13,004 research outputs found

    Modelling Time-varying Dark Energy with Constraints from Latest Observations

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    We introduce a set of two-parameter models for the dark energy equation of state (EOS) w(z)w(z) to investigate time-varying dark energy. The models are classified into two types according to their boundary behaviors at the redshift z=(0,)z=(0,\infty) and their local extremum properties. A joint analysis based on four observations (SNe + BAO + CMB + H0H_0) is carried out to constrain all the models. It is shown that all models get almost the same χmin2469\chi^2_{min}\simeq 469 and the cosmological parameters (ΩM,h,Ωbh2)(\Omega_M, h, \Omega_bh^2) with the best-fit results (0.28,0.70,2.24)(0.28, 0.70, 2.24), although the constraint results on two parameters (w0,w1)(w_0, w_1) and the allowed regions for the EOS w(z)w(z) are sensitive to different models and a given extra model parameter. For three of Type I models which have similar functional behaviors with the so-called CPL model, the constrained two parameters w0w_0 and w1w_1 have negative correlation and are compatible with the ones in CPL model, and the allowed regions of w(z)w(z) get a narrow node at z0.2z\sim 0.2. The best-fit results from the most stringent constraints in Model Ia give (w0,w1)=(0.960.21+0.26,0.120.89+0.61)(w_0,w_1) = (-0.96^{+0.26}_{-0.21}, -0.12^{+0.61}_{-0.89}) which may compare with the best-fit results (w0,w1)=(0.970.18+0.22,0.151.33+0.85)(w_0,w_1) = (-0.97^{+0.22}_{-0.18}, -0.15^{+0.85}_{-1.33}) in the CPL model. For four of Type II models which have logarithmic function forms and an extremum point, the allowed regions of w(z)w(z) are found to be sensitive to different models and a given extra parameter. It is interesting to obtain two models in which two parameters w0w_0 and w1w_1 are strongly correlative and appropriately reduced to one parameter by a linear relation w1(1+w0)w_1 \propto (1+w_0).Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure

    Uncertainty relation in Schwarzschild spacetime

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    We explore the entropic uncertainty relation in the curved background outside a Schwarzschild black hole, and find that Hawking radiation introduces a nontrivial modification on the uncertainty bound for particular observer, therefore it could be witnessed by proper uncertainty game experimentally. We first investigate an uncertainty game between a free falling observer and his static partner holding a quantum memory initially entangled with the quantum system to be measured. Due to the information loss from Hawking decoherence, we find an inevitable increase of the uncertainty on the outcome of measurements in the view of static observer, which is dependent on the mass of the black hole, the distance of observer from event horizon, and the mode frequency of quantum memory. To illustrate the generality of this paradigm, we relate the entropic uncertainty bound with other uncertainty probe, e.g., time-energy uncertainty. In an alternative game between two static players, we show that quantum information of qubit can be transferred to quantum memory through a bath of fluctuating quantum fields outside the black hole. For a particular choice of initial state, we show that the Hawking decoherence cannot counteract entanglement generation after the dynamical evolution of system, which triggers an effectively reduced uncertainty bound that violates the intrinsic limit log2c-\log_2c. Numerically estimation for a proper choice of initial state shows that our result is comparable with possible real experiments. Finally, a discussion on the black hole firewall paradox in the context of entropic uncertainty relation is given.Comment: 11 pages, 2figures. Minor typos corrected, references and comment on the black hole firewall added. Matches the version to appear in Physics Letters

    Exact two-qubit universal quantum circuit

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    We provide an analytic way to implement any arbitrary two-qubit unitary operation, given an entangling two-qubit gate together with local gates. This is shown to provide explicit construction of a universal quantum circuit that exactly simulates arbitrary two-qubit operations in SU(4). Each block in this circuit is given in a closed form solution. We also provide a uniform upper bound of the applications of the given entangling gates, and find that exactly half of all the Controlled-Unitary gates satisfy the same upper bound as the CNOT gate. These results allow for the efficient implementation of operations in SU(4) required for both quantum computation and quantum simulation.Comment: 5 page

