Linegraphs

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    Let GG be a graph with vertex set V(G)V(G) and edge set E(G)E(G). A family S\mathcal{S} of nonempty sets {S1,…,Sn}\{S_1,\ldots,S_n\} is a set representation of GG if there exists a one-to-one correspondence between the vertices v1,…,vnv_1, \ldots, v_n in V(G)V(G) and the sets in S\mathcal{S} such that vivj∈E(G)v_iv_j \in E(G) if and only if S_i\cap S_j\neq \es. A set representation S\mathcal{S} is a distinct (respectively, antichain, uniform and simple) set representation if any two sets SiS_i and SjS_j in S\mathcal{S} have the property Siβ‰ SjS_i\neq S_j (respectively, Si⊈SjS_i\nsubseteq S_j, ∣Si∣=∣Sj∣|S_i|=|S_j| and ∣Si∩Sj∣⩽1|S_i\cap S_j|\leqslant 1). Let U(S)=⋃i=1nSiU(\mathcal{S})=\bigcup_{i=1}^n S_i. Two set representations S\mathcal{S} and Sβ€²\mathcal{S}' are isomorphic if Sβ€²\mathcal{S}' can be obtained from S\mathcal{S} by a bijection from U(S)U(\mathcal{S}) to U(Sβ€²)U(\mathcal{S}'). Let FF denote a class of set representations of a graph GG. The type of FF is the number of equivalence classes under the isomorphism relation. In this paper, we investigate types of set representations for linegraphs. We determine the types for the following categories of set representations: simple-distinct, simple-antichain, simple-uniform and simple-distinct-uniform
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