12,156 research outputs found

    Dynamics of critical collapse

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    Critical collapse of a massless scalar field in spherical symmetry is systematically studied. We combine numerical simulations and asymptotic analysis, and synthesize critical collapse, spacetime singularities, and complex science. First set of approximate analytic expressions near the center are obtained. We observe that, near the center, the spacetime is nearly conformally flat, the dynamics is not described by the Kasner solution, and the Kreschmann scalar is proportional to r^(-5.30), where r is the areal radius. These features are significantly different from those in black hole singularities. It is speculated that the scalar field in critical collapse may be a special standing wave.Comment: Title changed. 11 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Interior dynamics of neutral and charged black holes in f(R) gravity

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    In this paper, we explore the interior dynamics of neutral and charged black holes in f(R)f(R) gravity. We transform f(R)f(R) gravity from the Jordan frame into the Einstein frame and simulate scalar collapses in flat, Schwarzschild, and Reissner-Nordstr\"om geometries. In simulating scalar collapses in Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstr\"om geometries, Kruskal and Kruskal-like coordinates are used, respectively, with the presence of f′f' and a physical scalar field being taken into account. The dynamics in the vicinities of the central singularity of a Schwarzschild black hole and of the inner horizon of a Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole is examined. Approximate analytic solutions for different types of collapses are partially obtained. The scalar degree of freedom ϕ\phi, transformed from f′f', plays a similar role as a physical scalar field in general relativity. Regarding the physical scalar field in f(R)f(R) case, when dϕ/dtd\phi/dt is negative (positive), the physical scalar field is suppressed (magnified) by ϕ\phi, where tt is the coordinate time. For dark energy f(R)f(R) gravity, inside black holes, gravity can easily push f′f' to 11. Consequently, the Ricci scalar RR becomes singular, and the numerical simulation breaks down. This singularity problem can be avoided by adding an R2R^2 term to the original f(R)f(R) function, in which case an infinite Ricci scalar is pushed to regions where f′f' is also infinite. On the other hand, in collapse for this combined model, a black hole, including a central singularity, can be formed. Moreover, under certain initial conditions, f′f' and RR can be pushed to infinity as the central singularity is approached. Therefore, the classical singularity problem, which is present in general relativity, remains in collapse for this combined model.Comment: 35 pages, 22 figures. (Special Issue. Modified Gravity Cosmology: From Inflation to Dark Energy). Minor change. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1507.0180

    BPS M2M2-branes in AdS4×Q1,1,1AdS_4\times Q^{1, 1, 1} Dual to Loop Operators

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    In this paper, we first compute the Killing spinors of AdS4×Q1,1,1AdS_4\times Q^{1, 1, 1} and its certain orbifolds. Based on this, two classes of M2M2-brane solutions are found. The first class of solutions includes M2M2-branes dual to Wilson loops in the fundamental representation as special cases. The second class includes the candidates of the holographic description of vortex loops in the dual field theories.Comment: v6, typoes fixed, 14 pages, no figure
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