    Interaction of Copper-Amine With Southern Pine: Retention and Migration

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    The retention and leachability of copper in copper-amine (Cu-EA)-treated southern pine (SP) are influenced by the formulation and the composition of copper-amine treating solutions. The sources of copper used, Cu(OH)2, CuCO3, CuSO4, and Cu(NO3)2, in the copper-amine complex formulation affect the leachability of copper. Data show that copper-amine from CuSO4- and Cu(NO3)2-treated wood has less copper loss during laboratory water leaching than that from Cu(OH)2- and CuCO3-treated wood. Increasing the amine-to-copper molar ratio increases the copper retention by wood, but reduces the leach resistance of copper. The nature of amine ligands, such as monoethanolamine (primary amine), 2-methylamino-ethanol (secondary amine), and N, N-dimethyl-ethanolamine (tertiary amine), has some effect on copper retention and copper leaching. As the molecular weight of amine ligands increases, copper loss during leaching decreases

    Dynamics of a deformable body in a fast flowing soap film

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    We study the behavior of an elastic loop embedded in a flowing soap film. This deformable loop is wetted into the film and is held fixed at a single point against the oncoming flow. We interpret this system as a two-dimensional flexible body interacting in a two-dimensional flow. This coupled fluid-structure system shows bistability, with both stationary and oscillatory states. In its stationary state, the loop remains essentially motionless and its wake is a von K\'arm\'an vortex street. In its oscillatory state, the loop sheds two vortex dipoles, or more complicated vortical structures, within each oscillation period. We find that the oscillation frequency of the loop is linearly proportional to the flow velocity, and that the measured Strouhal numbers can be separated based on wake structure

    Variational Monte Carlo study of chiral spin liquid in the extended Heisenberg model on the Kagome lattice

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    We investigate the extended Heisenberg model on the Kagome lattice by using Gutzwiller projected fermionic states and the variational Monte Carlo technique. In particular, when both second- and third-neighbor super-exchanges are considered, we find that a gapped spin liquid described by non-trivial magnetic fluxes and long-range chiral-chiral correlations is energetically favored compared to the gapless U(1) Dirac state. Furthermore, the topological Chern number, obtained by integrating the Berry curvature, and the degeneracy of the ground state, by constructing linearly independent states, lead us to identify this flux state as the chiral spin liquid with C=1/2C=1/2 fractionalized Chern number.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Multiparty Quantum Secret Sharing Based on Entanglement Swapping

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    A multiparty quantum secret sharing (QSS) protocol is proposed by using swapping quantum entanglement of Bell states. The secret messages are imposed on Bell states by local unitary operations. The secret messages are split into several parts and each part is distributed to a party so that no action of a subset of all the parties but their entire cooperation is able to read out the secret messages. In addition, the dense coding is used in this protocol to achieve a high efficiency. The security of the present multiparty QSS against eavesdropping has been analyzed and confirmed even in a noisy quantum channel.Comment: 5 page

    Optimal quantum circuit synthesis from Controlled-U gates

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    From a geometric approach, we derive the minimum number of applications needed for an arbitrary Controlled-Unitary gate to construct a universal quantum circuit. A new analytic construction procedure is presented and shown to be either optimal or close to optimal. This result can be extended to improve the efficiency of universal quantum circuit construction from any entangling gate. Specifically, for both the Controlled-NOT and Double-CNOT gates, we develop simple analytic ways to construct universal quantum circuits with three applications, which is the least possible.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Dilaton Black Holes in de Sitter or Anti-de Sitter Universe

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    Poletti and Wiltshire have shown that, with the exception of a pure cosmological constant, the solution of a dilaton black hole in the background of de Sitter or anti-de Sitter universe, does not exist in the presence of one Liouville-type dilaton potential. Here with the combination of three Liouville-type dilaton potentials, we obtain the dilaton black hole solutions in the background of de Sitter or anti-de Sitter universe.Comment: 13 pages,to appear in Phys. Rev.